1,249 research outputs found

    Differences in both prevalence and titre of specific immunoglobulin E among children with asthma in affluent and poor communities within a large town in Ghana.

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    Background Reports from several African countries have noted an increasing prevalence of asthma in areas of extensive urbanization. Objective To investigate the relevance of allergen-specific sensitization and body mass index (BMI) to asthma/wheezing and exercise-induced bronchospasm (EIB) among children from affluent and poorer communities within a large town in Ghana. Methods Children with physician-diagnosed asthma and/or current wheezing aged 9-16 years (n=99; cases) from three schools with differing socio-economic backgrounds [urban affluent (UA), urban poor (UP) or suburban/rural (SR)] were recruited from a cross-sectional study (n=1848) in Kumasi, Ghana, and matched according to age, sex and area of residence with non-asthmatic/non-wheezy controls. We assayed sera for IgE antibodies to mite, cat, dog, cockroach, Ascaris and galactose-α-1,3-galactose. Results Children from the UA school had the lowest total serum IgE. However, cases from the UA school had a higher prevalence and mean titre of sIgE to mite (71.4%, 21.2IU/mL) when compared with controls (14.3%, 0.8IU/mL) or cases from UP (30%, 0.8IU/mL) and SR community (47.8%, 1.6IU/mL). While similar findings were observed with EIB in the whole population, among cases there was no difference in IgE antibody prevalence or titre between children with or without EIB. BMI was higher among UA children with and without asthma; in UP and SR communities, children with EIB (n=14) had a significantly higher BMI compared with children with asthma/wheezing without EIB (n=38) (18.2 vs. 16.4, respectively, P<0.01). Conclusions and Clinical Relevance In the relatively affluent school, asthma/wheezing and EIB were associated with high titre IgE antibodies to mite, decreased total IgE, and increased BMI. This contrasted with children in the urban poor school and suggests that changes relevant to a Western model of childhood asthma can occur within a short geographical distance within a large city in Africa. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

    Solution phase, solid state, and theoretical investigations on the MacMillan imidazolidinone

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    A combination of soln. phase NMR, X-ray crystallog. studies, and DFT calcns. provide a consistent structural conformation for iminium ions derived from the MacMillan imidazolidinone

    The alpha-effect in cyclic secondary amines: new scaffolds for iminium ion accelerated transformations

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    Five-membered secondary amine heterocycles containing an α-heteroatom were prepared and shown to be ineffective as catalysts for the iminium ion catalysed Diels–Alder reaction between cinnamaldehyde and cyclopentadiene. Their six-membered counterparts proved to be highly active catalysts. In stark contrast, the catalytic activity observed when comparing the non α-heteroatom cyclic amines proline methyl ester and methyl pipecolinate showed the five-membered ring amine was significantly more active. Concurrent density functional theoretical calculations suggest a rationale for the observed trends in reactivity, highlighting that LUMO activation through an iminium ion intermediate plays a key role in catalytic activity

    The discovery of potent, selective, and reversible inhibitors of the house dust mite peptidase allergen Der p 1: an innovative approach to the treatment of allergic asthma.

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    Blocking the bioactivity of allergens is conceptually attractive as a small-molecule therapy for allergic diseases but has not been attempted previously. Group 1 allergens of house dust mites (HDM) are meaningful targets in this quest because they are globally prevalent and clinically important triggers of allergic asthma. Group 1 HDM allergens are cysteine peptidases whose proteolytic activity triggers essential steps in the allergy cascade. Using the HDM allergen Der p 1 as an archetype for structure-based drug discovery, we have identified a series of novel, reversible inhibitors. Potency and selectivity were manipulated by optimizing drug interactions with enzyme binding pockets, while variation of terminal groups conferred the physicochemical and pharmacokinetic attributes required for inhaled delivery. Studies in animals challenged with the gamut of HDM allergens showed an attenuation of allergic responses by targeting just a single component, namely, Der p 1. Our findings suggest that these inhibitors may be used as novel therapies for allergic asthma

