19,247 research outputs found

    Numerical study of the random field Ising model at zero and positive temperature

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    In this paper the three dimensional random field Ising model is studied at both zero temperature and positive temperature. Critical exponents are extracted at zero temperature by finite size scaling analysis of large discontinuities in the bond energy. The heat capacity exponent α\alpha is found to be near zero. The ground states are determined for a range of external field and disorder strength near the zero temperature critical point and the scaling of ground state tilings of the field-disorder plane is discussed. At positive temperature the specific heat and the susceptibility are obtained using the Wang-Landau algorithm. It is found that sharp peaks are present in these physical quantities for some realizations of systems sized 16316^3 and larger. These sharp peaks result from flipping large domains and correspond to large discontinuities in ground state bond energies. Finally, zero temperature and positive temperature spin configurations near the critical line are found to be highly correlated suggesting a strong version of the zero temperature fixed point hypothesis.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figure

    LAMOST 1: A Disrupted Satellite in the Constellation Draco

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    Using LAMOST spectroscopic data, we find a strong signal of a comoving group of stars in the constellation of Draco. The group, observed near the apocenter of its orbit, is 2.6 kpc from the Sun with a metallicity of -0.64 dex. The system is observed as a streaming population of unknown provenance with mass of about 2.1E4 solar masses and an absolute V band magnitude of about -3.6. Its high metallicity, diffuse physical structure, and eccentric orbit may indicate that the progenitor satellite was a globular cluster rather than a dwarf galaxy or an open cluster.Comment: 6 pages, 4 Figures, 1 Table, Accepted to ApJ

    Gate Tunable Dissipation and "Superconductor-Insulator" Transition in Carbon Nanotube Josephson Transistors

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    Dissipation is ubiquitous in quantum systems, and its interplay with fluctuations is critical to maintaining quantum coherence. We experimentally investigate the dissipation dynamics in single-walled carbon nanotubes coupled to superconductors. The voltage-current characteristics display gate-tunable hysteresis, with sizes that perfectly correlate with the normal state resistance RN, indicating the junction undergoes a periodic modulation between underdamped and overdamped regimes. Surprisingly, when a device's Fermi-level is tuned through a local conductance minimum, we observe a gate-controlled transition from superconducting-like to insulating-like states, with a "critical" R_N value of about 8-20 kohm.Comment: Figures revised to improve clarity. Accepted for publication by Physical Review Letter

    Quantum and Classical Spins on the Spatially Distorted Kagome Lattice: Applications to Volborthite

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    In Volborthite, spin-1/2 moments form a distorted Kagom\'e lattice, of corner sharing isosceles triangles with exchange constants JJ on two bonds and J′J' on the third bond. We study the properties of such spin systems, and show that despite the distortion, the lattice retains a great deal of frustration. Although sub-extensive, the classical ground state degeneracy remains very large, growing exponentially with the system perimeter. We consider degeneracy lifting by thermal and quantum fluctuations. To linear (spin wave) order, the degeneracy is found to stay intact. Two complementary approaches are therefore introduced, appropriate to low and high temperatures, which point to the same ordered pattern. In the low temperature limit, an effective chirality Hamiltonian is derived from non-linear spin waves which predicts a transition on increasing J′/JJ'/J, from 3×3\sqrt 3\times \sqrt 3 type order to a new ferrimagnetic {\em striped chirality} order with a doubled unit cell. This is confirmed by a large-N approximation on the O(nn) model on this lattice. While the saddle point solution produces a line degeneracy, O(1/n)O(1/n) corrections select the non-trivial wavevector of the striped chirality state. The quantum limit of spin 1/2 on this lattice is studied via exact small system diagonalization and compare well with experimental results at intermediate temperatures. We suggest that the very low temperature spin frozen state seen in NMR experiments may be related to the disconnected nature of classical ground states on this lattice, which leads to a prediction for NMR line shapes.Comment: revised, section V about exact diagonalization is extensively rewritten, 17 pages, 11 figures, RevTex 4, accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Complementarity of Weak Lensing and Peculiar Velocity Measurements in Testing General Relativity

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    We explore the complementarity of weak lensing and galaxy peculiar velocity measurements to better constrain modifications to General Relativity. We find no evidence for deviations from GR on cosmological scales from a combination of peculiar velocity measurements (for Luminous Red Galaxies in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey) with weak lensing measurements (from the CFHT Legacy Survey). We provide a Fisher error forecast for a Euclid-like space-based survey including both lensing and peculiar velocity measurements, and show that the expected constraints on modified gravity will be at least an order of magnitude better than with present data, i.e. we will obtain 5% errors on the modified gravity parametrization described here. We also present a model--independent method for constraining modified gravity parameters using tomographic peculiar velocity information, and apply this methodology to the present dataset.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Tunable electronic anisotropy in single-crystal A2Cr3As3 (A = K, Rb) quasi-one-dimensional superconductors

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    Single crystals of A2Cr3As3 (A = K, Rb) were successfully grown using a self-flux method and studied via structural, transport and thermodynamic measurement techniques. The superconducting state properties between the two species are similar, with critical temperatures of 6.1 K and 4.8 K in K2Cr3As3 and Rb2Cr3As3, respectively. However, the emergence of a strong normal state electronic anisotropy in Rb2Cr3As3 suggests a unique electronic tuning parameter is coupled to the inter-chain spacing in the A2Cr3As3 structure, which increases with alkali metal ionic size while the one-dimensional [(Cr3As3)^{2-}]_{\infty} chain structure itself remains essentially unchanged. Together with dramatic enhancements in both conductivity and magnetoresistance (MR), the appearance of a strong anisotropy in the MR of Rb2Cr3As3 is consistent with the proposed quasi-one-dimensional character of band structure and its evolution with alkali metal species in this new family of superconductors.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.
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