365 research outputs found

    Metabolic balance studies and dietary protein requirements in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

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    Metabolic balance studies and dietary protein requirements in patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Balance studies for nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium were carried out in eight men undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) to determine dietary protein requirements and mineral balances. Patients were fed high energy diets for 14 to 33 days which provided either 0.98 (seven studies) or 1.44g (six studies) of primarily high biological value protein/kg body wt/day. Mean nitrogen balance was neutral with the lower protein diet (+0.35 ± 0.83SEMg/day) and strongly positive with the higher protein diet (+2.94 ± 0.54g/day). With the higher protein diet the balances for potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus were strikingly positive, there was an increase in body weight in all patients, and a rise in mid-arm muscle circumference in five of the six patients. The relation between protein intake and nitrogen balance suggests that the daily protein requirement for clinically stable CAPD patients should be at least 1.1g/kg/day; to account for variability among subjects 1.2 to 1.3g protein/kg/day is probably preferable. Potassium balance correlated directly with nitrogen balance (r = 0.81). High fecal potassium losses (19 ± 1.2 mEq/day) in all patients probably helped maintain normal serum potassium concentrations. Mean serum magnesium was increased (3.1 ± 0.1 mg/dl), and magnesium balances were positive suggesting that the dialysate magnesium of 1.85 mg/dl is excessive. The netgain of calcium from dialysate was 84 ± 18 mg/day; this correlated inversely with serum calcium levels (r = -0.90).Bilans métaboliques et besoins protéiques alimentaires de malades en dialyse péritonéale continue ambulatoire. Des études de bilan de l'azote, du potassium, du magnésium, du phosphore et du calcium, étaient fait en sept hommes en dialyse péritonéale continue ambulatoire (CAPD), pour déterminer leurs besoins protéiques alimentaires et leur bilan minéral. Les malades ont reçu pendant 14 à 33 jours des régimes hautement énergétiques, apportant soit 0,98 (sept études), soit 1,44g (six études) de protéines de haute valeur biologique par kg de poids et par jour. Le bilan azoté moyen etait nul avec le régime comportant la plus faibie teneur protéique (+ 0,35 ± 0,88g/jSEM) et était fortement positive avec le régime à plus forte teneur protéique (+2,94 ± 0,54g/j). Avec le régime à haute teneur en protéine, les bilans potassique, magnésien et phosphoré étaient fortement positifs; le poids corporel s'est élevé chez tous les malades; la circonférence musculaire mesurée du milieu du bras a augmenté chez cinq sur six malades. La relation existant entre l'apport protéique et le bilan azoté suggère que les besoins journaliers en protéines pour des malades cliniquement stables en CAPD devraient être au moins de 1,1g/kg/j; 1,2 à 1,3g de protéines/kg/j sont sans doute préférables pour tenir compte de la variabilité entre les sujets. Le bilan potassique était directement corrélé avec la balance azotée (r = 0,81). De fortes pertes potassiques fécales (19 ± 1,2 mEq/j) chez tous les malades ont probablement contribué à maintenir normales les concentrations sériques du potassium. La magnésémie moyenne était élevée (3,1 ± 0,1 mg/dl), et les bilans magnésiens aient positifs suggérant que le magnésium du dialysat (1,85 18 mg/dl) était trop élevé. Le gain net en calcium à partir du dialysat était de 84 ± 18 mg/j; ce gain était inversement corrélé avec la calcémie (r = 0,90)

