26 research outputs found

    Sub shot-noise interferometry from measurements of the one-body density

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    We derive the asymptotic maximum-likelihood phase estimation uncertainty for any interferometric protocol where the positions of the probe particles are measured to infer the phase, but where correlations between the particles are not accessible. First, we apply our formula to the estimation of the phase acquired in the Mach-Zehnder interferometer and recover the well-know momentum formula for the phase sensitivity. Then, we apply our results to interferometers with two spatially separated modes, which could be implemented with a Bose-Einstein condensate trapped in a double-well potential. We show that in a simple protocol which estimates the phase from an interference pattern a sub shot-noise phase uncertainty of up to Δξ∝N−2/3\Delta\theta\propto N^{-2/3} can be achieved. One important property of this estimation protocol is that its sensitivity does not depend on the value of the phase ξ\theta, contrary to the sensitivity given by the momentum formula for the Mach-Zehnder transformation. Finally, we study the experimental implementation of the above protocol in detail, by numerically simulating the full statistics as well as by considering the main sources of detection noise, and argue that the shot-noise limit could be surpassed with current technology.Comment: 19 pages. 4 figure

    Quantum multimode model of elastic scattering from Bose Einstein condensates

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    Mean field approximation treats only coherent aspects of the evolution of a Bose Einstein condensate. However, in many experiments some atoms scatter out of the condensate. We study an analytic model of two counter-propagating atomic Gaussian wavepackets incorporating dynamics of incoherent scattering processes. Within the model we can treat processes of elastic collision of atoms into the initially empty modes, and observe how, with growing occupation, the bosonic enhancement is slowly kicking in. A condition for bosonic enhancement effect is found in terms of relevant parameters. Scattered atoms form a squeezed state that can be viewed as a multi-component condensate. Not only are we able to calculate the dynamics of mode occupation, but also the full statistics of scattered atoms.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Bogoliubov dynamics of condensate collisions using the positive-P representation

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    We formulate the time-dependent Bogoliubov dynamics of colliding Bose-Einstein condensates in terms of a positive-P representation of the Bogoliubov field. We obtain stochastic evolution equations for the field which converge to the full Bogoliubov description as the number of realisations grows. The numerical effort grows linearly with the size of the computational lattice. We benchmark the efficiency and accuracy of our description against Wigner distribution and exact positive-P methods. We consider its regime of applicability, and show that it is the most efficient method in the common situation - when the total particle number in the system is insufficient for a truncated Wigner treatment.Comment: 9 pages. 5 figure

    Phase Estimation from Atom Position Measurements

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    We study the measurement of the position of atoms as a means to estimate the relative phase between two Bose-Einstein condensates. First, we consider NN atoms released from a double-well trap, forming an interference pattern, and show that a simple least-squares fit to the density gives a shot-noise limited sensitivity. The shot-noise limit can instead be overcome by using correlation functions of order N\sqrt{N} or larger. The measurement of the NthN\mathrm{th}-order correlation function allows to estimate the relative phase at the Heisenberg limit. Phase estimation through the measurement of the center-of-mass of the interference pattern can also provide sub-shot-noise sensitivity. Finally, we study the effect of the overlap between the two clouds on the phase estimation, when Mach-Zehnder interferometry is performed in a double-well.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figure

    Pair correlations of scattered atoms from two colliding Bose-Einstein Condensates: Perturbative Approach

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    We apply an analytical model for anisotropic, colliding Bose-Einstein condensates in a spontaneous four wave mixing geometry to evaluate the second order correlation function of the field of scattered atoms. Our approach uses quantized scattering modes and the equivalent of a classical, undepleted pump approximation. Results to lowest order in perturbation theory are compared with a recent experiment and with other theoretical approaches.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Elastic scattering losses in the four-wave mixing of Bose Einstein Condensates

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    We introduce a classical stochastic field method that accounts for the quantum fluctuations responsible for spontaneous initiation of various atom optics processes. We assume a delta-correlated Gaussian noise in all initially empty modes of atomic field. Its strength is determined by comparison with the analytical results for two colliding condensates in the low loss limit. Our method is applied to the atomic four wave mixing experiment performed at MIT [Vogels {\it et. al.}, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 89}, 020401, (2002)], for the first time reproducing experimental data

    Free-fall expansion of finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensed gas in the non Thomas-Fermi regime

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    We report on our study of the free-fall expansion of a finite-temperature Bose-Einstein condensed cloud of 87Rb. The experiments are performed with a variable total number of atoms while keeping constant the number of atoms in the condensate. The results provide evidence that the BEC dynamics depends on the interaction with thermal fraction. In particular, they provide experimental evidence that thermal cloud compresses the condensate.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Mean field effects on the scattered atoms in condensate collisions

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    We consider the collision of two Bose Einstein condensates at supersonic velocities and focus on the halo of scattered atoms. This halo is the most important feature for experiments and is also an excellent testing ground for various theoretical approaches. In particular we find that the typical reduced Bogoliubov description, commonly used, is often not accurate in the region of parameters where experiments are performed. Surprisingly, besides the halo pair creation terms, one should take into account the evolving mean field of the remaining condensate and on-condensate pair creation. We present examples where the difference is clearly seen, and where the reduced description still holds.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure