2,230 research outputs found

    Electropneumatic rheostat regulates high current

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    Electropneumatic rheostat maintains a constant direct current in each of several high-power parallel loads, of variable resistance, across a single source. It provides current regulation at any preset value by dissipating the proper amount of energy thermally, and uses a column of mercury to vary the effective length of a resistance element

    Corotation Resonance and Diskoseismology Modes of Black Hole Accretion Disks

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    We demonstrate that the corotation resonance affects only some non-axisymmetric g-mode oscillations of thin accretion disks, since it is located within their capture zones. Using a more general (weaker radial WKB approximation) formulation of the governing equations, such g-modes, treated as perfect fluid perturbations, are shown to formally diverge at the position of the corotation resonance. A small amount of viscosity adds a small imaginary part to the eigenfrequency which has been shown to induce a secular instability (mode growth) if it acts hydrodynamically. The g-mode corotation resonance divergence disappears, but the mode magnitude can remain largest at the place of the corotation resonance. For the known g-modes with moderate values of the radial mode number and axial mode number (and any vertical mode number), the corotation resonance lies well outside their trapping region (and inside the innermost stable circular orbit), so the observationally relevant modes are unaffected by the resonance. The axisymmetric g-mode has been seen by Reynolds & Miller in a recent inviscid hydrodynamic accretion disk global numerical simulation. We also point out that the g-mode eigenfrequencies are approximately proportional to m for axial mode numbers |m|>0.Comment: 16 pages, no figures. Submitted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Nucleosynthesis Constraints on Scalar-Tensor Theories of Gravity

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    We study the cosmological evolution of massless single-field scalar-tensor theories of gravitation from the time before the onset of e+ee^+e^- annihilation and nucleosynthesis up to the present. The cosmological evolution together with the observational bounds on the abundances of the lightest elements (those mostly produced in the early universe) place constraints on the coefficients of the Taylor series expansion of a(ϕ)a(\phi), which specifies the coupling of the scalar field to matter and is the only free function in the theory. In the case when a(ϕ)a(\phi) has a minimum (i.e., when the theory evolves towards general relativity) these constraints translate into a stronger limit on the Post-Newtonian parameters γ\gamma and β\beta than any other observational test. Moreover, our bounds imply that, even at the epoch of annihilation and nucleosynthesis, the evolution of the universe must be very close to that predicted by general relativity if we do not want to over- or underproduce 4^{4}He. Thus the amount of scalar field contribution to gravity is very small even at such an early epoch.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, ReVTeX 3.1, submitted to Phys. Rev. D1

    Gravitational Waves in Generalised Brans-Dicke Theory

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    We have solved cosmological gravitational Wave(GW)equation in the frame work of Generalised Brans-Dicke(GBD) theory for all epochs of the Universe.The solutions are expressed in terms of the present value of the Brans-Dicke coupling parameter ω(ϕ)\omega(\phi).It is seen that the solutions represent travelling growing modes for negative values of ω0\omega_{0} for all epochs of the Universe.Comment: 7Pages,no figure

    Anti-Proton Evolution in Little Bangs and Big Bang

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    The abundances of anti-protons and protons are considered within momentum-integrated Boltzmann equations describing Little Bangs, i.e., fireballs created in relativistic heavy-ion collisions. Despite of a large anti-proton annihilation cross section we find a small drop of the ratio of anti-protons to protons from 170 MeV (chemical freeze-out temperature) till 100 MeV (kinetic freeze-out temperature) for CERN-SPS and BNL-RHIC energies thus corroborating the solution of the previously exposed "ani-proton puzzle". In contrast, the Big Bang evolves so slowly that the anti-baryons are kept for a long time in equilibrium resulting in an exceedingly small fraction. The adiabatic path of cosmic matter in the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter is mapped out

    Why people attend science festivals : interests, motivations and self-reported benefits of public engagement with research

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    As a form of public engagement, science festivals have rapidly expanded in size and number over recent years. However, as with other domains of informal public engagement that are not linked to policy outcomes, existing research does not fully address science festivals’ impacts and popularity.This study adduces evidence from surveys and focus groups to elucidate the perspectives of visitors at a large UK science festival. Results show that visitors value the opportunities science festivals afford to interact with scientific researchers and to encounter different types of science engagement aimed at adults, children and families. The most significant self-reported impact of attending a science festival was the development of increased interest and curiosity about new areas of scientific knowledge within a socially stimulating and enjoyable setting

    Representation theory of some infinite-dimensional algebras arising in continuously controlled algebra and topology