    Non-covalent interactions of uranyl complexes: a theoretical study

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    We report a set of theoretical calculations designed to examine the potential of model uranyl complexes to participate in hydrogen- and halogen-bonding. Potential energy scans for the interaction of [UO2Cl2(H2O)3] and [UO2(NCSe)2(H2O)3] with water demonstrate that uranyl is a weak hydrogen bond acceptor, but that equatorially coordinated water is a strong hydrogen bond donor. These predictions are supported by a survey of contacts reported in the Cambridge Structural Database. At the minima of each scan, we show that the interaction energy is only weakly dependent on the choice of theoretical method, with standard density functional theory methods comparing well with coupled-cluster, MP2 and double-hybrid predictions. Geometry optimisation of a 1:1 uranyl:water complex results in a cyclic structure, in which vibrational frequencies, atoms-in-molecules and natural bond orbital analysis support the weakness of U—Oyl as acceptor. The origin of this behaviour is traced to the electronic structure of uranyl, and in particular covalency in the U—Oyl bonds resulting from donation into formally empty 5f and 6d orbitals on U

    A computational investigation of orbital overlap versus energy degeneracy covalency in [UE2]2+ (E = O, S, Se, Te) complexes

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    The extent and nature of covalency in actinide complexes is an important and complex question. There are two main mechanisms of covalency, namely overlap of orbitals or degeneracy of the energies of the ligand and actinide metal, and computational approaches can play a significant part in rationalising the relative importance of each. In this work, we use a suite of computational approaches including Natural Bond Orbitals (NBO), Quantum Theory of Atoms in Molecules (QTAIM) and Interacting Quantum Atoms (IQA) to probe these effects in [EUE]2+ (E = O, S, Se, Te) and [UE2(H2O)5]2+ compounds. All methods indicate increased bond order and reduced charge separation on descending the group. Donation from filled np orbitals on E into formally empty orbitals on U is evident, with 5f and 6d orbitals the most populated. NBO analysis quantifies orbital interactions, finding energy separation is largest for E = O, while for E = Te the atomic orbitals are almost degenerate. However, NBO and IQA data suggests that although overlap is greater for heavier chalcogens, stabilisation due to covalency is greatest for E = O. Thus, for the heavier chalcogens we find that covalency is driven by near-degeneracy of orbitals involved, which does not stabilise the complexes to the same extent as overlap-driven covalency in uranyl. In the hydrated ions the same trends are broadly reproduced, albeit with more stabilisation and a lower HOMO–LUMO gap. The structure and stability of the [OUS]2+ ion is also examined, showing evidence for an inverse trans-influence. Finally bending of the [US2(H2O)5]2+ ion has been examined, suggesting a possible meta-stable cis-form

    IgE in the diagnosis and treatment of allergic disease

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    Traditionally, the concept of allergy implied an abnormal response to an otherwise benign agent (eg, pollen or food), with an easily identifiable relationship between exposure and disease. However, there are syndromes in which the relationship between exposure to the relevant allergen and the “allergic” disease is not clear. In these cases the presence of specific IgE antibodies can play an important role in identifying the relevant allergen and provide a guide to therapy. Good examples include chronic asthma and exposure to perennial indoor allergens and asthma related to fungal infection. Finally, we are increasingly aware of forms of food allergy in which the relationship between exposure and the disease is delayed by 3 to 6 hours or longer. Three forms of food allergy with distinct clinical features are now well recognized. These are (1) anaphylactic sensitivity to peanut, (2) eosinophilic esophagitis related to cow’s milk, and (3) delayed anaphylaxis to red meat. In these syndromes the immunology of the response is dramatically different. Peanut and galactose α-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal) are characterized by high- or very high-titer IgE antibodies for Ara h 2 and alpha-gal, respectively. By contrast, eosinophilic esophagitis is characterized by low levels of IgE specific for milk proteins with high- or very high-titer IgG4 to the same proteins. The recent finding is that patients with alpha-gal syndrome do not have detectable IgG4 to the oligosaccharide. Thus the serum results not only identify relevant antigens but also provide a guide to the nature of the immune response