159 research outputs found

    Protection Capacity of Kaffir Lime (Citrus Hystrix) Peel Extract Against Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever Mosquitoes

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    The use of chemicals as mosquitos repellent may cause health problems. Extract of caffir lime (Citrus hystrix) as mosquitoes can be used as another option.The present study was aimed to analyze the protection capacity of C. hystrix against Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus. The experimental study using completely randomized design was done. The obtained data were calculated using the protection capacity formula and analyzed using t-test. The result indicated that protection capacity of Citrus hystrix extract for 6 hours on average gave 34.82% of protection against Ae. aegypti and 41,44% of Ae. albopictus.The caffir lime extract has been able to reject the mosquitoes, Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Although the thrust of the caffir lime is not as good as chemical products, butit can be used as alternative mosquitoes repellent

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Wanprestasi Dalam Hal Hutang Piutang

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    Kaselan S.Hut has lent money to Abdul Wahid bin Kosmol with the amount of money of Rp. 162,000,000. But abdul wahid bin kosmol wanprestasi until finally to the court but in the trial, the “majelis hakim” did not consider the willingness shown by abdul Wahid to pay off the debts to kaselan. The problem of the study was how the judges\u27s legal considerations in deciding cases Number 1372 K / PDT / 2008 and how about a way to prove the case Number 1372 K / PDT / 2008. Furthermore, the method of this journal was the type of normative research, the source data obtained from three parts of Primary Legal Material, the decision of the Supreme Court and the “Perdata" case No. 1372 K / PDT / 2008, secondary law materials from books and “hukum tersier”. From the results, its can be explained that the “majelis hakim mahkamah agung” in conducting examination of cases Number 1372 K / PDT / 2008 has been through legal procedures as defined by the law. However, in giving legal consideration in deciding the judgment only based on the validity of the agreement made by both parties, regardless of the "eksepsi" filed by the defendant, because the defendant also has good willingness and proven by the payment of the debt in several times. In reviewing the instruments of evidence the “majelis hakim mahkamah agung” only concerns for the evidence presented by the plaintiff, whereas the witness evidence presented by the defendant is not a part of assessment of the “majelis hakim”

    Tinjauan Yuridis Terhadap Wanprestasi Dalam Hal Hutang Piutang

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    Kaselan S.Hut has lent money to Abdul Wahid bin Kosmol with the amount of money of Rp. 162,000,000. But abdul wahid bin kosmol wanprestasi until finally to the court but in the trial, the “majelis hakim” did not consider the willingness shown by abdul Wahid to pay off the debts to kaselan. The problem of the study was how the judges's legal considerations in deciding cases Number 1372 K / PDT / 2008 and how about a way to prove the case Number 1372 K / PDT / 2008. Furthermore, the method of this journal was the type of normative research, the source data obtained from three parts of Primary Legal Material, the decision of the Supreme Court and the “Perdata" case No. 1372 K / PDT / 2008, secondary law materials from books and “hukum tersier”. From the results, its can be explained that the “majelis hakim mahkamah agung” in conducting examination of cases Number 1372 K / PDT / 2008 has been through legal procedures as defined by the law. However, in giving legal consideration in deciding the judgment only based on the validity of the agreement made by both parties, regardless of the "eksepsi" filed by the defendant, because the defendant also has good willingness and proven by the payment of the debt in several times. In reviewing the instruments of evidence the “majelis hakim mahkamah agung” only concerns for the evidence presented by the plaintiff, whereas the witness evidence presented by the defendant is not a part of assessment of the “majelis hakim”

    Indeks Entomologi dan Kerentanan Larva Aedes Aegypti terhadap Temefos di Kelurahan Karsamenak Kecamatan Kawalu Kota Tasikmalaya

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    One effort for controlling Aedes aegypti as dengue vector is using synthetic larvacide such as temephos. Utilization of temephos continuously and repeatedly a risk factor for resistance. The objective of this study were to determine the entomology index and susceptibility of Ae. aegypti larvae against temephos in endemic areas of dengue fever in the Karsamenak District Kawalu of Tasikmalaya. The research was a true experimental study with a complete randomized design. The population were the larvae of Ae. aegypti were derived from 289 houses of resident in the Village Karsamenak and the sample was 700 larvae of Ae. aegypti strains Karsamenak. The Bioassay used Elliot and Polson method with diagnostic dose 0,02 ppm (WHO). The results showed that House Index (HI) was 24.9, Container Index (CI) was 9.05, Breteau Index (BI) was 29.07, and Density Figure (DF) was 4. Larvae Ae. aegypti commonly found in the bathtub container. And then for killing 95% Ae. aegypti larvae, concentration temephos (LC95) 0.02416 ppm (0.01917 to 0.03330 ppm) and RR95 3.02 are needed. The Karsamenak including of potential site for Dengue Haemorhagic Fever transmition, and larvae of Ae. aegypti was indicated resistant to temphos

    Fertilitas Dan Persentase Embrio Kerbau Sampai Morula Yang Dikultur Dengan Penambahan Glutathione Secara in Vitro

