395 research outputs found

    Visualizing quantum entanglement and the EPR paradox during the photodissociation of a diatomic molecule using two ultrashort laser pulses

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    We investigate theoretically the dissociative ionization of a H2+ molecule using two ultrashort laser (pump-probe) pulses. The pump pulse prepares a dissociating nuclear wave packet on an ungerade surface of H2+. Next, an UV (or XUV) probe pulse ionizes this dissociating state at large (R = 20 - 100 bohr) internuclear distance. We calculate the momenta distributions of protons and photoelectrons which show a (two-slit-like) interference structure. A general, simple interference formula is obtained which depends on the electron and protons momenta, as well as on the pump-probe delay on the pulses durations and polarizations. This interference can be interpreted as visualization of an electron state delocalized over the two-centres. This state is an entangled state of a hydrogen atom with a momentum p and a proton with an opposite momentum. -p dissociating on the ungerade surface of H2+. This pump-probe scheme can be used to reveal the nonlocality of the electron which intuitively should be localized on just one of the protons separated by the distance R much larger than the atomic Bohr orbit

    Experimental demonstration of higher-order Laguerre-Gauss mode interferometry

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    The compatibility of higher-order Laguerre-Gauss (LG) modes with interferometric technologies commonly used in gravitational wave detectors is investigated. In this paper we present the first experimental results concerning the performance of the LG33 mode in optical resonators. We show that the Pound-Drever-Hall error signal for a LG33 mode in a linear optical resonator is identical to that of the more commonly used LG00 mode, and demonstrate the feedback control of the resonator with a LG33 mode. We succeeded to increase the mode purity of a LG33 mode generated using a spatial-light modulator from 51% to 99% upon transmission through a linear optical resonator. We further report the experimental verification that a triangular optical resonator does not transmit helical LG modes

    Complete controllability of quantum systems

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    Sufficient conditions for complete controllability of NN-level quantum systems subject to a single control pulse that addresses multiple allowed transitions concurrently are established. The results are applied in particular to Morse and harmonic-oscillator systems, as well as some systems with degenerate energy levels. Morse and harmonic oscillators serve as models for molecular bonds, and the standard control approach of using a sequence of frequency-selective pulses to address a single transition at a time is either not applicable or only of limited utility for such systems.Comment: 8 pages, expanded and revised versio

    Probing seed black holes using future gravitational-wave detectors

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    Identifying the properties of the first generation of seeds of massive black holes is key to understanding the merger history and growth of galaxies. Mergers between ~100 solar mass seed black holes generate gravitational waves in the 0.1-10Hz band that lies between the sensitivity bands of existing ground-based detectors and the planned space-based gravitational wave detector, the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). However, there are proposals for more advanced detectors that will bridge this gap, including the third generation ground-based Einstein Telescope and the space-based detector DECIGO. In this paper we demonstrate that such future detectors should be able to detect gravitational waves produced by the coalescence of the first generation of light seed black-hole binaries and provide information on the evolution of structure in that era. These observations will be complementary to those that LISA will make of subsequent mergers between more massive black holes. We compute the sensitivity of various future detectors to seed black-hole mergers, and use this to explore the number and properties of the events that each detector might see in three years of observation. For this calculation, we make use of galaxy merger trees and two different seed black hole mass distributions in order to construct the astrophysical population of events. We also consider the accuracy with which networks of future ground-based detectors will be able to measure the parameters of seed black hole mergers, in particular the luminosity distance to the source. We show that distance precisions of ~30% are achievable, which should be sufficient for us to say with confidence that the sources are at high redshift.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 2 tables, accepted for proceedings of 13th GWDAW meetin

    Observation of coherent transients in ultrashort chirped excitation of an undamped two-level system

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    The effects of Coherent excitation of a two level system with a linearly chirped pulse are studied theoretically and experimentally (in Rb (5s - 5p)) in the low field regime. The Coherent Transients are measured directly on the excited state population on an ultrashort time scale. A sharp step corresponds to the passage through resonance. It is followed by oscillations resulting from interferences between off-resonant and resonant contributions. We finally show the equivalence between this experiment and Fresnel diffraction by a sharp edge.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in PR

    DC-readout of a signal-recycled gravitational wave detector

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    All first-generation large-scale gravitational wave detectors are operated at the dark fringe and use a heterodyne readout employing radio frequency (RF) modulation-demodulation techniques. However, the experience in the currently running interferometers reveals several problems connected with a heterodyne readout, of which phase noise of the RF modulation is the most serious one. A homodyne detection scheme (DC-readout), using the highly stabilized and filtered carrier light as local oscillator for the readout, is considered to be a favourable alternative. Recently a DC-readout scheme was implemented on the GEO 600 detector. We describe the results of first measurements and give a comparison of the performance achieved with homodyne and heterodyne readout. The implications of the combined use of DC-readout and signal-recycling are considered.Comment: 11 page

    Momentum transfer using chirped standing wave fields: Bragg scattering

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    We consider momentum transfer using frequency-chirped standing wave fields. Novel atom-beam splitter and mirror schemes based on Bragg scattering are presented. It is shown that a predetermined number of photon momenta can be transferred to the atoms in a single interaction zone.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Coherent Control of Multiphoton Transitions with Femtosecond pulse shaping

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    We explore the effects of ultrafast shaped pulses for two-level systems that do not have a single photon resonance by developing a multiphoton density-matrix approach. We take advantage of the fact that the dynamics of the intermediate virtual states are absent within our laser pulse timescales. Under these conditions, the multiphoton results are similar to the single photon and that it is possible to extend the single photon coherent control ideas to develop multiphoton coherent control.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures. submitted to PR

    Feasibility of measuring the Shapiro time delay over meter-scale distances

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    The time delay of light as it passes by a massive object, first calculated by Shapiro in 1964, is a hallmark of the curvature of space-time. To date, all measurements of the Shapiro time delay have been made over solar-system distance scales. We show that the new generation of kilometer-scale laser interferometers being constructed as gravitational wave detectors, in particular Advanced LIGO, will in principle be sensitive enough to measure variations in the Shapiro time delay produced by a suitably designed rotating object placed near the laser beam. We show that such an apparatus is feasible (though not easy) to construct, present an example design, and calculate the signal that would be detectable by Advanced LIGO. This offers the first opportunity to measure space-time curvature effects on a laboratory distance scale.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures; v3 has updated instrumental noise curves plus a few text edits; resubmitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit
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