    Glucose absorption during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis

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    Glucose absorption during continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Patients undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) are exposed to a continuous infusion of glucose via their peritoneal cavity. We performed studies to quantitate the amount of energy derived from dialysate glucose. Net glucose absorption averaged 182 ± (SD) 61 g/day in 19 studies with a dialysate dextrose concentration of 1.5 or 4.25 g/dl. The amount of glucose absorbed per liter of dialysate (y) varied with the concentration of glucose in dialysate (x), (y = 11.3x - 10.9, r = 0.96), The amount of glucose absorbed per day during a given dialysis regimen was constant. Energy intake from dialysate glucose was 8.4 ± 2.8 kcal/kg of body wt per day, or 12 to 34% of total energy intake. This additional energy may contribute to the anabolic effect reported during CAPD. The ability to vary glucose absorption by altering the dialysate glucose concentration may prove a useful tool to modify energy intake.Absorption de glucose au cours de la dialyse péritonéale continue ambulatoire. Les malades soumis à la dialyse péritonéale continue ambulatoire (CAPD) sont exposés à une administration continue de glucose via leur cavité péritonéale. La quantité d'énergie qui dérive du glucose du dialysat a été quantifiée. L'absorption nette de glucose est en moyenne de 182 ± (SD) 61 g/jour au cours de 19 études avec un dialysat contenant du dextrose, 1,5 ou 4,25 g/dl. La quantité de glucose absorbée par litre de dialysat (y) varie avec la concentration de glucose dans le dialysat (x), (y = 11,3x - 10,9, r = 0,96). La quantité de glucose absorbée par jour pour un type donné de dialyse a été constante. L'entrée d'énergie à partir du glucose du dialysat était de 8,4 ± 2,8 kcal/kg de poids par jour, soit 12 à 34% de l'entrée totale d'énergie. Cette énergie supplémentaire peut contribuer à l'effet anabolique rapporté au cours de CAPD. La possibilité de faire varier l'absorption de glucose en modifiant la concentration de glucose dans le dialysat peut être un moyen utile pour influencer l'entrée d'énergie

    Union effectiveness: In Search of the Holy Grail

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    YesThis article revisits the concept of union effectiveness and proposes a conceptual model to inform its study and application. Previous conceptual and empirical work is examined to identify key strengths and weaknesses, and to relate the union effectiveness concept to union renewal and other key concepts. This leads to the proposal of a Goal-System framework that builds and improves on prior research

    Effect of dietary protein restriction on nutritional status in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study

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    Effect of dietary protein restriction on nutritional status in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study. The safety of dietary protein and phosphorous restriction was evaluated in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study. In Study A, 585 patients with a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 25 to 55 ml/min/1.73m2 were randomly assigned to a usual-protein diet (1.3 g/kg/day) or a low-protein diet (0.58 g/kg/day). In Study B, 255 patients with a GFR of 13 to 24 ml/min/1.73m2 were randomly assigned to the low-protein diet or a very-low-protein diet (0.28 g/kg/day), supplemented with a ketoacid-amino acid mixture (0.28 g/kg/day). The low-protein and very-low-protein diets were also low in phosphorus. Mean duration of follow-up was 2.2 years in both studies. Protein and energy intakes were lower in the low-protein and very-low-protein diet groups than in the usual-protein group. Two patients in Study B reached a “stop point” for malnutrition. There was no difference between randomized groups in the rates of death, first hospitalizations, or other “stop points” in either study. Mean values for various indices of nutritional status remained within the normal range during follow-up in each diet group. However, there were small but significant changes from baseline in some nutritional indices, and differences between the randomized groups in some of these changes. In the low-protein and very-low-protein diet groups, serum albumin rose, while serum transferrin, body wt, percent body fat, arm muscle area and urine creatinine excretion declined. Combining patients in both diet groups in each study, a lower achieved protein intake (from food and supplement) was not correlated with a higher rate of death, hospitalization or stop points, or with a progressive decline in any of the indices of nutritional status after controlling for baseline nutritional status and follow-up energy intake. These analyses suggest that the low-protein and very-low-protein diets used in the MDRD Study are safe for periods of two to three years. Nonetheless, both protein and energy intake declined and there were small but significant declines in various indices of nutritional status. These declines are of concern because of the adverse effect of protein calorie malnutrition in patients with end-stage renal disease. Physicians who prescribe low-protein diets must carefully monitor patients' protein and energy intake and nutritional status

    A controlled study of supplementation with essential amino acids and α-keto acids in the conservative management of patients with chronic renal failure

