1,082 research outputs found

    Theoretical optical and x-ray spectra of liquid and solid H_2O

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    Theoretical optical and x-ray spectra of model structures of water and ice are calculated using a many-body perturbation theory, Bethe-Salpeter equation (BSE) approach implemented in the valence- and core-excitation codes AI2NBSE and OCEAN. These codes use ab initio density functional theory wave functions from a plane-wave, pseudopotential code, quasi-particle self energy corrections, and a BSE treatment of particle-hole interactions. The approach improves upon independent-particle methods through the inclusion of a complex, energy-dependent self energy and screened particle-hole interactions to account for inelastic losses and excitonic effects. These many-body effects are found to be crucial for quantitative calculations of ice and water spectra

    Cumulant expansion for phonon contributions to the electron spectral function

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    We describe an approach for calculations of phonon contributions to the electron spectral function, including both quasiparticle properties and satellites. The method is based on a cumulant expansion for the retarded one-electron Green's function and a many-pole model for the electron self-energy. The electron-phonon couplings are calculated from the Eliashberg functions, and the phonon density of states is obtained from a Lanczos representation of the phonon Green's function. Our calculations incorporate ab initio dynamical matrices and electron-phonon couplings from the density functional theory code ABINIT. Illustrative results are presented for several elemental metals and for Einstein and Debye models with a range of coupling constants. These are compared with experiment and other theoretical models. Estimates of corrections to Migdal's theorem are obtained by comparing with leading order contributions to the self-energy, and are found to be significant only for large electron-phonon couplings at low temperatures

    Bethe-Salpeter Equation Calculations of Core Excitation Spectra

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    We present a hybrid approach for GW/Bethe-Salpeter Equation (BSE) calculations of core excitation spectra, including x-ray absorption (XAS), electron energy loss spectra (EELS), and non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (NRIXS). The method is based on {\it ab initio} wavefunctions from the plane-wave pseudopotential code ABINIT; atomic core-level states and projector augmented wave (PAW) transition matrix elements; the NIST core-level BSE solver; and a many-pole GW self-energy model to account for final-state broadening and self-energy shifts. Multiplet effects are also accounted for. The approach is implemented using an interface dubbed OCEAN (Obtaining Core Excitations using ABINIT and NBSE). To demonstrate the utility of the code we present results for the K-edges in LiF as probed by XAS and NRIXS, the K-edges of KCl as probed by XAS, the Ti L_2,3-edge in SrTiO_3 as probed by XAS, and the Mg L_2,3-edge in MgO as probed by XAS. We compare the results to experiments and results obtained using other theoretical approaches
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