1,631 research outputs found

    High Temperature Partition Function of the Rigid String

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    We find that the high temperature limit of the free energy per unit length for the rigid string agrees dimensionally with that of the QCD string (unlike the Nambu-Goto string). The sign, and in fact the phase, do not agree. While this may be a clue to a string theory of QCD, we note that the problem of the fourth derivative action makes it impossible for the rigid string to be a correct description.Comment: 7 page

    Path integral evaluation of Dbrane amplitudes

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    We extend Polchinski's evaluation of the measure for the one-loop closed string path integral to open string tree amplitudes with boundaries and crosscaps embedded in Dbranes. We explain how the nonabelian limit of near-coincident Dbranes emerges in the path integral formalism. We give a careful path integral derivation of the cylinder amplitude including the modulus dependence of the volume of the conformal Killing group.Comment: Extended version replacing hep-th/9903184, includes discussion of nonabelian limit, Latex, 10 page

    Dynamical Casimir effect for gravitons in bouncing braneworlds

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    We consider a two-brane system in a five-dimensional anti-de Sitter spacetime. We study particle creation due to the motion of the physical brane which first approaches the second static brane (contraction) and then recedes from it(expansion). The spectrum and the energy density of the generated gravitons are calculated. We show that the massless gravitons have a blue spectrum and that their energy density satisfies the nucleosynthesis bound with very mild constraints on the parameters. We also show that the Kaluza-Klein modes cannot provide the dark matter in an anti-de-Sitter braneworld. However, for natural choices of parameters, backreaction from the Kaluza-Klein gravitons may well become important. The main findings of this work have been published in the form of a Letter [R. Durrer and M. Ruser, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 071601 (2007), arXiv:0704.0756].Comment: 40 pages, 34 figures, improved and extended version, matches published versio

    Dirichlet Boundary State in Linear Dilaton Background

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    Dirichlet-branes have emerged as important objects in studying nonperturbative string theory. It is important to generalize these objects to more general backgrounds other than the usual flat background. The simplest case is the linear dilaton condensate. The usual Dirichlet boundary condition violates conformal invariance in such a background. We show that by switching on a certain boundary interaction, conformal invariance is restored. An immediate application of this result is to two dimensional string theory.Comment: 6 pages, harvmac, some remarks are modified and one reference is added, formulas remain the sam

    (In)validity of large N orientifold equivalence

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    It has been argued that the bosonic sectors of supersymmetric SU(N) Yang-Mills theory, and of QCD with a single fermion in the antisymmetric (or symmetric) tensor representation, are equivalent in the N→∞N\to\infty limit. If true, this correspondence can provide useful insight into properties of real QCD (with fundamental representation fermions), such as predictions [with O(1/N) corrections] for the non-perturbative vacuum energy, the chiral condensate, and a variety of other observables. Several papers asserting to have proven this large N ``orientifold equivalence'' have appeared. By considering theories compactified on R3×S1R^3 \times S^1, we show explicitly that this large N equivalence fails for sufficiently small radius, where our analysis is reliable, due to spontaneous symmetry breaking of charge conjugation symmetry in QCD with an antisymmetric (or symmetric) tensor representation fermion. This theory is also chirally symmetric for small radius, unlike super-Yang-Mills. The situation is completely analogous to large-N equivalences based on orbifold projections: simple symmetry realization conditions are both necessary and sufficient for the validity of the large N equivalence. Whether these symmetry realization conditions are satisfied depends on the specific non-perturbative dynamics of the theory under consideration. Unbroken charge conjugation symmetry is necessary for validity of the large N orientifold equivalence. Whether or not this condition is satisfied on R4R^4 (or R3×S1 R^3 \times S^1 for sufficiently large radius) is not currently known.Comment: 23 pages, added discussion of P, T symmetry realizatio

    Cosmological implications of an evolutionary quantum gravity

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    The cosmological implications of an evolutionary quantum gravity are analyzed in the context of a generic inhomogeneous model. The Schr\"{o}dinger problem is formulated and solved in the presence of a scalar field, an ultrarelativistic matter and a perfect gas regarded as the dust-clock. Considering the actual phenomenology, it is shown how the evolutionary approach overlaps the Wheeler-DeWitt one.Comment: 4 pages; to appear in the proceedings of the II Stueckelberg Workshop, Int.J.Mod.Phys.A, references adde

    Quantum Kalb-Ramond Field in D-dimensional de Sitter Spacetimes

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    In this work we investigate the quantum theory of the Kalb-Ramond fields propagating in D−D-dimensional de Sitter spacetimes using the dynamic invariant method developed by Lewis and Riesenfeld [J. Math. Phys. 10, 1458 (1969)] to obtain the solution of the time-dependent Schr\"odinger equation. The wave function is written in terms of a c−c-number quantity satisfying of the Milne-Pinney equation, whose solution can be expressed in terms of two independent solutions of the respective equation of motion. We obtain the exact solution for the quantum Kalb-Ramond field in the de Sitter background and discuss its relation with the Cremmer-Scherk-Kalb-Ramond model

    Dual Actions for Born-Infeld and Dp-Brane Theories

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    Dual actions with respect to U(1) gauge fields for Born-Infeld and DpDp-brane theories are reexamined. Taking into account an additional condition, i.e. a corollary to the field equation of the auxiliary metric, one obtains an alternative dual action that does not involve the infinite power series in the auxiliary metric given by ref. \cite{s14}, but just picks out the first term from the series formally. New effective interactions of the theories are revealed. That is, the new dual action gives rise to an effective interaction in terms of one interaction term rather than infinite terms of different (higher) orders of interactions physically. However, the price paid for eliminating the infinite power series is that the new action is not quadratic but highly nonlinear in the Hodge dual of a (p−1)(p-1)-form field strength. This non-linearity is inevitable to the requirement the two dual actions are equivalent.Comment: v1: 11 pages, no figures; v2: explanation of effective interactions added; v3: concision made; v4: minor modification mad

    A finite cutoff on the string worldsheet?

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    D-brane backgrounds are specified in closed string theories by holes with appropriate mixed Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on the string worldsheet. As presently stated, the prescription defining D-brane backgrounds is such that the Einstein equation is not equivalent to the condition for scale invariance on the string worldsheet. A modified D-brane prescription is found, that leads to the desired equivalence, while preserving all known D-brane lore. A possible interpretation is that the worldsheet cutoff is finite. Possible connections to recent work of Maldacena and Strominger, and Gopakumar and Vafa are suggested.Comment: 7 pages, RevTex; v2: typos corrected, superstring calculation included, discussion expanded - to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Creation of Fundamental Strings by Crossing D-branes

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    We study the force balance between orthogonally positioned pp-brane and (8−p)(8-p)-brane. The force due to graviton and dilaton exchange is repulsive in this case. We identify the attractive force that balances this repulsion as due to one-half of a fundamental string stretched between the branes. As the pp-brane passes through the (8−p)(8-p)-brane, the connecting string changes direction, which may be interpreted as creation of one fundamental string. We show this directly from the structure of the Chern-Simons terms in the D-brane effective actions. We also discuss the effect of string creation on the 0-brane quantum mechanics in the type I' theory. The creation of a fundamental string is related by U-duality to the creation of a 3-brane discussed by Hanany and Witten. Both processes have a common origin in M-theory: as two M5-branes with one common direction cross, a M2-brane stretched between them is created.Comment: 6 pages, Late