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    In this paper we determine the representation type of some algebras of infinite matrices continuously controlled at infinity by a compact metrizable space. We explicitly classify their finitely presented modules in the finite and tame cases. The algebra of row-column-finite (or locally finite) matrices over an arbitrary field is one of the algebras considered in this paper, its representation type is shown to be finite.Comment: 33 page

    Contrasting carbonate depositional systems for Pliocene cool-water limestones cropping out in central Hawke's Bay, New Zealand

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    Pliocene limestone formations in central Hawke's Bay (eastern North Island, New Zealand) accumulated on and near the margins of a narrow forearc basin seaway within the convergent Australia/Pacific plate boundary zone. The active tectonic setting and varied paleogeographic features of the limestone units investigated, in association with probable glacioeustatic sea-level fluctuations, resulted in complex stratigraphic architectures and contrasting types of carbonate accumulation on either side of the seaway. Here, we recognise recurring patterns of sedimentary facies, and sequences and systems tracts bounded by key physical surfaces within the limestone sheets. The facies types range from Bioclastic (B) to Siliciclastic (S) end-members via Mixed (M) carbonate-siliciclastic deposits. Skeletal components are typical cool-water associations dominated by epifaunal calcitic bivalves, bryozoans, and especially barnacles. Siliciclastic contents vary from one formation to another, and highlight siliciclastic-rich limestone units in the western ranges versus siliciclastic-poor limestone units in the eastern coastal hills. Heterogeneities in facies types, stratal patterns, and also in diagenetic pathways between eastern and western limestone units are considered to originate in the coeval occurrence in different parts of the forearc basin of two main morphodynamic carbonate systems over time

    Precision Prediction for the Big-Bang Abundance of Primordial Helium

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    Within the standard models of particle physics and cosmology we have calculated the big-bang prediction for the primordial abundance of \he to a theoretical uncertainty of less than 0.1 \pct (δYP<±0.0002)(\delta Y_P < \pm 0.0002), improving the current theoretical precision by a factor of 10. At this accuracy the uncertainty in the abundance is dominated by the experimental uncertainty in the neutron mean lifetime, τn=885.4±2.0sec\tau_n = 885.4 \pm 2.0 sec. The following physical effects were included in the calculation: the zero and finite-temperature radiative, Coulomb and finite-nucleon-mass corrections to the weak rates; order-α\alpha quantum-electrodynamic correction to the plasma density, electron mass, and neutrino temperature; and incomplete neutrino decoupling. New results for the finite-temperature radiative correction and the QED plasma correction were used. In addition, we wrote a new and independent nucleosynthesis code designed to control numerical errors to be less than 0.1\pct. Our predictions for the \EL[4]{He} abundance are presented in the form of an accurate fitting formula. Summarizing our work in one number, YP(η=5×1010)=0.2462±0.0004(expt)±<0.0002(theory) Y_P(\eta = 5\times 10^{-10}) = 0.2462 \pm 0.0004 (expt) \pm < 0.0002 (theory). Further, the baryon density inferred from the Burles-Tytler determination of the primordial D abundance, ΩBh2=0.019±0.001\Omega_B h^2 = 0.019\pm 0.001, leads to the prediction: YP=0.2464±0.0005(D/H)±<0.0002(theory)±0.0005(expt)Y_P = 0.2464 \pm 0.0005 (D/H) \pm < 0.0002 (theory) \pm 0.0005 (expt). This ``prediction'' and an accurate measurement of the primeval \he abundance will allow an important consistency test of primordial nucleosynthesis.Comment: Replaced fitting formulas - new versions differ by small but significant amount. Other minor changes. 30 pages, 17 figures, 5 table

    Gravitational Radiation from Nonaxisymmetric Instability in a Rotating Star

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    We present the first calculations of the gravitational radiation produced by nonaxisymmetric dynamical instability in a rapidly rotating compact star. The star deforms into a bar shape, shedding 4%\sim 4\% of its mass and 17%\sim 17\% of its angular momentum. The gravitational radiation is calculated in the quadrupole approximation. For a mass M1.4M \sim 1.4 M_{\odot} and radius R10R \sim 10 km, the gravitational waves have frequency 4\sim 4 kHz and amplitude h2×1022h \sim 2 \times 10^{-22} at the distance of the Virgo Cluster. They carry off energy ΔE/M0.1%\Delta E/M \sim 0.1\% and radiate angular momentum ΔJ/J0.7%\Delta J/J \sim 0.7\%.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX with REVTEX macros, reprints available - send mailing address to [email protected]. Published: PRL 72, 1314 (1994