1,088 research outputs found

    Variational Bayes with Intractable Likelihood

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    Variational Bayes (VB) is rapidly becoming a popular tool for Bayesian inference in statistical modeling. However, the existing VB algorithms are restricted to cases where the likelihood is tractable, which precludes the use of VB in many interesting situations such as in state space models and in approximate Bayesian computation (ABC), where application of VB methods was previously impossible. This paper extends the scope of application of VB to cases where the likelihood is intractable, but can be estimated unbiasedly. The proposed VB method therefore makes it possible to carry out Bayesian inference in many statistical applications, including state space models and ABC. The method is generic in the sense that it can be applied to almost all statistical models without requiring too much model-based derivation, which is a drawback of many existing VB algorithms. We also show how the proposed method can be used to obtain highly accurate VB approximations of marginal posterior distributions.Comment: 40 pages, 6 figure

    Variable Selection and Model Averaging in Semiparametric Overdispersed Generalized Linear Models

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    We express the mean and variance terms in a double exponential regression model as additive functions of the predictors and use Bayesian variable selection to determine which predictors enter the model, and whether they enter linearly or flexibly. When the variance term is null we obtain a generalized additive model, which becomes a generalized linear model if the predictors enter the mean linearly. The model is estimated using Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation and the methodology is illustrated using real and simulated data sets.Comment: 8 graphs 35 page

    A First-Principles Approach to Insulators in Finite Electric Fields

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    We describe a method for computing the response of an insulator to a static, homogeneous electric field. It consists of iteratively minimizing an electric enthalpy functional expressed in terms of occupied Bloch-like states on a uniform grid of k points. The functional has equivalent local minima below a critical field E_c that depends inversely on the density of k points; the disappearance of the minima at E_c signals the onset of Zener breakdown. We illustrate the procedure by computing the piezoelectric and nonlinear dielectric susceptibility tensors of III-V semiconductors.Comment: 4 pages, with 1 postscript figure embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/is_ef/index.htm

    Maximally-localized generalized Wannier functions for composite energy bands

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    We discuss a method for determining the optimally-localized set of generalized Wannier functions associated with a set of Bloch bands in a crystalline solid. By ``generalized Wannier functions'' we mean a set of localized orthonormal orbitals spanning the same space as the specified set of Bloch bands. Although we minimize a functional that represents the total spread sum_n [ _n - _n^2 ] of the Wannier functions in real space, our method proceeds directly from the Bloch functions as represented on a mesh of k-points, and carries out the minimization in a space of unitary matrices U_mn^k describing the rotation among the Bloch bands at each k-point. The method is thus suitable for use in connection with conventional electronic-structure codes. The procedure also returns the total electric polarization as well as the location of each Wannier center. Sample results for Si, GaAs, molecular C2H4, and LiCl will be presented.Comment: 22 pages, two-column style with 4 postscript figures embedded. Uses REVTEX and epsf macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/index.html#nm_wan