1,295 research outputs found

    The ethnic identity complexity of transculturally placed foster youth in the Netherlands

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    This study addresses the ethnic identity of transculturally placed adolescent foster youth with ethnic minority backgrounds in The Netherlands. We conducted qualitative interviews to provide insight into the lifeworlds of twenty foster youth. We found that constructing an ethnic identity was complex for these ethnic minority foster youth. The foster youth showed ethnic identity ambivalence, and contradictory messages about ethnicity by birth parents, foster parents, peers, and strangers contributed to this process. The foster youth also sometimes distanced themselves from their ethnic minority background whereby the intersection of their ethnic minority background and the background of being a foster child could play a role. Additionally, some foster youth told stories of longing for and belonging to their ethnic minority background, especially when birth parents and foster parents cooperated in ethnic socialization. Overall, contradictory and intersecting messages provided by birth parents, foster parents, and peers influenced the extent to which they experienced their ethnic identity as complex. Therefore, future studies should be conducted to provide more insight into these processes, so foster care agencies and foster parents can be trained to fulfill a more guiding role in the ethnic identity development of transculturally placed foster youth

    The ethnic identity of transracially placed foster children with an ethnic minority background:A systematic literature review

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    BackgroundEthnic minority foster children are frequently placed in families with ethnic majority backgrounds. In the international literature these placements are most commonly called transracial placements.AimsWith this study, we aim to obtain an encompassing view of the empirical scientific literature on how transracial placements may affect the ethnic identity of foster children.Materials and methodsTo gain insight into the ethnic identity of transracially placed foster children and the way they are ethnically socialized, we conducted a systematic literature review. We thereby followed the guidelines of the PRISMA statement.ResultsTransracially placed foster children may experience higher fluctuations in their racial/ ethnic identity over time than adolescents with a minority background in the general population. They also seem to be prone to experience disconnection from, or on the contrary, connection with the birth network; and some transracially placed foster children struggle with societal messages they receive about minority ethnicity and race. They may have an increased awareness of their minority ethnic background because of different physical appearances between themselves and the foster family. Foster parents can play a pivotal role in these processes, since culturally competent foster parents may guide foster children in their ethnic identity development by being open towards children’s cultural minority background as well as being self‐reflective regarding their own cultural values and beliefs.DiscussionThe ethnic development of transracially placed foster children seems to be influenced by intersecting mechanisms of being in foster care and having a minority ethnicity. Although the selected articles assume that foster parents impact the ethnic identities of their ethnic minority foster children, none of them measured the impact of foster parents’ skills and knowledge on foster children’ s ethnic identity development directly.ConclusionBeing transracially placed impacts the ethnic identity of foster children. Foster parents need to be cultural competent to encourage their foster children’s ethnic identity development

    Discovery and Differential Processing of HLA Class II-Restricted Minor Histocompatibility Antigen LB-PIP4K2A-1S and Its Allelic Variant by Asparagine Endopeptidase

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    Minor histocompatibility antigens are the main targets of donor-derived T-cells after allogeneic stem cell transplantation. Identification of these antigens and understanding their biology are a key requisite for more insight into how graft vs. leukemia effect and graft vs. host disease could be separated. We here identified four new HLA class II-restricted minor histocompatibility antigens using whole genome association scanning. For one of the new antigens, i.e., LB-PIP4K2A-1S, we measured strong T-cell recognition of the donor variant PIP4K2A-1N when pulsed as exogenous peptide, while the endogenously expressed variant in donor EBV-B cells was not recognized. We showed that lack of T-cell recognition was caused by intracellular cleavage by a protease named asparagine endopeptidase (AEP). Furthermore, microarray gene expression analysis showed that PIP4K2A and AEP are both ubiquitously expressed in a wide variety of healthy tissues, but that expression levels of AEP were lower in primary acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In line with that, we confirmed low activity of AEP in AML cells and demonstrated that HLA-DRB1*03:01 positive primary AML expressing LB-PIP4K2A-1S or its donor variant PIP4K2A-1N were both recognized by specific T-cells. In conclusion, LB-PIP4K2A-1S not only represents a novel minor histocompatibility antigen but also provides evidence that donor T-cells after allogeneic stem cell transplantation can target the autologous allelic variant as leukemia-associated antigen. Furthermore, it demonstrates that endopeptidases can play a role in cell type-specific intracellular processing and presentation of HLA class II-restricted antigens, which may be explored in future immunotherapy of AML

    Trends in sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands, combining surveillance data from general practices and sexually transmitted infection centers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sexually transmitted infections (STI) care in the Netherlands is primarily provided by general practitioners (GPs) and specialized STI centers. STI surveillance is based on data from STI centers, which show increasing numbers of clients. Data from a GP morbidity surveillance network were used to investigate the distribution in the provision of STI care and the usefulness of GP data in surveillance.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on STI-related episodes and STI diagnoses based on ICPC codes and, for chlamydia, prescriptions, were obtained from GP electronic medical records (EMRs) of the GP network and compared to data from STI centers from 2002 to 2007. Incidence rates were estimated for the total population in the Netherlands.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The incidence of STI-consultations and -diagnoses increased substantially in recent years, both at GPs and STI centers. The increase in consultations was larger than the increase in diagnoses; Chlamydia incidence rose especially at STI centers. GPs were responsible for 70% of STI-related episodes and 80-85% of STI diagnoses. STI centers attract relatively younger and more often male STI-patients than GPs. Symptomatic STIs like <it>Herpes genitalis </it>and genital warts were more frequently diagnosed at GPs and chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis at STI centers.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>GPs fulfill an important role in STI care, complementary to STI centers. Case definitions of STI could be improved, particularly by including laboratory results in EMRs. The contribution of primary care is often overlooked in STI health care. Including estimates from GP EMRs can improve the surveillance of STIs.</p

    Tertiary osteochondral defect of the talus treated by a novel contoured metal implant

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    The primary treatment of most osteochondral defects of the talus is arthroscopic debridement and bone marrow stimulation. There is no optimal treatment for large lesions or for those in which primary treatment has failed. We report a 20-year-old female patient with persistent symptoms after two previous arthroscopic procedures. Computed tomography showed a cystic defect of the medial talar dome, sized 17 × 8 × 8 mm. The patient was treated with a novel contoured metal implant. At 1 and 2 years after surgery, the patient reported considerable reduction in pain and had resumed playing korfball at competitive level

    Long-term follow-up of retinal degenerations associated with LRAT mutations and their comparability to phenotypes associated with RPE65 mutations

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    Purpose: To investigate the natural history in patients with LRAT-associated retinal degenerations (RDs), in the advent of clinical trials testing treatment options. Methods: A retrospective cohort of 13 patients with LRAT-RDs. Results: Twelve patients from a genetic isolate carried a homozygous c.12del mutation. One unrelated patient carried a homozygous c.326G>T mutation. The mean follow-up time was 25.3 years (SD 15.2; range 4.8-53.5). The first symptom was nyctalopia (n = 11), central vision loss (n = 1), or light-gazing (n = 1), and was noticed in the first decade of life. Seven patients (54%) reached low vision (visual acuity < 20/67), four of whom reaching blindness (visual acuity < 20/400), respectively, at mean ages of 49.9 (SE 5.4) and 59.9 (SE 3.1) years. The fundus appearance was variable. Retinal white dots were seen in six patients (46%). Full-field electroretinograms (n = 11) were nondetectable (n = 2; ages 31-60), reduced in a nonspecified pattern (n = 2; ages 11-54), or showed rod-cone (n = 6; ages 38-48) or cone-rod (n = 1; age 29) dysfunction. Optical coherence tomography (n = 4) showed retinal thinning but relative preservation of the (para-)foveal outer retinal layers in the second (n = 1) and sixth decade of life (n = 2), and profound chorioretinal degeneration from the eighth decade of life (n = 1). Conclusions: LRAT-associated phenotypes in this cohort were variable and unusual, but generally milder than those seen in RPE65-associated disease, and may be particularly amenable to treatment. The window of therapeutic opportunity can be extended in patients with a mild phenotype. Translational Relevance: Knowledge of the natural history of LRAT-RDs is essential in determining the window of opportunity in ongoing and future clinical trials for novel therapeutic options

    From Goya to Afghanistan. An essay on the ratio and ethics of medical war pictures

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    For centuries pictures of the dead and wounded have been part and parcel of war communications. Often the intentions were clear, ranging from medical instructions to anti-war protests. The public's response could coincide with or diverge from the publisher's intention. Following the invention of photography in the nineteenth century, and the subsequent claim of realism, the veracity of medical war images became more complex. Analysing and understanding such photographs have become an ethical obligation with democratic implications. We performed a multidisciplinary analysis of War Surgery (2008), a book containing harsh, full-colour photographs of mutilated soldiers from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Our analysis shows that, within the medical context, this book is a major step forward in medical war communication and documentation. In the military context the book can be conceived as an attempt to put matters right given the enormous sacrifice some individuals have suffered. For the public, the relationship between the 'reality' and 'truth' of such photographs is ambiguous, because only looking at the photographs without reading the medical context is limiting. If the observer is not familiar with medical practice, it is difficult for him to fully assess, signify and acknowledge the value and relevance of this book. We therefore assert the importance of the role of professionals and those in the humanities in particular in educating the public and initiating debate. © 2010 Taylor & Francis

    Biochemical marker research in hemophilic arthropathy: A systematic review

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    Hemophilic arthropathy (HA) causes major morbidity. Breakthrough therapies reduce the bleeding frequency tremendously, but well-defined joint outcome assessments with a focus on early changes and subclinical damage are lacking. Biomarkers reflecting joint tissue turnover/inflammation might be useful to predict invalidating arthropathy. This systematic review summarized and categorized publications on blood/urinary biomarkers in HA to provide leads for implementation. A PubMed/EMBASE search was performed on September 9, 2019. All publications were assessed and allocated to one or several BIPED-categories, based on the utility of biomarkers. Of the initial 1307 publications found, 27 were eligible for inclusion. The majority (81%, n = 32/42) was cross-sectional in design, including relatively small numbers of patients (median 44, interquartile range 35-78). Fourteen percent (n = 6/42) investigated dynamic changes around a bleeding or treatment. Only two studies investigated the prognostic value of biomarkers. Most promising biomarkers were serum Coll2-1, COL-18N, COMP, C1,2C, C2M, CS846, MIF, plasma sVCAM-1 and urinary CTX-II. Comparing performances and pooling data was not possible due to heterogeneity. Currently, biomarker research in HA is still in an explorative stage and not yet sufficient for translation into daily practice. Clearly, larger homogeneous longitudinal studies in well-defined populations should be performed for further development

    Circulating T cells in sarcoidosis have an aberrantly activated phenotype that correlates with disease outcome

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    Rationale: Disease course in sarcoidosis is highly variable. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and mediastinal lymph nodes show accumulation of activated T cells with a T-helper (Th)17.1 signature, which correlates with non-resolving sarcoidosis. We hypothesize that the peripheral blood (PB) T cell phenotype may correlate with outcome. Objectives: To compare frequencies, phenotypes and function of circulating T cell populations in sarcoidosis patients with healthy controls (HCs) and correlate these parameters with outcome. Methods: We used multi-color flow cytometry to quantify activation marker expression on PB T cell subsets in treatment-naïve patients and HCs. The disease course was determined after 2-year follow-up. Cytokine production was measured after T cell stimulation in vitro. Measurements and main results: We observed significant differences between patients and HCs in several T cell populations, including CD8+ and CD4+ T cells, Th1/Th17 subsets, CD4+ T memory stem cells, regulatory T cells (Tregs) and γΎ T cells. Decreased frequencies of CD4+ T cells and increased frequencies of Tregs and CD8+ γΎ T cells correlated with worse outcome. Naïve CD4+ T cells displayed an activated phenotype with increased CD25 expression in patients with active chronic disease at 2-year follow-up. A distinctive Treg phenotype with increased expression of CD25, CTLA4, CD69, PD-1 and CD95 correlated with chronic sarcoidosis. Upon stimulation, both naïve and memory T cells displayed a different cytokine profile in sarcoidosis compared to HCs. Conclusions: Circulating T cell subpopulations of sarcoidosis patients display phenotypic abnormalities that correlate with disease outcome, supporting a critical role of aberrant T cell activation in sarcoidosis pathogenesis.</p
