183 research outputs found


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    We aimed to determine the interdependence between functional and dynamic stability of young basketball players. Nineteen, young basketball players took part in the experiment. They were tested with Y Balance TestTM for functional stability and with *Drift protocol" of the Optojump Next System for dynamic stability. The correlation analysis showed interdependencies between functional balance testing and dynamic performance. The Composite Reach Score is highly associated with individual leg jump power. Also there are significant dependencies between jumping stability in AP and ML planes and reach distances in specified directions. Other significant correlations indicate the need for conducting functional testing in parallel with dynamic trials in order to achieve wider picture of the athletes perforrnance

    Rainwater propagation through snowpack during rain-on-snow sprinkling experiments under different snow conditions

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    The mechanisms of rainwater propagation and runoff generation during rain-on-snow (ROS) events are still insufficiently known. Understanding storage and transport of liquid water in natural snowpacks is crucial, especially for forecasting of natural hazards such as floods and wet snow avalanches. In this study, propagation of rainwater through snow was investigated by sprinkling experiments with deuterium-enriched water and applying an alternative hydrograph separation technique on samples collected from the snowpack runoff. This allowed us to quantify the contribution of rainwater, snowmelt and initial liquid water released from the snowpack. Four field experiments were carried out during winter 2015 in the vicinity of Davos, Switzerland. Blocks of natural snow were isolated from the surrounding snowpack to inhibit lateral exchange of water and were exposed to artificial rainfall using deuterium-enriched water. The experiments were composed of four 30 min periods of sprinkling, separated by three 30 min breaks. The snowpack runoff was continuously gauged and sampled periodically for the deuterium signature. At the onset of each experiment antecedent liquid water was first pushed out by the sprinkling water. Hydrographs showed four pronounced peaks corresponding to the four sprinkling bursts. The contribution of rainwater to snowpack runoff consistently increased over the course of the experiment but never exceeded 86 %. An experiment conducted on a non-ripe snowpack suggested the development of preferential flow paths that allowed rainwater to efficiently propagate through the snowpack limiting the time for mass exchange processes to take effect. In contrast, experiments conducted on ripe isothermal snowpack showed a slower response behaviour and resulted in a total runoff volume which consisted of less than 50 % of the rain input

    Control System for the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility

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    A new accelerator control system is being impfemented as part of the development of the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF), a first generation radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility. The pre-existing accelerator control systems are based on 1970's technology and addition or alteration of controls is cumbersome and costly. A new, unified control system for the cyclotron and tandem accelerators. the RIB injector, ion sources, and accelerator beam lines is based on a commercial product from Vista Control Systems. Inc. Several other accelerator facilities. as well as numerous industrial sites, are now using this system. The control system is distributed over a number of computers which communicate over Ethernet and is easily extensible. Presently. implementation at the HRIBF is based on VAXNMS. VAX/ELN, VME, and Allen-Bradley PLCS programmable logic controller architectures. Expansion to include UMX platforms and CAMAC hardware support is planned. Operator interface is via X-terminals. The system has proven to be quite powerful, yet it has been easy to implement with a small staff. A Vista users group has resulted in shared software to implement specific controls. This paper details present system features and future implementations at the HRIBF

