17 research outputs found
P12 Etude phytochimique d’une plante camerounaise : Tabernaemontana inconpiscua et essai de formulation d’une pommade cicatrisante
Introduction : Tabernaemontana appartient aux 415 genres de la famille des Apocynacées. Ce genre est distribué dans les zones tropicales et subtropicales du monde, il est connu comme ayant des propriétés cytotoxiques, antioxydantes et antimicrobiennes. Ce travail consistait à faire une étude phytochimique des extraits éthanoliques des feuilles, puis la formulation d’une pommade cicatrisante, après avoir vérifié l’activité cicatrisante.
Méthodes : L’étude phytochimique qualitative a conduit à l’isolement et à la purification de plusieurs composés à l’aide des méthodes chromatographiques usuelles (CC, CCM et la chromatographie sous pression réduite), les composés isolés ont entièrement été caractérisés par les méthodes physicochimiques (point de fusion, pouvoir rotatoire) et spectroscopiques (SM, IR, UV, RMN 1D et 2D). L’activité cicatrisante a été faite sur les rats de souches wistars par évaluation de la régression de l’inflammation puis une pommade cicatrisante a été formulée selon les normes de la pharmacopée européenne
Résultats : Les résultats phytochimiques ont montré que l’extrait éthanolique des feuilles de cette plante était riche en plusieurs métabolites parmi lesquels les terpènes, les flavonoïdes, les alcaloïdes majoritairement. Ces travaux ont également abouti à l’isolement d’un polyphénol nouveau nommé irisdichototine G.
L’extrait brute éthanolique présentait une activité cicatrisante à partir de 200mg/kg/jour comparée à la trolamine prise comme référence à la même dose et au bout de 21 jours par contre cette activité de l’extrait était meilleure à la dose de 300mg/kg/jour et au bout de 14 jours. Des tubes de 100g de pommade d’aspect onctueux, homogène et de couleur verdâtre à base d’extrait brute des feuilles, a été formulée.
Conclusion : Tabernaemontana Inconpiscua est donc une plante riche en polyphénols, alcaloïdes, et flavonoïdes qui justifieraient l’activité cicatrisantes de ses feuilles
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New furoquinoline alkaloid and flavanone glycoside derivatives from the leaves of Oricia suaveolens and Oricia renieri (Rutaceae)
Fractionation of the methanol extract of the leaves of Oricia renieri and Oricia suaveolens (Rutaceae) led to the isolation of 13 compounds including the hitherto
unknown furoquinoline alkaloid named 6,7-methylenedioxy-5-hydroxy-8-methoxydictamnine (1) and a flavanone glycoside named 5-hydroxy-40-methoxy-7-O-[a-Lrhamnopyranosyl(1000→500)-b-D-apiofuranosyl]-flavanoside (2), together with 11 known compounds (3–13). The structures of the compounds were determined by
comprehensive analyses of their 1D and 2D NMR, mass spectral data and comparison. All compounds isolated were examined for their activity against human carcinoma cell
lines. The alkaloids 1, 5, 12, 13 and the phenolic 2, 8, 11 tested compounds exhibited non-selective moderate cytotoxic activity with IC50 8.7–15.9mM whereas compounds
3, 4, 6, 7, 9 and 10 showed low activity
Anesthésie pour chirurgie du rachis à l’hôpital d’instruction des armées de Yaoundé.
La chirurgie du rachis regroupe des interventions mineures et des interventions majeures. Le but de notre étude était de décrire les particularités liées à la pratique l’anesthésie pour la chirurgie du rachis dans notre contexte. Il s’agissait d’une étude descriptive et prospective sur une durée d’un an portant sur la chirurgie du rachis. Les variables étudiées étaient les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et topographiques des patients opérés pour chirurgie du rachis à l’HMR1 durant la période d’étude. La taille de l’échantillon était de 47 patients. Le sexe masculin était majoritaire avec 34 patients (72,3%) avec un sex-ratio de 2,61. L’âge moyen était de 46,53±15,89 ans. Les positions opératoires étaient la position genu pectoral (n=6, 12,8%), le décubitus dorsal (n=11, 23,4%) et le décubitus ventral (n=30, 63,8%). Concernant la classe ASA, 59,6% (n=28) des patients étaient ASA 1 et 40,4% (n=19) étaient ASA 2. Le saignement moyen était de 517,02±196,78 ml. La durée moyenne de la chirurgie était de 168,68±77,27 minutes. Les indications de chirurgie du rachis sont variées. Les impératifs de l’anesthésie sont liés à la technique chirurgicale, la position du patient et la gestion du saignement.
