3,240 research outputs found


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    This study explores the potential of routine preharvest cross-hedging of rough rice using wheat futures contract prices. A numerical simulation approach combined with risk efficiency analysis evaluates a wide rage of cross-hedging alternatives. Results establish that farm-level cross-hedging can be considered a viable marketing alternative.Marketing,

    Synopsis of early field test results from the gravity gradiometer survey system

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    Although the amount of data yielded by the initial airborne and surface tests was modest, it was sufficient to demonstrate that the full gravity gradient tensor was successfully measured from moving platforms both in the air and on the surface. The measurements were effectively continuous with spatial along-track resolution limited only by choice of integration lengths taken to reduce noise. The airborne data were less noisy (800 E squared/Hz typical) than were the Gravity Gradiometer Survey System (GGSS) measurements taken at the surface (5000 E squared/Hz typical). Single tracks of surface gravity disturbances recovered from airborne data were accurate to 3 to 4 mgal in each component of gravity when compared to 5 x 5 mean gravity anomalies over a 90 km track. Multitrack processing yielded 2 to 3 mgal when compared to 5 x 5 mean anomalies. Deflection of the vertical recovery over a distance of 150 km was about one arcsecond

    Von Neumann's 'No Hidden Variables' Proof: A Re-Appraisal

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    Since the analysis by John Bell in 1965, the consensus in the literature is that von Neumann's 'no hidden variables' proof fails to exclude any significant class of hidden variables. Bell raised the question whether it could be shown that any hidden variable theory would have to be nonlocal, and in this sense 'like Bohm's theory.' His seminal result provides a positive answer to the question. I argue that Bell's analysis misconstrues von Neumann's argument. What von Neumann proved was the impossibility of recovering the quantum probabilities from a hidden variable theory of dispersion free (deterministic) states in which the quantum observables are represented as the 'beables' of the theory, to use Bell's term. That is, the quantum probabilities could not reflect the distribution of pre-measurement values of beables, but would have to be derived in some other way, e.g., as in Bohm's theory, where the probabilities are an artefact of a dynamical process that is not in fact a measurement of any beable of the system.Comment: 8 pages, no figures; for Peter Mittelstaedt Festschrift issue of Foundations of Physic

    Topological Test Spaces

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    A test space is the set of outcome-sets associated with a collection of experiments. This notion provides a simple mathematical framework for the study of probabilistic theories -- notably, quantum mechanics -- in which one is faced with incommensurable random quantities. In the case of quantum mechanics, the relevant test space, the set of orthonormal bases of a Hilbert space, carries significant topological structure. This paper inaugurates a general study of topological test spaces. Among other things, we show that any topological test space with a compact space of outcomes is of finite rank. We also generalize results of Meyer and Clifton-Kent by showing that, under very weak assumptions, any second-countable topological test space contains a dense semi-classical test space.Comment: 12 pp., LaTeX 2e. To appear in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Hot melt adhesive attachment pad

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    A hot melt adhesive attachment pad for releasably securing distinct elements together is described which is particularly useful in the construction industry or a spatial vacuum environment. The attachment pad consists primarily of a cloth selectively impregnated with a charge of hot melt adhesive, a thermo-foil heater, and a thermo-cooler. These components are securely mounted in a mounting assembly. In operation, the operator activates the heating cycle transforming the hot melt adhesive to a substantially liquid state, positions the pad against the attachment surface, and activates the cooling cycle solidifying the adhesive and forming a strong, releasable bond

    Offshore Distances of Bowhead Whales (Balaena mysticetus) Observed during Fall in the Beaufort Sea, 1982–2000: An Alternative Interpretation