    IGF1-Stimulated Posttraumatic Hippocampal Remodeling Is Not Dependent on mTOR

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    Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is stimulated acutely following traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, many hippocampal neurons born after injury develop abnormally and the number that survive long-term is debated. In experimental TBI, insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) promotes hippocampal neuronal differentiation, improves immature neuron dendritic arbor morphology, increases long-term survival of neurons born after TBI, and improves cognitive function. One potential downstream mediator of the neurogenic effects of IGF1 is mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), which regulates proliferation as well as axonal and dendritic growth in the CNS. Excessive mTOR activation is posited to contribute to aberrant plasticity related to posttraumatic epilepsy, spurring preclinical studies of mTOR inhibitors as therapeutics for TBI. The degree to which pro-neurogenic effects of IGF1 depend upon upregulation of mTOR activity is currently unknown. Using immunostaining for phosphorylated ribosomal protein S6, a commonly used surrogate for mTOR activation, we show that controlled cortical impact TBI triggers mTOR activation in the dentate gyrus in a time-, region-, and injury severity-dependent manner. Posttraumatic mTOR activation in the granule cell layer (GCL) and dentate hilus was amplified in mice with conditional overexpression of IGF1. In contrast, delayed astrocytic activation of mTOR signaling within the dentate gyrus molecular layer, closely associated with proliferation, was not affected by IGF1 overexpression. To determine whether mTOR activation is necessary for IGF1-mediated stimulation of posttraumatic hippocampal neurogenesis, wildtype and IGF1 transgenic mice received the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin daily beginning at 3 days after TBI, following pulse labeling with bromodeoxyuridine. Compared to wildtype mice, IGF1 overexpressing mice exhibited increased posttraumatic neurogenesis, with a higher density of posttrauma-born GCL neurons at 10 days after injury. Inhibition of mTOR did not abrogate IGF1-stimulated enhancement of posttraumatic neurogenesis. Rather, rapamycin treatment in IGF1 transgenic mice, but not in WT mice, increased numbers of cells labeled with BrdU at 3 days after injury that survived to 10 days, and enhanced the proportion of posttrauma-born cells that differentiated into neurons. Because beneficial effects of IGF1 on hippocampal neurogenesis were maintained or even enhanced with delayed inhibition of mTOR, combination therapy approaches may hold promise for TBI

    An 8.22 Mb Assembly and Annotation of the Alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Y Chromosome.

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    The unique evolutionary dynamics and complex structure make the Y chromosome the most diverse and least understood region in the mammalian genome, despite its undisputable role in sex determination, development, and male fertility. Here we present the first contig-level annotated draft assembly for the alpaca (Vicugna pacos) Y chromosome based on hybrid assembly of short- and long-read sequence data of flow-sorted Y. The latter was also used for cDNA selection providing Y-enriched testis transcriptome for annotation. The final assembly of 8.22 Mb comprised 4.5 Mb of male specific Y (MSY) and 3.7 Mb of the pseudoautosomal region. In MSY, we annotated 15 X-degenerate genes and two novel transcripts, but no transposed sequences. Two MSY genes, HSFY and RBMY, are multicopy. The pseudoautosomal boundary is located between SHROOM2 and HSFY. Comparative analysis shows that the small and cytogenetically distinct alpaca Y shares most of MSY sequences with the larger dromedary and Bactrian camel Y chromosomes. Most of alpaca X-degenerate genes are also shared with other mammalian MSYs, though WWC3Y is Y-specific only in alpaca/camels and the horse. The partial alpaca Y assembly is a starting point for further expansion and will have applications in the study of camelid populations and male biology

    Genetic variability in the Skyros pony and its relationship with other Greek and foreign horse breeds

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    In Greece, seven native horse breeds have been identified so far. Among these, the Skyros pony is outstanding through having a distinct phenotype. In the present study, the aim was to assess genetic diversity in this breed, by using different types of genetic loci and available genealogical information. Its relationships with the other Greek, as well as foreign, domestic breeds were also investigated. Through microsatellite and pedigree analysis it appeared that the Skyros presented a similar level of genetic diversity to the other European breeds. Nevertheless, comparisons between DNA-based and pedigree-based results revealed that a loss of genetic diversity had probably already occurred before the beginning of breed registration. Tests indicated the possible existence of a recent bottleneck in two of the three main herds of Skyros pony. Nonetheless, relatively high levels of heterozygosity and Polymorphism Information Content indicated sufficient residual genetic variability, probably useful in planning future strategies for breed conservation. Three other Greek breeds were also analyzed. A comparison of these with domestic breeds elsewhere, revealed the closest relationships to be with the Middle Eastern types, whereas the Skyros itself remained isolated, without any close relationship, whatsoever

    A Lagrangian Description of the Higher-Order Painlev\'e Equations

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    We derive the Lagrangians of the higher-order Painlev\'e equations using Jacobi's last multiplier technique. Some of these higher-order differential equations display certain remarkable properties like passing the Painlev\'e test and satisfy the conditions stated by Jur\'asˇ\check{s}, (Acta Appl. Math. 66 (2001) 25--39), thus allowing for a Lagrangian description.Comment: 16 pages, to be published in Applied Mathematics and Computatio
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