4 research outputs found

    Optimizaci贸n de la productividad del agua en zonas regables mediante una herramienta de simulaci贸n del sistema hidr谩ulico, agrario y econ贸mico

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    Este trabajo presenta una aplicaci贸n de la herramienta de simulaci贸n CINTEGRAL que permite adaptar el dise帽o de la red de riego a la realidad agraria local de las zonas regables (meteorolog铆a, suelos, cultivos y productividad global). Se estudian las condiciones locales (meteorolog铆a, suelos y cultivos) de una zona regable del Valle Medio del Ebro cuya red se ha dise帽ado de forma est谩ndar. Se analiza el efecto de la variabilidad meteorol贸gica y de diferentes alternativas de gesti贸n del riego sobre la productividad global de la zona. Se discuten las diferencias en producci贸n y productividad global de la zona bajo tres alternativas de gesti贸n del riego: 1) gesti贸n a la demanda, 2) gesti贸n en turnos de riego coincidentes con pisos de presi贸n, y 3) gesti贸n en dos redes independientes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran un efecto claro de la variabilidad meteorol贸gica sobre los ingresos brutos, ingresos netos y la factura el茅ctrica. La gesti贸n del riego en turnos ajustados en funci贸n de la presi贸n requerida permite ahorrar el 22% en la factura el茅ctrica respecto de la gesti贸n del riego a la demanda. Sin embargo, las producciones se ven afectadas de forma muy notable, reduciendo notablemente la productividad de la zona. Para mantener la productividad con un riego a turnos es necesario realizar modificaciones en el dise帽o original de la red. Por lo tanto, en esta zona la gesti贸n en turnos coincidentes con pisos de presi贸n no mejora los ingresos netos. La divisi贸n de la red global en dos sub redes independientes de riego reduce la factura el茅ctrica en un 20% y adem谩s mantiene los niveles de producci贸n, por lo que los ingresos netos se incrementan en un 9%

    Serious phlegmonous lesion of the hand following an injury by vegetal thorn: Never forget Pasteurella multocida!

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    Pasteurella multocida can cause serious infections after dog or cat bite. We report here a rare case of hand infection caused by P. multocida consecutive to an injury by a thorn of the prickly pear. It caused an amputation of the distal phalanx of the thumb in a trisomic patient. It is about a 27-year-old man who was admitted to the hospital with swelling and intense pain of the left hand. He reported a sting by a thorn of prickly pear 15聽days before. The patient was admitted to proceed with operative irrigation and debridement. The pus was collected for microbiological examination. Microscopic examination after Gram staining revealed small Gram-negative coccobacilli, associated to polymorphonuclear reaction. Culture have objectivated Pasteurella multocida. The isolated strain was susceptible to betalactamins. Patient was treated with ampicillin. Well-conducted antibiotics and repetitive local cares have not prevented local lesions from progressing to necrosis of the soft parts of the thumb and osteitis of the distal phalanx of the thumb. The patient underwent a necrosectomy and an amputation of the distal phalanx. Ampicillin was replaced by amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and after 15聽days, progression was clinically and microbiologically favorable. In the case we report, since the patient does not report any exposure or contact with animals, the thorn prick is the source of infection. It was contaminated from the animal reservoir. Taking into account the monomicrobism of the infection, treatment with aminopenicillins was sufficient. Our propositus came to the hospital 15聽days after the inoculation of the bacterium. This duration appears to be very late in relation to the acute character of pasteurellosis. This was probably the main reason why the local infection evolved towards osteoarticular complications. That's why, we should consider Pasteurella multocida in case of infection by inoculation, even in the absence of contact with the animals