878 research outputs found

    Development of advanced digital techniques for data acquisition processing and communication Interim scientific report

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    Image correlation and computerized simulation applied to data acquisition and imaging technique

    Virial Masses of Black Holes from Single Epoch Spectra of AGN

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    We describe the general problem of estimating black hole masses of AGN by calculating the conditional probability distribution of M_BH given some set of observables. Special attention is given to the case where one uses the AGN continuum luminosity and emission line widths to estimate M_BH, and we outline how to set up the conditional probability distribution of M_BH given the observed luminosity, line width, and redshift. We show how to combine the broad line estimates of M_BH with information from an intrinsic correlation between M_BH and L, and from the intrinsic distribution of M_BH, in a manner that improves the estimates of M_BH. Simulation was used to assess how the distribution of M_BH inferred from the broad line mass estimates differs from the intrinsic distribution, and we find that this can lead to an inferred distribution that is too broad. We use these results and a sample of 25 sources that have recent reverberation mapping estimates of AGN black hole masses to investigate the effectiveness of using the C IV emission line to estimate M_BH and to indirectly probe the C IV region size--luminosity (R--L) relationship. We estimated M_BH from both C IV and H-Beta for a sample of 100 sources, including new spectra of 29 quasars. We find that the two emission lines give consistent estimates if one assumes R \propto L^{1/2}_{UV} for both lines.Comment: 38 pages, 6 figures, accepted by Ap

    Absorption spectrum of the quasar HS1603+3820 I. Observations and data analysis

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    We present the analysis of multi-wavelength observations of bright quasar HS1603+3820: the optical data taken with the MMT and Keck telescopes, and X-ray data obtained with the Chandra X-ray Observatory. The optical spectra contain a very large number of absorption lines from numerous heavy elements. We derived X-ray properties of HS1603. The quasar has the optical-to-X-ray slope index alpha_ox of 1.70, which is on the high end of the typical range for radio quiet QSOs. We found 49 individual heavy element absorption clouds, which can be grouped into eleven distinct systems. We determined column densities and redshifts of the individual components. Absorbers from the associated system which is likely spatially closest to the QSO show large CIV to HI column density ratio, reaching ca.20.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 17 pages, 11 figures, 5 table

    The development of advanced digital techniques for data acquisition processing and communication Interim scientific report

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    Digital techniques for characterization of image sources, second order interpolation, sensitivity of compressed pictures to error, and simulation of mapping technique

    A Proto-Galaxy Candidate at z=2.7 Discovered by Its Young Stellar Population

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    A protogalaxy candidate at z=2.72 has been discovered serendipitously by the CNOC cluster redshift survey. The candidate is an extremely luminous (V=20.5 mag, absolute mag -26) and well resolved disk-like galaxy. The redshift is identified from a dozen strong UV absorption lines. No emission lines are found between 1000 and 2000A (rest), including Ly alpha. The photometric data fit the spectral energy distributions of a stellar population from 400 million years to an arbitrarily young age, dependent on the amount of dust extinction. However, the presence of a strong P-Cygni profile in CIV~indicates that a very substantial component of the stellar population must be younger than ~ 10 Myr. We interpret this object as an early-type galaxy observed within about 100 million years of the initial burst of star formation which created most of its stellar mass. Because of the resolved, regular, and smooth nature of the object, it is unlikely that the high luminosity is due to gravitational lensing.Comment: 31 page, Latex file with 9 encapsulated figures, requiring aasppt.sty and epsf.sty (included). Full uuencoded ps file available from: http://manaslu.astro.utoronto.ca/~carlberg/cnoc/general.html Accepted by Astronomical Journal, in press, May 199

    An Observational Determination of the Proton to Electron Mass Ratio in the Early Universe

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    In an effort to resolve the discrepancy between two measurements of the fundamental constant mu, the proton to electron mass ratio, at early times in the universe we reanalyze the same data used in the earlier studies. Our analysis of the molecular hydrogen absorption lines in archival VLT/UVES spectra of the damped Lyman alpha systems in the QSOs Q0347-383 and Q0405-443 yields a combined measurement of a (Delta mu)/mu value of (-7 +/- 8) x 10^{-6}, consistent with no change in the value of mu over a time span of 11.5 gigayears. Here we define (Delta mu) as (mu_z - mu_0) where mu_z is the value of mu at a redshift of z and mu_0 is the present day value. Our null result is consistent with the recent measurements of King et al. 2009, (Delta mu)/u = (2.6 +/- 3.0) x 10^{-6}, and inconsistent with the positive detection of a change in mu by Reinhold et al. 2006. Both of the previous studies and this study are based on the same data but with differing analysis methods. Improvements in the wavelength calibration over the UVES pipeline calibration is a key element in both of the null results. This leads to the conclusion that the fundamental constant mu is unchanged to an accuracy of 10^{-5} over the last 80% of the age of the universe, well into the matter dominated epoch. This limit provides constraints on models of dark energy that invoke rolling scalar fields and also limits the parameter space of Super Symmetric or string theory models of physics. New instruments, both planned and under construction, will provide opportunities to greatly improve the accuracy of these measurements.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa