8,971 research outputs found

    Start/stop switches for testing detonation velocity of explosives

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    Printed-circuit process produces ordnance-initiated start/stop switches. Method is faster and less costly than fabriction by hand, and produces switches of uniform quality

    Saturated hydrocarbon polymeric binder for advanced solid propellant and hybrid solid grains Quarterly report no. 2, 1 Feb. - 30 Apr. 1966

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    Synthesis and analysis of ethylene-neohexene copolymers with other non ketene-imine group free radicals for solid and hybrid grain propellant saturated hydrocarbon binder progra

    X-ray Supercavities in the Hydra A Cluster and the Outburst History of the Central Galaxy's Active Nucleus

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    A 227 ksec Chandra Observatory X-ray image of the hot plasma in the Hydra A cluster has revealed an extensive cavity system. The system was created by a continuous outflow or a series of bursts from the nucleus of the central galaxy over the past 200-500 Myr. The cavities have displaced 10% of the plasma within a 300 kpc radius of the central galaxy, creating a swiss-cheese-like topology in the hot gas. The surface brightness decrements are consistent with empty cavities oriented within 40 degrees of the plane of the sky. The outflow has deposited upward of 10^61 erg into the cluster gas, most of which was propelled beyond the inner ~100 kpc cooling region. The supermassive black hole has accreted at a rate of approximately 0.1-0.25 solar masses per year over this time frame, which is a small fraction of the Eddington rate of a ~10^9 solar mass black hole, but is dramatically larger than the Bondi rate. Given the previous evidence for a circumnuclear disk of cold gas in Hydra A, these results are consistent with the AGN being powered primarily by infalling cold gas. The cavity system is shadowed perfectly by 330 MHz radio emission. Such low frequency synchrotron emission may be an excellent proxy for X-ray cavities and thus the total energy liberated by the supermassive black hole.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; Submitted to ApJ, revised per referee's suggestion

    Heavy Quark Fragmentation to Baryons Containing Two Heavy Quarks

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    We discuss the fragmentation of a heavy quark to a baryon containing two heavy quarks of mass mQΛQCDm_Q\gg\Lambda_{\rm QCD}. In this limit the heavy quarks first combine perturbatively into a compact diquark with a radius small compared to 1/ΛQCD1/\Lambda_{\rm QCD}, which interacts with the light hadronic degrees of freedom exactly as does a heavy antiquark. The subsequent evolution of this QQQQ diquark to a QQqQQq baryon is identical to the fragmentation of a heavy antiquark to a meson. We apply this analysis to the production of baryons of the form ccqccq, bbqbbq, and bcqbcq.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure included, uses harvmac.tex and epsf.tex, UCSD/PTH 93-11, CALT-68-1868, SLAC-PUB-622

    The Detectability of AGN Cavities in Cooling-Flow Clusters

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    Chandra X-ray Observatory has revealed X-ray cavities in many nearby cooling flow clusters. The cavities trace feedback from the central active galactic nulceus (AGN) on the intracluster medium (ICM), an important ingredient in stabilizing cooling flows and in the process of galaxy formation and evolution. But, the prevalence and duty cycle of such AGN outbursts is not well understood. To this end, we study how the cooling is balanced by the cavity heating for a complete sample of clusters (the Brightest 55 clusters of galaxies, hereafter B55). In the B55, we found 33 cooling flow clusters, 20 of which have detected X-ray bubbles in their ICM. Among the remaining 13, all except Ophiuchus could have significant cavity power yet remain undetected in existing images. This implies that the duty cycle of AGN outbursts with significant heating potential in cooling flow clusters is at least 60 % and could approach 100 %, but deeper data is required to constrain this further.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; to appear in the proceedings of "The Monsters' Fiery Breath", Madison, Wisconsin 1-5 June 2009, Eds. Sebastian Heinz & Eric Wilcots; added annotation to the figur

    Chiral Perturbation Theory for τρπντ\tau \to \rho \pi\nu_\tau, τKπντ\tau \to K^* \pi \nu_\tau, and τωπντ\tau \to \omega \pi \nu_\tau

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    We use heavy vector meson SU(2)L×SU(2)RSU(2)_L \times SU(2)_R chiral perturbation theory to predict differential decay distributions for τρπντ\tau \rightarrow \rho \pi \nu_\tau and τKπντ\tau \rightarrow K^* \pi \nu_\tau in the kinematic region where pVpπ/mVp_V \cdot p_\pi/m_V (here V=ρV = \rho or KK^*) is much smaller than the chiral symmetry breaking scale. Using the large number of colors limit we also predict the rate for τωπντ\tau \rightarrow \omega \pi \nu_\tau in this region (now V=ωV = \omega). Comparing our prediction with experimental data, we determine one of the coupling constants in the heavy vector meson chiral Lagrangian.Comment: 14 pages, latex 2e. We include the decay of the tau into the omega, pi minus and the tau neutrino, and extract a value for the coupling constant g2, using experimental dat