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    The concentration of high fat content in buffalo embryo culture media is very influential on the increase in oxidative stress that occurs in conditions of in vitro. The occurrence of increased oxidative stress in the process of embryo culture in vitro, would result in lower percentage of embryo culture until the morula stage (32) cells. The purpose of this study was to determine the percentage of fertilized oocytes supplemented with glutathione. To know the development of the embryo until the morula stage (32) cells were cultured in the culture medium supplemented with glutathione (GSH). To determine the viability of morula stage embryo or 32 cells. The materials used in this study is ovarian buffaloes and methods used in this study is an experimental method in the laboratory. Based on these results it can be concluded that the addition of glutathione 1.5 mM in media oocyte maturation buffalo in vitro provide a significant influence on the percentage of maturation ie (P <0:01) or 62.5% and in line with the high percentage of oocytes matured in treatment increase glutathione 1.5 mM, then the percentage of oocytes were successfully fertilized also higher, namely 88.98%. Furthermore, the addition of 3 mM glutathione in embryo culture media in vitro buffalo give a significant influence on the percentage of embryo development to the morula stage or cell 32, namely (P <0.01) in, or 40.73%

    Daya Proteksi Ekstrak Kulit Jeruk Purut (Citrus Hystrix) Terhadap Nyamuk Demam Berdarah

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    . The used of chemicals as mosquitos repellent may causing health problems. Extract of caffir lime (Citrus hystrix) as mosquitos repellent can be used as another option. The study aimed to analyze the protection capacity of C. hystrix against Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Experimental studies using completely randomized design was done. The obtained data were calculated using the protection capacity formula and analysed using t-test. The result indicated that protection capacity of Citrus hystrix extract for 6 hours on average gave 34.82% of protection against Ae. aegypti and 41.44% of Ae. albopictus. The caffir lime extract has been able to reject Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus. Although the thrust of the caffir lime is not as good as chemical products, but can be use as alternative mosquitoes repellent

    Konsentrasi Letal (LC50-48 Jam) Logam Tembaga (Cu) dan Logam Kadmium (Cd) terhadap Tingkat Mortalitas Juwana Kuda Laut (Hippocampus Spp)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat toksisitas logam tembaga (Cu) dan logam kadmium (Cd) dengan menentukan nilai LC50 - 48 jam terhadap juwana kuda laut (Hippocampus spp) sehingga kita dapat mengetahui nilai konsentrasi yang dibutuhkan untuk mematikan 50% dari organisme uji. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental laboratories dengan pemberian 6 variasi konsentrasi untuk tiap logam, yaitu untuk logam Cu: 0 ppm, 1,584 ppm, 2,509 ppm, 3,974 ppm, 6,294 ppm, 9,968 ppm dan untuk logam Cd: 0 ppm, 0,1585 ppm, 0, 2512 ppm, 0,3981 ppm, 0,6308 ppm, 0,9999 ppm. Pelaksanaan penelitian diawali dengan tahap aklimatisasi hewan uji, kemudian diperlakukan dengan konsentrasi bertingkat dan dilakukan dalam waktu 48 jam. Jumlah hewan uji yang mati diplotkan terhadap konsentrasi logam yang diberikan dan didapatkan hubungan positif untuk Cu (R2 = 0, 5879) dengan persamaan regresi linear y = 3, 6979 + 3, 9063x yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung nilai LC50 dan diperoleh 2,11 ppm dan untuk Cd (R2 = 0, 6126) dengan persamaan regresi linear y = 6, 6050 + 3, 4171x yang dapat digunakan untuk menghitung nilai LC50 dan diperoleh 0,36 ppm

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Vb SD Negeri 62 Pekanbaru

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    This research aims to improve grade V student\u27s maths learningachievement at SDN 62 Pekanbaru academic year 2014/ 2015 through “ Application of the model direct learning”. Setting of the problem is “ is the application of the model direct learning can improve grade V student\u27s maths learning achievement at SDN 62 Pekanbaru”. This research was conducted in February. The number of students are 32 students which contain of 18 boys and 14 girls. This research is classroom action research which contains of three cycles. Each cycles consist of 2 meeting. Parameter of the research is involved students learning achievement after the action in each cycles (daily test I, II,). Instrument of the research contains of learning tools (syllabus, RPP, LKS, LLL, learning result paper sheet). Observation of student and teacher activity sheet. Data of the research will analyze descriptively. Research data show that learning achievement has increased.Where prior to the application of the model direct learning as much as any 12 students (37,5%)scored daily test is above or equal to the minimum completeness criteria (KKM). It was improved to 65% after using the application of the model direct learning in first cycle. In the second cycle increased 90%. Activities of the student during the learning process (I, II cycles) is can be categorized very well by an average 87,5%. From the explanation above shows that application of the model direct learning can be improving grade V students maths learning achievement at SDN 62 Pekanbaru

    Status Resistensi Aedes Aegypti (Linn.) Terhadap Organofosfat Di Tiga Kotamadya DKI Jakarta

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    High cases of Dengue Fever in Jakarta increased efforts to control the population of Aedes aegypti by using insecticides. Insecticides which are often used in that control are malathion and temefos which derived from the class of organophospat. Associated with resistance in many areas, the purpose of this article is to know the susceptibility of Ae. aegypti in endemic areas in Jakarta to insecticide malathion and temefos. This study was an observational study with cross sectional design. Research sites in nine Puskesmas in East Jakarta, West Jakarta and South Jakarta. The study population was all the houses located in highest endemic area in nine regions of Puskesmas. Sample survey in the form of 100 homes / buildings in each area. Larvae survey conducted in the home / building, then the larvae obtained were collected for later colonization to 3rd generation. Susceptibility test to 0.8% malathion is done by using impregnated paper refers to the WHO method, whereas susceptibility test to temefos test was conducted by elliot. Result of this research shows that in all research areas have been resistant to organophosphate insecticides (Temefos and Malathion 0.8%). The use in the long term is suspected to be the cause of resistance to the insecticide malathion Ae.aegypti 0.8% and temefos 0,02ppm
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