8,084 research outputs found

    Failure of classical elasticity in auxetic foams

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    A recent derivation [P.H. Mott and C.M. Roland, Phys. Rev. B 80, 132104 (2009).] of the bounds on Poisson's ratio, v, for linearly elastic materials showed that the conventional lower limit, -1, is wrong, and that v cannot be less than 0.2 for classical elasticity to be valid. This is a significant result, since it is precisely for materials having small values of v that direct measurements are not feasible, so that v must be calculated from other elastic constants. Herein we measure directly Poisson's ratio for four materials, two for which the more restrictive bounds on v apply, and two having values below this limit of 0.2. We find that while the measured v for the former are equivalent to values calculated from the shear and tensile moduli, for two auxetic materials (v < 0), the equations of classical elasticity give inaccurate values of v. This is experimental corroboration that the correct lower limit on Poisson's ratio is 0.2 in order for classical elasticity to apply.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Quasi-Local Energy Flux of Spacetime Perturbation

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    A general expression for quasi-local energy flux for spacetime perturbation is derived from covariant Hamiltonian formulation using functional differentiability and symplectic structure invariance, which is independent of the choice of the canonical variables and the possible boundary terms one initially puts into the Lagrangian in the diffeomorphism invariant theories. The energy flux expression depends on a displacement vector field and the 2-surface under consideration. We apply and test the expression in Vaidya spacetime. At null infinity the expression leads to the Bondi type energy flux obtained by Lindquist, Schwartz and Misner. On dynamical horizons with a particular choice of the displacement vector, it gives the area balance law obtained by Ashtekar and Krishnan.Comment: 8 pages, added appendix, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Properties of the symplectic structure of General Relativity for spatially bounded spacetime regions

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    We continue a previous analysis of the covariant Hamiltonian symplectic structure of General Relativity for spatially bounded regions of spacetime. To allow for near complete generality, the Hamiltonian is formulated using any fixed hypersurface, with a boundary given by a closed spacelike 2-surface. A main result is that we obtain Hamiltonians associated to Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions on the gravitational field coupled to matter sources, in particular a Klein-Gordon field, an electromagnetic field, and a set of Yang-Mills-Higgs fields. The Hamiltonians are given by a covariant form of the Arnowitt-Deser-Misner Hamiltonian modified by a surface integral term that depends on the particular boundary conditions. The general form of this surface integral involves an underlying ``energy-momentum'' vector in the spacetime tangent space at the spatial boundary 2-surface. We give examples of the resulting Dirichlet and Neumann vectors for topologically spherical 2-surfaces in Minkowski spacetime, spherically symmetric spacetimes, and stationary axisymmetric spacetimes. Moreover, we show the relation between these vectors and the ADM energy-momentum vector for a 2-surface taken in a limit to be spatial infinity in asymptotically flat spacetimes. We also discuss the geometrical properties of the Dirichlet and Neumann vectors and obtain several striking results relating these vectors to the mean curvature and normal curvature connection of the 2-surface. Most significantly, the part of the Dirichlet vector normal to the 2-surface depends only the spacetime metric at this surface and thereby defines a geometrical normal vector field on the 2-surface. Properties and examples of this normal vector are discussed.Comment: 46 pages; minor errata corrected in Eqs. (3.15), (3.24), (4.37) and in discussion of examples in sections IV B,

    Electronic Structure of Electron-doped Sm1.86Ce0.14CuO4: Strong `Pseudo-Gap' Effects, Nodeless Gap and Signatures of Short Range Order

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    Angle resolved photoemission (ARPES) data from the electron doped cuprate superconductor Sm1.86_{1.86}Ce0.14_{0.14}CuO4_4 shows a much stronger pseudo-gap or "hot-spot" effect than that observed in other optimally doped nn-type cuprates. Importantly, these effects are strong enough to drive the zone-diagonal states below the chemical potential, implying that d-wave superconductivity in this compound would be of a novel "nodeless" gap variety. The gross features of the Fermi surface topology and low energy electronic structure are found to be well described by reconstruction of bands by a 2×2\sqrt{2}\times\sqrt{2} order. Comparison of the ARPES and optical data from the samesame sample shows that the pseudo-gap energy observed in optical data is consistent with the inter-band transition energy of the model, allowing us to have a unified picture of pseudo-gap effects. However, the high energy electronic structure is found to be inconsistent with such a scenario. We show that a number of these model inconsistencies can be resolved by considering a short range ordering or inhomogeneous state.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    The Hamiltonian boundary term and quasi-local energy flux

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    The Hamiltonian for a gravitating region includes a boundary term which determines not only the quasi-local values but also, via the boundary variation principle, the boundary conditions. Using our covariant Hamiltonian formalism, we found four particular quasi-local energy-momentum boundary term expressions; each corresponds to a physically distinct and geometrically clear boundary condition. Here, from a consideration of the asymptotics, we show how a fundamental Hamiltonian identity naturally leads to the associated quasi-local energy flux expressions. For electromagnetism one of the four is distinguished: the only one which is gauge invariant; it gives the familiar energy density and Poynting flux. For Einstein's general relativity two different boundary condition choices correspond to quasi-local expressions which asymptotically give the ADM energy, the Trautman-Bondi energy and, moreover, an associated energy flux (both outgoing and incoming). Again there is a distinguished expression: the one which is covariant.Comment: 12 pages, no figures, revtex

    Ashtekar's New Variables and Positive Energy

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    We discuss earlier unsuccessful attempts to formulate a positive gravitational energy proof in terms of the New Variables of Ashtekar. We also point out the difficulties of a Witten spinor type proof. We then use the special orthonormal frame gauge conditions to obtain a locally positive expression for the New Variables Hamiltonian and thereby a ``localization'' of gravitational energy as well as a positive energy proof.Comment: 12 pages Plain Te

    Making Operation-based CRDTs Operation-based

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    Conflict-free Replicated Datatypes can simplify the design of predictable eventual consistency. They can be classified into state-based or operation-based. Operation-based approaches have the potential for allowing compact designs in both the sent message and the object state size, but cur- rent approaches are still far from this objective. Here we explore the design space for operation-based solutions, and we leverage the interaction with the middleware by offering a technique that delivers very compact solutions, while only broadcasting operation names and arguments.(undefined)(undefined
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