2,103 research outputs found

    Temperature-dependent Raman scattering of DyScO3 and GdScO3 single crystals

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    We report a temperature-dependent Raman scattering investigation of DyScO3 and GdScO3 single crystals from room temperature up to 1200 {\deg}C. With increasing temperature, all modes decrease monotonously in wavenumber without anomaly, which attests the absence of a structural phase transition. The high temperature spectral signature and extrapolation of band positions to higher temperatures suggest a decreasing orthorhombic distortion towards the ideal cubic structure. Our study indicates that this orthorhombic-to-cubic phase transition is close to or higher than the melting point of both rare-earth scandates (\approx 2100 {\deg}C), which might exclude the possibility of the experimental observation of such a phase transition before melting. The temperature-dependent shift of Raman phonons is also discussed in the context of thermal expansion

    Raman scattering of perovskite SmScO3 and NdScO3 single crystals

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    We report an investigation of perovskite-type SmScO3 and NdScO3 single crystals by Raman scattering in various scattering configurations and at different wavelengths. The reported Raman spectra, together with the phonon mode assignment, set the basis for the use of Raman scattering for the structural investigation of RE-scandates. Further to the phonon signature, a fluorescence signal is observed for both scandates and is particularly intense for NdScO3 when using a 488 or 514 nm excitation line. A comparison of Raman spectra of RE-scandates with literature Raman data on orthorhombic perovskites shows that the frequency of particular modes scales with the orthorhombic distortion in terms of the rotation (or tilt) angle of the ScO6 octahedr

    Phonon Raman scattering of perovskite LaNiO3 thin films

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    We report an investigation of perovskite-type LaNiO3 thin films by Raman scattering in both various scattering configurations and as a function of temperature. The room-temperature Raman spectra and the associated phonon mode assignment provide reference data for phonon calculations and for the use of Raman scattering for structural investigations of LaNiO3, namely the effect of strain in thin films or heterostructures. The temperature-dependent Raman spectra from 80 to 900 K are characterized by the softening of the rotational A1g mode, which suggest a decreasing rhombohedral distortion towards the ideal cubic structure with increasing temperature

    Theoretical study of impurity-induced magnetism in FeSe

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    Experimental evidence suggests that FeSe is close to a magnetic instability, and recent scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) measurements on FeSe multilayer films have revealed stripe order locally pinned near defect sites. Motivated by these findings, we perform a theoretical study of locally induced magnetic order near nonmagnetic impurities in a model relevant for FeSe. We find that relatively weak repulsive impurities indeed are capable of generating short-range magnetism, and explain the driving mechanism for the local order by resonant eg-orbital states. In addition, we investigate the importance of orbital-selective self-energy effects relevant for Hund's metals, and show how the structure of the induced magnetization cloud gets modified by orbital selectivity. Finally, we make concrete connection to STM measurements of iron-based superconductors by symmetry arguments of the induced magnetic order, and the basic properties of the Fe Wannier functions relevant for tunneling spectroscopy.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Temperature-dependent Raman scattering of KTa1-xNbxO3 thin films

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    We report a Raman scattering investigation of KTa1-xNbxO3 (x = 0.35, 0.5) thin films deposited on MgO and LaAlO3 as a function of temperature. The observed phase sequence in the range from 90 K to 720 K is similar to the structural phase transitions of the end-member material KNbO3. Although similar in the phase sequence, the actual temperatures observed for phase transition temperatures are significantly different from those observed in the literature for bulk samples. Namely, the tetragonal (ferroelectric) to cubic (paraelectric) phase transition is up to 50 K higher in the films when compared to bulk samples. This enhanced ferroelectricity is attributed to biaxial strain in the investigated thin films

    Robustness of Quasiparticle Interference Test for Sign-changing Gaps in Multiband Superconductors

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    Recently, a test for a sign-changing gap function in a candidate multiband unconventional superconductor involving quasiparticle interference data was proposed. The test was based on the antisymmetric, Fourier transformed conductance maps integrated over a range of momenta q\bf q corresponding to interband processes, which was argued to display a particular resonant form, provided the gaps changed sign between the Fermi surface sheets connected by q\bf q. The calculation was performed for a single impurity, however, raising the question of how robust this measure is as a test of sign-changing pairing in a realistic system with many impurities. Here we reproduce the results of the previous work within a model with two distinct Fermi surface sheets, and show explicitly that the previous result, while exact for a single nonmagnetic scatterer and also in the limit of a dense set of random impurities, can be difficult to implement for a few dilute impurities. In this case, however, appropriate isolation of a single impurity is sufficient to recover the expected result, allowing a robust statement about the gap signs to be made.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figure

    Model of Electronic Structure and Superconductivity in Orbitally Ordered FeSe

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    We provide a band structure with low-energy properties consistent with recent photoemission and quantum oscillations measurements on FeSe, assuming mean-field like s and/or d-wave orbital ordering at the structural transition. We show how the resulting model provides a consistent explanation of the temperature dependence of the measured Knight shift and the spin-relaxation rate. Furthermore, the superconducting gap structure obtained from spin fluctuation theory exhibits nodes on the electron pockets, consistent with the 'V'-shaped density of states obtained by tunneling spectroscopy on this material, and the temperature dependence of the London penetration depth. Our studies prove that the recent experimental observations of the electronic properties of FeSe are consistent with orbital order, but leave open the microscopic origin of the unusual band structure of this material.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures, T.B hopping error corrected, d-wave orbital order added, real space hoppings included in tex fil
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