9,323 research outputs found

    Faint blue objects on the Hubble Deep Field North & South as possible nearby old halo white dwarfs

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    Using data derived from the deepest and finest angular resolution images of the universe yet acquired by astronomers at optical wavelengths using the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in two postage-stamp sections of the sky (Williams et al. 1996a,b), plus simple geometrical and scaling arguments, we demonstrate that the faint blue population of point-source objects detected on those two fields (M\'endez et al. 1996) could actually be ancient halo white dwarfs at distances closer than about 2 kpc from the Sun. This finding has profound implications, as the mass density of the detected objects would account for about half of the missing dark matter in the Milky-Way (Bahcall and Soneira 1980), thus solving one of the most controversial issues of modern astrophysics (Trimble 1987, Ashman 1992). The existence of these faint blue objects points to a very large mass locked into ancient halo white dwarfs. Our estimate indicates that they could account for as much as half of the dark matter in our Galaxy, confirming the suggestions of the MACHO microlensing experiment (Alcock et al. 1997). Because of the importance of this discovery, deep follow-up observations with HST within the next two years would be needed to determine more accurately the kinematics (tangential motions) for these faint blue old white dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication on The Astrophysical Journal, Part 1. 8 pages (AAS Latex macros V4.0), 1 B&W postscript figure, 2 color postscript figure

    Dynamical properties of a dissipative discontinuous map: A scaling investigation

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    The effects of dissipation on the scaling properties of nonlinear discontinuous maps are investigated by analyzing the behavior of the average squared action \left as a function of the nn-th iteration of the map as well as the parameters KK and γ\gamma, controlling nonlinearity and dissipation, respectively. We concentrate our efforts to study the case where the nonlinearity is large; i.e., K≫1K\gg 1. In this regime and for large initial action I0≫KI_0\gg K, we prove that dissipation produces an exponential decay for the average action \left. Also, for I0≅0I_0\cong 0, we describe the behavior of \left using a scaling function and analytically obtain critical exponents which are used to overlap different curves of \left onto an universal plot. We complete our study with the analysis of the scaling properties of the deviation around the average action ω\omega.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    An X-ray view of the very faint black hole X-ray transient Swift J1357.2-0933 during its 2011 outburst

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    We report on the X-ray spectral (using XMM-Newton data) and timing behavior (using XMM-Newton and Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer [RXTE] data) of the very faint X-ray transient and black hole system Swift J1357.2-0933 during its 2011 outburst. The XMM-Newton X-ray spectrum of this source can be adequately fitted with a soft thermal component with a temperature of ~0.22 keV (using a disc model) and a hard, non-thermal component with a photon index of ~1.6 when using a simple power-law model. In addition, an edge at ~ 0.73 keV is needed likely due to interstellar absorption. During the first RXTE observation we find a 6 mHz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) which is not present during any of the later RXTE observations or during the XMM-Newton observation which was taken 3 days after the first RXTE observation. The nature of this QPO is not clear but it could be related to a similar QPO seen in the black hole system H 1743-322 and to the so-called 1 Hz QPO seen in the dipping neutron-star X-ray binaries (although this later identification is quite speculative). The observed QPO has similar frequencies as the optical dips seen previously in this source during its 2011 outburst but we cannot conclusively determine that they are due to the same underlying physical mechanism. Besides the QPO, we detect strong band-limited noise in the power-density spectra of the source (as calculated from both the RXTE and the XMM-Newton data) with characteristic frequencies and strengths very similar to other black hole X-ray transients when they are at low X-ray luminosities. We discuss the spectral and timing properties of the source in the context of the proposed very high inclination of this source. We conclude that all the phenomena seen from the source cannot, as yet, be straightforwardly explained neither by an edge-on configuration nor by any other inclination configuration of the orbit.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Adolescents’ competence metaperceptions and self-perceptions, motivation, intention to be physically active and physical activity

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    It is widely acknowledged that physical activity can play a potentially important role in enhancing public health. However, rapid and signi cant decreases in physical activity practice occur during adolescence. Elements such as parents’ perceptions of their children competence, children’s self-perceptions of competence and motivation appear to be important in this process. e main goal of this study was to test the following sequence of motivational processes related to physical activity: Competence Metaperceptions (parents) - Competence Self-Perception – Self-Determined Motivation–Intention to be Physically Active–Physical Activity. 459 adolescents (257 males, 202 females), age range 12-17 years, agreed to participate. Descriptive and exploratory analysis, bivariate correlations and path analysis were performed. e testing of the hypothesized model showed a good t to the data. Results reinforce the influence of parents’ views on their children’s physical activity competence perception, and its consequences on the adolescents’ physical activity.

    The Nature of Radio Continuum Emission in the Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 625

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    We present new multi-frequency radio continuum imaging of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 625 obtained with the Very Large Array. Data at 20, 6, and 3.6 cm reveal global continuum emission dominated by free-free emission, with only mild synchrotron components. Each of the major HII regions is detected; the individual spectral indices are thermal for the youngest regions (showing strongest H Alpha emission) and nonthermal for the oldest. We do not detect any sources that appear to be associated with deeply embedded, dense, young clusters, though we have discovered one low-luminosity, obscured source that has no luminous optical counterpart and which resides in the region of highest optical extinction. Since NGC 625 is a Wolf-Rayet galaxy with strong recent star formation, these radio properties suggest that the youngest star formation complexes have not yet evolved to the point where their thermal spectra are significantly contaminated by synchrotron emission. The nonthermal components are associated with regions of older star formation that have smaller ionized gas components. These results imply a range of ages of the HII regions and radio components that agrees with our previous resolved stellar population analysis, where an extended burst of star formation has pervaded the disk of NGC 625 over the last ~ 50 Myr. We compare the nature of radio continuum emission in selected nearby dwarf starburst and Wolf-Rayet galaxies, demonstrating that thermal radio continuum emission appears to be more common in these systems than in typical HII galaxies with less recent star formation and more evolved stellar clusters.Comment: ApJ, in press; 27 pages, 5 figures. Full-resolution version may be obtained at http://www.astro.umn.edu/~cannon/n625.vla.p

    Metallicity inhomogeneities in local star-forming galaxies as sign of recent metal-poor gas accretion

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    We measure the oxygen metallicity of the ionized gas along the major axis of seven dwarf star-forming galaxies. Two of them, SDSSJ1647+21 and SDSSJ2238+14, show 0.5 dex metallicity decrements in inner regions with enhanced star-formation activity. This behavior is similar to the metallicity drop observed in a number of local tadpole galaxies by Sanchez Almeida et al. (2013) and interpreted as showing early stages of assembling in disk galaxies, with the star formation sustained by external metal-poor gas accretion. The agreement with tadpoles has several implications: (1) it proves that galaxies other than the local tadpoles present the same unusual metallicity pattern. (2) Our metallicity inhomogeneities were inferred using the direct method, thus discarding systematic errors usually attributed to other methods. (3) Taken together with the tadpole data, our findings suggest a threshold around one tenth the solar value for the metallicity drops to show up. Although galaxies with clear metallicity drops are rare, the physical mechanism responsible for them may sustain a significant part of the star-formation activity in the local Universe. We argue that the star-formation dependence of the mass-metallicity relationship, as well as other general properties followed by most local disk galaxies, are naturally interpreted as side effects of pristine gas infall. Alternatives to the metal poor gas accretion are examined too.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 10 pages. 5 Fig
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