1,128 research outputs found

    Time-dependent Photoionization of Gaseous Nebulae: the Pure Hydrogen Case

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    We study the problem of time-dependent photoionization of low density gaseous nebulae subjected to sudden changes in the intensity of ionizing radiation. To this end, we write a computer code that solves the full time-dependent energy balance, ionization balance, and radiation transfer equations in a self-consistent fashion for a simplified pure hydrogen case. It is shown that changes in the ionizing radiation yield ionization/thermal fronts that propagate through the cloud, but the propagation times and response times to such fronts vary widely and non-linearly from the illuminated face of the cloud to the ionization front (IF). Ionization/thermal fronts are often supersonic, and in slabs initially in pressure equilibrium such fronts yield large pressure imbalances that are likely to produce important dynamical effects in the cloud. Further, we studied the case of periodic variations in the ionizing flux. It is found that the physical conditions of the plasma have complex behaviors that differ from any steady-state solutions. Moreover, even the time average ionization and temperature is different from any steady-state case. This time average is characterized by over-ionization and a broader IF with respect to the steady-state solution for a mean value of the radiation flux. Around the time average of physical conditions there is large dispersion in instantaneous conditions, particularly across the IF, which increases with the period of radiation flux variations. Moreover, the variations in physical conditions are asynchronous along the slab due to the combination of non-linear propagation times for thermal/ionization fronts and equilibration times.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 36 pages, 12 figure

    The X-ray absorption spectrum of 4U1700-37 and its implications for the stellar wind of the companion HD153919

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    The first high resolution non-dispersive 2-60 KeV X-ray spectra of 4U1700-37 is presented. The continuum is typical of that found from X-ray pulsars; that is a flat power law between 2 and 10 keV and, beyond 10 keV, an exponential decay of characteristic energy varying between 10 and 20 keV. No X-ray pulsations were detected between 160 ms and 6 min with an amplitude greater than approximately 2%. The absorption measured at binary phases approximately 0.72 is comparable to that expected from the stellar wind of the primary. The gravitational capture of material in the wind is found to be more than enough to power the X-ray source. The increase in the average absorption after phi o approximately 0.5 is confirmed. The minimum level of adsorption is a factor of 2 or 3 lower than that reported by previous observers, which may be related to a factor of approximately 10 decline in the average X-ray luminosity over the same interval. Short term approximately 50% variations in adsorption are seen for the first time which appear to be loosely correlated with approximately 10 min flickering activity in the X-ray flux. These most likely originate from inhomogeneities in the stellar wind of the primary

    Spectral variability in early-type binary X-ray systems

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    Theoretical models for the ionization of trace elements in a strong stellar wind by a compact binary X-ray source and for the resulting orbital phase dependence of the emergent soft X-ray spectra and the profiles of ultraviolet resonance lines are presented. Model results agree qualitatively with the X-ray and ultraviolet spectra of the system 4U 0900-40/HD 77581 and explain the suppression of the absorption profiles of the Si IV upsilon 1394 and C IV upsilon 1548 lines when the X-ray sources is in front of the star. The model predicts that the absorption profiles of the N V upsilon 1239 and O VI upsilon 1032 lines will be enhanced rather than suppressed during this orbital phase. We predict phase-dependent linear polarization in the resonance lines profiles. Future observations of these phase dependent effects in early-type binary X-ray systems may be used to investigate the dynamics of stellar winds and their interactions with the X-ray source

    X-ray reflected spectra from accretion disk models. III. A complete grid of ionized reflection calculations

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    We present a new and complete library of synthetic spectra for modeling the component of emission that is reflected from an illuminated accretion disk. The spectra were computed using an updated version of our code XILLVER that incorporates new routines and a richer atomic data base. We offer in the form of a table model an extensive grid of reflection models that cover a wide range of parameters. Each individual model is characterized by the photon index \Gamma of the illuminating radiation, the ionization parameter \xi at the surface of the disk (i.e., the ratio of the X-ray flux to the gas density), and the iron abundance A_{Fe} relative to the solar value. The ranges of the parameters covered are: 1.2 \leq \Gamma \leq 3.4, 1 \leq \xi \leq 10^4, and 0.5 \leq A_{Fe} \leq 10. These ranges capture the physical conditions typically inferred from observations of active galactic nuclei, and also stellar-mass black holes in the hard state. This library is intended for use when the thermal disk flux is faint compared to the incident power-law flux. The models are expected to provide an accurate description of the Fe K emission line, which is the crucial spectral feature used to measure black hole spin. A total of 720 reflection spectra are provided in a single FITS file{\url{http://hea-www.cfa.harvard.edu/~javier/xillver/}} suitable for the analysis of X-ray observations via the atable model in XSPEC. Detailed comparisons with previous reflection models illustrate the improvements incorporated in this version of XILLVER.Comment: 70 pages, 21 figures, submitted to Ap

    Iron K Lines from Gamma Ray Bursts

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    We present models for reprocessing of an intense flux of X-rays and gamma rays expected in the vicinity of gamma ray burst sources. We consider the transfer and reprocessing of the energetic photons into observable features in the X-ray band, notably the K lines of iron. Our models are based on the assumption that the gas is sufficiently dense to allow the microphysical processes to be in a steady state, thus allowing efficient line emission with modest reprocessing mass and elemental abundances ranging from solar to moderately enriched. We show that the reprocessing is enhanced by down-Comptonization of photons whose energy would otherwise be too high to absorb on iron, and that pair production can have an effect on enhancing the line production. Both "distant" reprocessors such as supernova or wind remnants and "nearby" reprocessors such as outer stellar envelopes can reproduce the observed line fluxes with Fe abundances 30-100 times above solar, depending on the incidence angle. The high incidence angles required arise naturally only in nearby models, which for plausible values can reach Fe line to continuum ratios close to the reported values.Comment: 37 pages, 10 figures. Ap. J in pres