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    Nineteen years (1982– 2000) of sighting data from fall aerial surveys of bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the Alaskan Beaufort Sea were analyzed to determine how patterns in the distribution of migrating bowhead whales relate to annual sea-ice conditions. Transect sighting rate (transect sightings/km) indicated (ANOVA; F2, 980 = 143.84, p < 0.0001) that bowhead whales occurred farther offshore in years of heavy ice conditions (73.4 km, 95% CL: 67.2–79.6 km) than in years of moderate (49.3 km, 95% CL: 44.8–53.84 km), or light (31.2 km, 95% CL: 30.0–32.4 km) ice conditions. The most plausible explanation for the observed pattern in bowhead whale distribution is that in years of heavy ice conditions (annual pack ice; 1983, 1988, 1991), the developing landfast ice limits availability of shallow nearshore habitat, thus necessitating use of leads and ice openings in deeper water. We acknowledge that factors such as bathymetry, ocean currents, transport, and food availability may also interact to influence autumn distribution of bowhead whales. In heavy ice years, however, these factors likely exert less influence on bowhead whale distribution than in years with light to moderate ice conditions.Les donnĂ©es automnales prĂ©levĂ©es Ă  partir de relevĂ©s aĂ©riens pendant 19 annĂ©es chez les baleines borĂ©ales (1982– 2000) (Balaena mysticetus) de la mer de Beaufort alaskienne ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es dans le but de dĂ©terminer comment les tendances caractĂ©risant la rĂ©partition des baleines borĂ©ales en migration se rapportent Ă  l’état annuel des glaces et de la mer. Le taux de repĂ©rage transect (repĂ©rage transect/km) a indiquĂ© (ANOVA; F2, 980 = 143.84, p < 0,0001) que les baleines borĂ©ales se trouvaient plus loin au large pendant les annĂ©es oĂč il y avait beaucoup de glace (73,4 km, 95 % CL: 67,2–79,6 km) que pendant les annĂ©es oĂč la glace Ă©tait modĂ©rĂ©e (49,3 km, 95 % CL: 44,8–53.84 km) ou lĂ©gĂšre (31,2 km, 95 % CL: 30,0–32,4 km). L’explication la plus plausible Ă  la source de la tendance qui a Ă©tĂ© observĂ©e en matiĂšre de rĂ©partition des baleines borĂ©ales, c’est que pendant les annĂ©es oĂč il y a beaucoup de glace (banquise; 1983, 1988, 1991), la glace de rive en formation limite la disponibilitĂ© d’habitats de faible profondeur Ă  proximitĂ© du littoral, ce qui nĂ©cessite l’utilisation de chenaux et d’ouvertures dans la glace en eau plus profonde. On reconnaĂźt que des facteurs comme la bathymĂ©trie, les courants ocĂ©aniques, le transport et la disponibilitĂ© de la nourriture peuvent Ă©galement entrer en interaction au point d’exercer une influence sur la rĂ©partition automnale des baleines borĂ©ales. Cependant, pendant les annĂ©es oĂč il y a beaucoup de glace, ces facteurs sont susceptibles d’exercer moins d’influence sur la rĂ©partition des baleines borĂ©ales que pendant les annĂ©es oĂč la couverture de glace varie de lĂ©gĂšre Ă  moyenne

    Unified Framework for Correlations in Terms of Local Quantum Observables

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    We provide a unified framework for nonsignalling quantum and classical multipartite correlations, allowing all to be written as the trace of some local (quantum) measurements multiplied by an operator. The properties of this operator define the corresponding set of correlations.We then show that if the theory is such that all local quantum measurements are possible, one obtains the correlations corresponding to the extension of Gleason's Theorem to multipartite systems. Such correlations coincide with the quantum ones for one and two parties, but we prove the existence of a gap for three or more parties.Comment: 4 pages, final versio

    Mechanisms of Surviving Burial: Dune Grass Interspecific Differences Drive Resource Allocation After Sand Deposition

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    Sand dunes are important geomorphic formations of coastal ecosystems that are critical in protecting human populations that live in coastal areas. Dune formation is driven by ecomorphodynamic interactions between vegetation and sediment deposition. While there has been extensive research on responses of dune grasses to sand burial, there is a knowledge gap in understanding mechanisms of acclimation between similar, coexistent, dune-building grasses such as Ammophila breviligulata (C3), Spartina patens (C4), and Uniola paniculata (C4). Our goal was to determine how physiological mechanisms of acclimation to sand burial vary between species. We hypothesize that (1) in the presence of burial, resource allocation will be predicated on photosynthetic pathway and that we will be able to characterize the C3 species as a root allocator and the C4 species as leaf allocators. We also hypothesize that (2) despite similarities between these species in habitat, growth form, and life history, leaf, root, and whole plant traits will vary between species when burial is not present. Furthermore, when burial is present, the existing variability in physiological strategy will drive species-specific mechanisms of survival. In a greenhouse experiment, we exposed three dune grass species to different burial treatments: 0 cm (control) and a one-time 25-cm burial to mimic sediment deposition during a storm. At the conclusion of our study, we collected a suite of physiological and morphological functional traits. Results showed that Ammophila decreased allocation to aboveground biomass to maintain root biomass, preserving photosynthesis by allocating nitrogen (N) into light-exposed leaves. Conversely, Uniola and Spartina decreased allocation to belowground production to increase elongation and maintain aboveground biomass. Interestingly, we found that species were functionally distinct when burial was absent; however, all species became more similar when treated with burial. In the presence of burial, species utilized functional traits of rapid growth strategy, although mechanisms of change were interspecifically variable

    Homeless Service Utilization Report: Hawai‘i 2015

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    The 2015 Homeless Service Utilization Report is the tenth annual report produced by the Center on the Family at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and the Homeless Program Office in the Hawai‘i State Department of Human Services. In this report, references to the FY 2014 data are based on the 2014 Homeless Service Utilization Report and its Statistical Supplement, which can be downloaded from http://uhfamily.hawaii.edu/publications/list.aspx. Additional data tables and thematic maps are published in the 2015 Statistical Supplement, which is available from the web address above