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    Art und Zusammensetzung einer optimalen eiweißarmen Ernährung für Patienten mit Niereninsuffizienz sind weiterhin umstritten. Die orale medikamentöse Behandlung mit essentiellen Aminosäuren oder α-Ketosäuren wird häufig empfohlen. Unsere Untersuchungen vergleichen nacheinander bei 15 ambulanten Patienten mit chronischem Nierenversagen (mittlere Kreatinin-Clearance 10,8 ml/min) unter einer eiweißarmen Ernährung von 0,57 g/kg Körpergewicht (40 g/70 kg) die Wirkung einer Substitution mit essentiellen Aminosäuren, danach die Substitution mit α-Ketosäuren gegenüber Plazebo. Der nachgewiesene Proteingehalt in der Nahrung betrug 0,55 g/kg, die Energiezufuhr 27 kcal/kg Körpergewicht, wie mehrfach Ernährungsprotokolle über jeweils 7 Tage bei den Patienten zeigen ließen. Nach einer Vorperiode von 6 Wochen nur unter diätetischen Maßnahmen erhielten alle Patienten zusätzlich 0,112 g essentielle Aminosäuren/kg Körpergewicht über 6 Wochen, danach in einer Doppelblinduntersuchung 0,105 g α-Ketosäuren/kg Körpergewicht im Vergleich gegenüber Plazebo, ebenfalls jeweils über 6 Wochen. Nüchtern-Blutuntersuchungen wurden für ein Standard-Laborwertprogramm, insbesondere für 15 Proteinmangelparameter, alle 3 Wochen durchgeführt, ferner anthropometrische und klinische Kontrollen. Die Laborwerte erbrachten keine Hinweise auf einen manifesten Proteinmangel. Die Therapie mit α-Ketosäuren erniedrigte die Phosphatspiegel signifikant (p<0,05). Dagegen konnten weder unter essentiellen Aminosäuren oder α-Ketosäuren andere für den Patienten wesentliche Effekte nachgewiesen werden. Deshalb erscheint uns eine Substitution mit essentiellen Aminosäuren oder Ketosäuren überflüssig bei Patienten mit einer chronischen Niereninsuffizienz, die sich in einem stabilen Stoffwechselgleichgewicht befinden und mit einer Eiweißzufuhr von 0,55 g/kg Körpergewicht behandelt werden. Oral therapy with essential amino acids (EAA) or α-keto acids (α-KA) has been recommended in patients with renal failure, but quality and quantity of optimal protein intake are still controversial. This study compares sequentially the effect of supplementation with EAA, and with α-KA versus placebo in 15 ambulatory patients with chronic renal failure (average creatinine clearance 10.8 ml/min), maintained on a protein diet of 0.57 g/kg body weight (40 g for a 70-kg patient). The actual dietary intake averaged 0.55 g protein/kg and 27 kcal/kg according to repeated 7-day dietary recordings. After a 6-week baseline period on this diet, all patients received additionally 0.112 g EAA/kg for 6 weeks followed by a double-blind cross-over study of 0.105 g α-KA/kg versus placebo supplementation for 6 weeks each. Fasting blood samples for multiple parameters, including 15 indicators for protein deficiency, as well as anthropometric and clinical data were evaluated every 3 weeks. Laboratory data revealed no indications of protein deficiency. Therapy with α-KA diminished serum phosphate concentration (p<0.05), however no other significant beneficial effects could be demonstrated during supplementation with either EAA or α-KA. Therefore, such supplementation to a 0.55-g/kg-protein diet appears superfluous in stable ambulatory patients with renal insufficiency.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41743/1/394_2005_Article_BF02020747.pd

    Muscle wasting in chronic kidney disease: the role of the ubiquitin proteasome system and its clinical impact

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    Muscle wasting in chronic kidney disease (CKD) and other catabolic diseases (e.g. sepsis, diabetes, cancer) can occur despite adequate nutritional intake. It is now known that complications of these various disorders, including acidosis, insulin resistance, inflammation, and increased glucocorticoid and angiotensin II production, all activate the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) to degrade muscle proteins. The initial step in this process is activation of caspase-3 to cleave the myofibril into its components (actin, myosin, troponin, and tropomyosin). Caspase-3 is required because the UPS minimally degrades the myofibril but rapidly degrades its component proteins. Caspase-3 activity is easily detected because it leaves a characteristic 14kD actin fragment in muscle samples. Preliminary evidence from several experimental models of catabolic diseases, as well as from studies in patients, indicates that this fragment could be a useful biomarker because it correlates well with the degree of muscle degradation in dialysis patients and in other catabolic conditions

    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, inflammation and co-morbidity – a common inflammatory phenotype?

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    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is and will remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The severity of airflow obstruction is known to relate to overall health status and mortality. However, even allowing for common aetiological factors, a link has been identified between COPD and other systemic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and osteoporosis. COPD is known to be an inflammatory condition and neutrophil elastase has long been considered a significant mediator of the disease. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, in particular TNF-α (Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha), may be the driving force behind the disease process. However, the roles of inflammation and these pro-inflammatory cytokines may extend beyond the lungs and play a part in the systemic effects of the disease and associated co-morbidities. This article describes the mechanisms involved and proposes a common inflammatory TNF-α phenotype that may, in part, account for the associations
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