1,475 research outputs found

    Produtividade e qualidade de grãos em arroz de terras altas na região Meio-Norte do Brasil.

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    Foram realizados sete Ensaios Comparativos avançados nos municípios de Teresina, Baixa Grande do Ribeiro, Bom Jesus e Palmeira do Piauí, no Estado do Piauí, e em Anapurus, Balsas e Sambaíba, No Estado do Marnhão, no ano agrícola de 1998/99, para avaliar quatorze linhagens avançadas e quatro cultivares (testemunhas) oriundas do Programa de Melhoramento Genético de Arroz de Terras Altas, coordenado pela Embrapa Arroz e Feijão.bitstream/item/35791/1/Bol29.pd

    Soil termites in a rainforest, a secondary forest and mixed-culture plantation sites in central Amazonia.

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    Soil termites have been studied in detail in a rain forest, a secondary forest and two agroforestry plantation sites at the Embrapa Amazonia Ocidental, Manaus-AM (Brasil), using soil (0 cm-5 cm) and litter samples taken at random within the study sites, using a soilsampler of 21 cm diameter. As results is presented a list of termite genus diversity, then compare termite biomass and individuals numbers in litter and in soil at the different sites, and discuss possible factors that determine termite distribution in the field

    Biofilm formation behaviour of marine filamentous cyanobacterial strains in controlled hydrodynamic conditions

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    Marine biofouling has severe economic impacts and cyanobacteria play a significant role as early surface colonizers. Despite this fact, cyanobacterial biofilm formation studies in controlled hydrodynamic conditions are scarce. In this work, computational fluid dynamics was used to determine the shear rate field on coupons that were placed inside the wells of agitated 12-well microtiter plates. Biofilm formation by three different cyanobacterial strains was assessed at two different shear rates (4 and 40 s-1 ) which can be found in natural ecosystems and using different surfaces (glass and perspex). Biofilm formation was higher under low shear conditions, and differences obtained between surfaces were not always statistically significant. The hydrodynamic effect was more noticeable during the biofilm maturation phase rather than during initial cell adhesion and optical coherence tomography showed that different shear rates can affect biofilm architecture. This study is particularly relevant given the cosmopolitan distribution of these cyanobacterial strains and the biofouling potential of these organisms.This work was financially supported by project UID/EQU/ 00511/2019 – Laboratory for Process Engineering, Environment, Biotechnology and Energy – LEPABE funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) and by the CVMAR+i – Industrial Innovation and Marine Biotechnology Valorisation, funded by INTERREG V A Espanha Portugal (POCTEP) [0302_CVMAR_I_1_P]. The authors also acknowledge support from the EU COST Actions iPROMEDAI (TD1305) and ENBA (CA15216), and M.J.R. acknowledges a PhD grant from FCT (SFRH/BD/140080/2018)

    Uso de microssatelites na avaliação da estabilidade genética de mudas regeneradas de suspensão celular de bananeira 'Grande Naine'.

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    Embriogênese Somáticas é freqüentemente considerada como o melhor sistema para a propagação de genótipos superiores principalmente porque, tanto parte aérea e como radicular estão presentes em embriões somáticos. Células em suspensão é usada basicamente em trabalhos de engenharia genética (Ghosh et al., 2009), podendo também ser empregado na propagação em larga escala de plantas, na produção de sementes sintéticas (Ganapathi et al., 2001), na criopreservação. A micropropagação através da cultura de células em suspensão e embriogênese somática é uma das técnicas mais promissoras para a obtenção de grandes quantidades de mudas qualificadas com baixos custos de produção (Matsumoto & Silva Neto, 2003). Poucos estudos têm sido realizados com o objetivo de se estudar a estabilidade genética das plantas geradas nesse processo com a cultura da bananeira.pdf 201