8 research outputs found

    Hand Rehabilitation and Telemonitoring through Smart Toys

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    We describe here a platform for autonomous hand rehabilitation and telemonitoring of young patients. A toy embedding the electronics required to sense fingers pressure in different grasping modalities is the core element of this platform. The system has been realized following the user-centered design methodology taking into account stakeholder needs from start: clinicians require reliable measurements and the ability to get a picture remotely on rehabilitation progression; children have asked to interact with a pleasant and comfortable object that is easy to use, safe, and rewarding. These requirements are not antithetic, and considering both since the design phase has allowed the realization of a platform reliable to clinicians and keen to be used by young children

    IA nelle piattaforme di e-Health ed e-Welfare

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    Le piattaforme di e-Health e e-Welfare stanno au-mentando via via la variet\ue0 e qualit\ue0 dei loro servi-zi. Elemento chiave del loro successo \ue8 un motore di IA che valuta le prestazioni dell\u2019utente e perso-nalizza l\u2019intervento. Descriviamo qui due piatta-forme di questo tipo sviluppate all\u2019interno di pro-getti di R&D finanziati dalla Comunit\ue0 Europea

    Approaches for increasing patient's engagement and motivation in exer-games-based autonomous telerehabilitation

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    In the latest years at-home autonomous rehabilitation platforms have grown in popularity. Some of them allow patients to recover from their physical damages by playing exer-games, which are more enjoyable than classic rehabilitation. One of the main problems of this approach is the repetitive structure of the exer-games, since rehabilitation requires intensive training each day and patients could lose motivation if they are not enough entertained. We describe here few methods we recently implemented that can be used alongside with exer-games to make the platform more compelling and entertain the patient during the day-by-day rehabilitation cycle without losing motivation

    Generazione procedurale di contenuti per videogiochi

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    Lo sviluppo di un videogioco richiede molti contenuti digitali (modelli 3D, texture, suoni, narrativa). La generazione procedurale di contenuti (PCG) pu\uf2 supportare e velocizzare gli artisti coinvolti nella produzione di questi contenuti. Introduciamo il dominio della PCG, identificandone gli aspetti salienti nel campo dell'intelligenza artificiale; presentiamo poi diverse tecniche implementate dal nostro laboratorio

    A cloud-based platform for effective supervision of autonomous home rehabilitation through exer-games

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    Autonomous at-home rehabilitation through exergames requires clinicians to be able to quickly and reliably review patients' progress and eventually tune exercise parameters for the next scheduled session. We show here how a cloud-based platform featuring a flexible database, parametrized exer-games and a hierarchical description of the rehabilitation data allows to achieve this goal. In particular, a clear identification of different exercises macro-parameters is fundamental to effectively display a clear and meaningful view on the patient's status to the clinicians. Such parameters must be well matched to the mechanics of the exer-games and provide to the therapist a clear summary of patient's rehabilitation progress

    Exergaming for balance training, transparent monitoring, and social inclusion of community-dwelling elderly

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    One of the implications of aging population is the increasing need for services for elderly people, with an emphasis on earlier diagnosis and effective interventions promoting an active and healthy aging process. To face this need, the MoveCare Project develops and field-Tests an innovative multi-Actor platform that integrates a robotic system with environmental sensors, smart objects, a virtual community and an activity center to provide assistance, transparent monitoring and activities to the elder at home. The newness of MoveCare consists in the design of a transparent monitoring and in its social and overarching nature that envisages the cooperation of multiple actors to implement a well-Accepted, personalized, and engaging platform to hinder decline in independent elderly users. This work illustrates the rationale and the implementation of transparent physical monitoring during the execution of balancetraining exergames tailored to the user performance. Different game modalities, such as playing alone, in competition, or collaboration with other elders of the virtual community will be available. Real-Time and offline indicators will be extracted and analyzed to keep track of the user's profile with the aim of preventing physical and social decline