61,878 research outputs found

    Standard Model Higgs Search in the Four Jet Channel at LEP

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    The Standard Model Higgs boson was searched for at LEP, by the four collaborations in the year 2000, at centre-of-mass energies from 200-209GeV. An excess of events, potentially compatible with the production of a Higgs boson of mass ~115GeV was observed, largely in the four-jet channel. The search in this channel is discussed in this letter.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    How should fracking research be funded?

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    The use of hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) to extract oil or gas from shales is a subject of controversy. There are many scientific questions about the risks associated with the technique, and much research remains to be done. ReFINE (Researching Fracking In Europe) is a research consortium led by Newcastle University and Durham University in the UK, focusing on the environmental impacts of shale gas and oil exploitation using fracking methods. The project was established to answer questions raised by members of the public across Europe on the risks of fracking. It aims to inform the debate surrounding fracking by undertaking scientific research, which will be peer-reviewed and openly accessible. This case study discusses the structure of ReFINE and the issues associated with using funding from oil and gas companies to support the research

    Nonlinear conductance quantization in graphene ribbons

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    We present numerical studies of non-linear conduction in graphene nanoribbons when a bias potential is applied between the source and drain electrodes. We find that the conductance quantization plateaus show asymmetry between the electron and hole branches if the potential in the ribbon equals the source or drain electrode potential and strong electron (hole) scattering occurs. The scattering may be at the ends of a uniform ballistic ribbon connecting wider regions of graphene or may be due to defects in the ribbon. We argue that, in ribbons with strong defect scattering, the ribbon potential is pinned to that of the drain (source) for electron (hole) transport. In this case symmetry between electron and hole transport is restored and our calculations explain the upward shift of the conductance plateaus with increasing bias that was observed experimentally by Lin et al. [Phys. Rev. B 78, 161409 (2008)].Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Varieties of liberalism: Anglo-Saxon capitalism in crisis?

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    ‘Global financial crisis’ is an inaccurate description of the current upheaval in the world’s financial markets. The initial banking crisis did not affect all countries to the same degree. Notably, while the US and UK banking systems were badly hit, those of the other two major Anglo-Saxon economies, Canada and Australia, remain largely unscathed and have even gained in terms of global market share. The national business systems and comparative corporate governance literatures underscore the similarities among these four ‘liberal market economies’ (LMEs) and would predict similar trajectories. This paper investigates the reasons behind the differing performance of the Anglo-Saxon banking systems, which defy a verdict of failure of the LME variety of capitalism as such


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    The authors bring together tables of current defect nomenclature and a summary of the rules actually practised (rather than idealised schemes) in choosing such labels for signals obtained with a range of spectroscopies. As well as providing a source of reference for the user lost in a maze of labels, the compilation also indicates parallels between similar defect species in very different systems (e.g. ice and quartz), even though the relationships may be far from obvious from the labels. The systems considered are all non-metals, namely ionic crystals (including oxides), silica, semiconductors (e.g. III-V and tetrahedrally coordinated II-VI), valence crystals (e.g. diamond, c-Si, a-Si) and other special hosts like ice and conducting polymers

    D to K and D to pi semileptonic form factors from Lattice QCD

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    We present a very high statistics study of D and D_s semileptonic decay form factors on the lattice. We work with MILC N_f=2+1 lattices and use the Highly Improved Staggered Quark action (HISQ) for both the charm and the strange and light valence quarks. We use both scalar and vector currents to determine the form factors f_0(q^2) and f_+(q^2) for a range of D and D_s semileptonic decays, including D to pi and D to K. By using a phased boundary condition we are able to tune accurately to q^2=0 and explore the whole q^2 range allowed by kinematics. We can thus compare the shape in q^2 to that from experiment and extract the CKM matrix element |V_cs|. We show that the form factors are insensitive to the spectator quark: D to K and D_s to eta_s form factors are essentially the same, which is also true for D to pi and D_s to K within 5%. This has important implications when considering the corresponding B/B_s processes.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of The 5th International Workshop on Charm Physics (Charm 2012

    BiSON data preparation: A correction for differential extinction and the weighted averaging of contemporaneous data

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    The Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON) has provided high-quality high-cadence observations from as far back in time as 1978. These data must be calibrated from the raw observations into radial velocity and the quality of the calibration has a large impact on the signal-to-noise ratio of the final time series. The aim of this work is to maximise the potential science that can be performed with the BiSON data set by optimising the calibration procedure. To achieve better levels of signal-to-noise ratio we perform two key steps in the calibration process: we attempt a correction for terrestrial atmospheric differential extinction; and the resulting improvement in the calibration allows us to perform weighted averaging of contemporaneous data from different BiSON stations. The improvements listed produce significant improvement in the signal-to-noise ratio of the BiSON frequency-power spectrum across all frequency ranges. The reduction of noise in the power spectrum will allow future work to provide greater constraint on changes in the oscillation spectrum with solar activity. In addition, the analysis of the low-frequency region suggests we have achieved a noise level that may allow us to improve estimates of the upper limit of g-mode amplitudes.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS; 10 pages, 7 figure

    The size of the pion from full lattice QCD with physical u, d, s and c quarks

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    We present the first calculation of the electromagnetic form factor of the π meson at physical light quark masses. We use configurations generated by the MILC collaboration including the effect of u, d, s and c sea quarks with the Highly Improved Staggered Quark formalism. We work at three values of the lattice spacing on large volumes and with u/d quark masses going down to the physical value. We study scalar and vector form factors for a range in space-like q2 from 0.0 to -0.13 GeV2 and from their shape we extract mean square radii. Our vector form factor agrees well with experiment and we find hr2iV = 0:403(18)(6) fm2. For the scalar form factor we include quark-line disconnected contributions which have a significant impact on the radius. We give the first results for SU(3) flavour-singlet and octet scalar mean square radii, obtaining: hr2isinglet S = 0:506(38)(53)fm2 and hr2ioctet S = 0:431(38)(46)fm2. We discuss the comparison with expectations from chiral perturbation theory
