135 research outputs found

    Glucose transporters serve as water channels.

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    Osmotic Water Transport with Glucose in GLUT2 and SGLT

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    Carrier-mediated water cotransport is currently a favored explanation for water movement against an osmotic gradient. The vestibule within the central pore of Na+-dependent cotransporters or GLUT2 provides the necessary precondition for an osmotic mechanism, explaining this phenomenon without carriers. Simulating equilibrative glucose inflow via the narrow external orifice of GLUT2 raises vestibular tonicity relative to the external solution. Vestibular hypertonicity causes osmotic water inflow, which raises vestibular hydrostatic pressure and forces water, salt, and glucose into the outer cytosolic layer via its wide endofacial exit. Glucose uptake via GLUT2 also raises oocyte tonicity. Glucose exit from preloaded cells depletes the vestibule of glucose, making it hypotonic and thereby inducing water efflux. Inhibiting glucose exit with phloretin reestablishes vestibular hypertonicity, as it reequilibrates with the cytosolic glucose and net water inflow recommences. Simulated Na+-glucose cotransport demonstrates that active glucose accumulation within the vestibule generates water flows simultaneously with the onset of glucose flow and before any flow external to the transporter caused by hypertonicity in the outer cytosolic layers. The molar ratio of water/glucose flow is seen now to relate to the ratio of hydraulic and glucose permeability rather than to water storage capacity of putative water carriers

    What do aquaporin knockout studies tell us about fluid transport in epithelia?

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    The investigation of near-isosmotic water transport in epithelia goes back over 100 years; however, debates over mechanism and pathway remain. Aquaporin (AQP) knockouts have been used by various research groups to test the hypothesis of an osmotic mechanism as well as to explore the paracellular versus transcellular pathway debate. Nonproportional reductions in the water permeability of a water-transporting epithelial cell (e.g., a reduction of around 80–90 %) compared to the reduction in overall water transport rate in the knockout animal (e.g., a reduction of 50–60 %) are commonly found. This nonproportionality has led to controversy over whether AQP knockout studies support or contradict the osmotic mechanism. Arguments raised for and against an interpretation supporting the osmotic mechanism typically have partially specified, implicit, or incorrect assumptions. We present a simple mathematical model of the osmotic mechanism with clear assumptions and, for models based on this mechanism, establish a baseline prediction of AQP knockout studies. We allow for deviations from isotonic/isosmotic conditions and utilize dimensional analysis to reduce the number of parameters that must be considered independently. This enables a single prediction curve to be used for multiple epithelial systems. We find that a simple, transcellular-only osmotic mechanism sufficiently predicts the results of knockout studies and find criticisms of this mechanism to be overstated. We note, however, that AQP knockout studies do not give sufficient information to definitively rule out an additional paracellular pathway

    Contribution of Aquaporins to Cellular Water Transport Observed by a Microfluidic Cell Volume Sensor

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    Here we demonstrate that an impedance-based microfluidic cell volume sensor can be used to study the roles of aquaporin (AQP) in cellular water permeability and screen AQP-specific drugs. Human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) cells were transiently transfected with AQP3- or AQP4-encoding genes to express AQPs in plasma membranes. The swelling of cells in response to hypotonic stimulation was traced in real time using the sensor. Two time constants were obtained by fitting the swelling curves with a two-exponential function, a fast time constant associated with osmotic water permeability of AQP-expressing cells and a slow phase time constant associated mainly with water diffusion through lipid bilayers in the nontransfected cells. The AQP-expressing cells showed at least 10× faster osmotic water transport than control cells. Using the volume sensor, we examined the effects of Hg2+ and Ni2+ on the water transport via AQPs. Hg2+ inhibited the water flux in AQP3-expressing cells irreversibly, while Ni2+ blocked the AQP3 channels reversibly. Neither of the two ions blocked the AQP4 channels. The microfluidic volume sensor can sense changes in cell volume in real time, which enables perfusion of various reagents sequentially. It provides a convenient tool for studying the effect of reagents on the function and regulation mechanism of AQPs

    Efficiency of primary saliva secretion: an analysis of parameter dependence in dynamic single-cell and acinus models, with application to aquaporin knockout studies

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    Secretion from the salivary glands is driven by osmosis following the establishment of osmotic gradients between the lumen, the cell and the interstitium by active ion transport. We consider a dynamic model of osmotically driven primary saliva secretion and use singular perturbation approaches and scaling assumptions to reduce the model. Our analysis shows that isosmotic secretion is the most efficient secretion regime and that this holds for single isolated cells and for multiple cells assembled into an acinus. For typical parameter variations, we rule out any significant synergistic effect on total water secretion of an acinar arrangement of cells about a single shared lumen. Conditions for the attainment of isosmotic secretion are considered, and we derive an expression for how the concentration gradient between the interstitium and the lumen scales with water- and chloride-transport parameters. Aquaporin knockout studies are interpreted in the context of our analysis and further investigated using simulations of transport efficiency with different membrane water permeabilities. We conclude that recent claims that aquaporin knockout studies can be interpreted as evidence against a simple osmotic mechanism are not supported by our work. Many of the results that we obtain are independent of specific transporter details, and our analysis can be easily extended to apply to models that use other proposed ionic mechanisms of saliva secretion

    Aquaporin water channels in the nervous system.

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    The aquaporins (AQPs) are plasma membrane water-transporting proteins. AQP4 is the principal member of this protein family in the CNS, where it is expressed in astrocytes and is involved in water movement, cell migration and neuroexcitation. AQP1 is expressed in the choroid plexus, where it facilitates cerebrospinal fluid secretion, and in dorsal root ganglion neurons, where it tunes pain perception. The AQPs are potential drug targets for several neurological conditions. Astrocytoma cells strongly express AQP4, which may facilitate their infiltration into the brain, and the neuroinflammatory disease neuromyelitis optica is caused by AQP4-specific autoantibodies that produce complement-mediated astrocytic damage