English Summary
Spine surgery implies minor and major intervention. The aim of our study was to describe the specific aspects related to the practice of anesthesia for spinal surgery in our context. It was a descriptive and prospective study cartied over a year for all cases of spine surgery. The variables studied were the epidemiological, clinical and topographical aspects of patients operated for spine surgery at the military hospital during the study period. Fourty-seven patients were included with a male predominace notably 34 patients (72.3%) and a sex ratio of 2.61. The mean age was 46.53±15.89 years. The petients installation included genupectoral position(n=6, 12.8%), supine position (n=11, 23.4%) and prone position (n=30, 63.8%). Concerning the ASA classification, 59.6% (n=28) of patients were ASA 1 and 40.4%(n=19) were ASA 2. The average blood loss was 517.02±196.78 ml. The average time of surgery was 168.68±77.27 minutes. The indications of spine surgery are diverse. Anesthesia must be adapted considering key aspects such as the surgical technique, patient position and bleeding management.
Keywords: anesthesia, spine surgery, military hospital, Yaoundé
C25 Phytochemical characterization and proposal of a cardiotonic mechanism of action of the methanolic extract of Caloncoba glauca (Flacourtiaceae) roots on isolated frog's heart
Introduction: Africans have been using traditional medicine for generations. One of the faced difficulties in standardizing therapeutic protocols using phytomedicines is the elucidation of the pharmacological mechanism of action, which is essential to better understand how these therapies deal with the body. The aim of this work was to suggest a cardiotonic mechanism of action of Caloncoba glauca (Flacourtiaceae) phytocomponents on isolated frog’s heart.
Methodology: Structural characterization of the isolated compounds was made possible through the interpretation of their NMR (13C and 1H) spectral data and for the known compounds by comparing the data with those described in literature. Cardiotonic activity on isolated frog’s heart had been evaluated using kymograph through four cardiac receptors using propranolol, amlodipine, digoxine then atropine as referential drugs.
Results: The 22 obtained compounds were as follow: Triterpenes (09) - Sterols (06) - Flavonoids (03)
- Coumarins (02) - Fatty acids (02). The cardiotonic activity showed that the methanolic extract of the roots of C. glauca (Flacourtiaceae) and 3α-ethanoyloxy-30-nor-(D:A)-friedo-olean-20(29)-ène-27,22α- lactone increase cardiac parameters through the stimulation of beta-adrenergic pathway and calcium channel. Finally, molecular interactions through computer simulations showed that, for 3α-ethanoyloxy- 30-nor-(D:A)-friedo-olean-20(29)-ène-27,22α-lactone, hydrogen bonds are established between its carbonyls, arginine and glycine.
Conclusion: At the end of this work, total of 22 compounds belonging to 5 chemical sub-families were isolated, and the cardiotonic activity assay showed that the methanolic extract of the roots of C. glauca(Flacourtiaceae) and 3α-ethanoyloxy-30-nor-(D:A)-friedo-olean-20(29)-ène-27,22α-lactone increase cardiac parameters probably through the stimulation of beta-adrenergic pathway and calcium channel
May Measurement Month 2019: an analysis of blood pressure screening results from Cameroon
The multi-country May Measurement Month (MMM) screening campaign aims to raise awareness on blood pressure (BP) and hypertension in individuals and communities, and measure BP, ideally, of those who had no BP measurement in the preceding year. We here report key findings from the Cameroon arm of MMM 2019. An opportunistic sample of adults (≥18 years) was included from 5 May to 5 June 2019 across 15 sites (markets, churches, homes, motor parks, workplaces, and hospitals/clinics). Data collection, cleaning, the definition of hypertension, and statistical analysis followed the standard protocol. The mean age of the 30 187 participants screened was 36.9 (SD: 14.9) years, 50.4% were female (5% of whom were pregnant), and 94.4% were screened out of the hospital/clinic settings. After multiple imputation of missing data, 6286 (20.8%) had hypertension, 24.0% were taking antihypertensive medication, and 705 (11.2%) of all participants with hypertension had controlled BP. In linear regression models adjusted for age, sex, and antihypertensive medicines use, a previous diagnosis of hypertension, a history of stroke, and use of antihypertensive medicines were significant predictors of systolic and diastolic BP levels. BPs were also significantly higher when measured in public outdoors, public indoors (diastolic BP only), workplaces, and other unspecified areas compared to hospitals/clinic settings. MMM19 is the largest ever BP screening campaign in a single month, in Cameroon and despite the limitations resulting from non-random sample selection, the opportunistic screening allows access to awareness and screening for hypertension out of the hospital/clinic settings