8,269 research outputs found

    Bending fatigue tests on SiC-Al tapes under alternating stress at room temperature

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    The development of a testing method for fatigue tests on SiC-Al tapes containing a small amount of SiC filaments under alternating stress is reported. The fatigue strength curves resulting for this composite are discussed. They permit an estimate of its behavior under continuous stress and in combination with various other matrices, especially metal matrices

    Linear resolutions of powers and products

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    The goal of this paper is to present examples of families of homogeneous ideals in the polynomial ring over a field that satisfy the following condition: every product of ideals of the family has a linear free resolution. As we will see, this condition is strongly correlated to good primary decompositions of the products and good homological and arithmetical properties of the associated multi-Rees algebras. The following families will be discussed in detail: polymatroidal ideals, ideals generated by linear forms and Borel fixed ideals of maximal minors. The main tools are Gr\"obner bases and Sagbi deformation

    Absolutely Koszul algebras and the Backelin-Roos property

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    We study absolutely Koszul algebras, Koszul algebras with the Backelin-Roos property and their behavior under standard algebraic operations. In particular, we identify some Veronese subrings of polynomial rings that have the Backelin-Roos property and conjecture that the list is indeed complete. Among other things, we prove that every universally Koszul ring defined by monomials has the Backelin-Roos property

    Optimum unambiguous discrimination of two mixed states and application to a class of similar states

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    We study the measurement for the unambiguous discrimination of two mixed quantum states that are described by density operators ρ1\rho_1 and ρ2\rho_2 of rank d, the supports of which jointly span a 2d-dimensional Hilbert space. Based on two conditions for the optimum measurement operators, and on a canonical representation for the density operators of the states, two equations are derived that allow the explicit construction of the optimum measurement, provided that the expression for the fidelity of the states has a specific simple form. For this case the problem is mathematically equivalent to distinguishing pairs of pure states, even when the density operators are not diagonal in the canonical representation. The equations are applied to the optimum unambiguous discrimination of two mixed states that are similar states, given by ρ2=Uρ1U\rho_2= U\rho_1 U^{\dag}, and that belong to the class where the unitary operator U can be decomposed into multiple rotations in the d mutually orthogonal two-dimensional subspaces determined by the canonical representation.Comment: 8 pages, changes in title and presentatio

    Optimum unambiguous discrimination of two mixed quantum states

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    We investigate generalized measurements, based on positive-operator-valued measures, and von Neumann measurements for the unambiguous discrimination of two mixed quantum states that occur with given prior probabilities. In particular, we derive the conditions under which the failure probability of the measurement can reach its absolute lower bound, proportional to the fidelity of the states. The optimum measurement strategy yielding the fidelity bound of the failure probability is explicitly determined for a number of cases. One example involves two density operators of rank d that jointly span a 2d-dimensional Hilbert space and are related in a special way. We also present an application of the results to the problem of unambiguous quantum state comparison, generalizing the optimum strategy for arbitrary prior probabilities of the states.Comment: final versio

    Programmable quantum state discriminators with simple programs

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    We describe a class of programmable devices that can discriminate between two quantum states. We consider two cases. In the first, both states are unknown. One copy of each of the unknown states is provided as input, or program, for the two program registers, and the data state, which is guaranteed to be prepared in one of the program states, is fed into the data register of the device. This device will then tell us, in an optimal way, which of the templates stored in the program registers the data state matches. In the second case, we know one of the states while the other is unknown. One copy of the unknown state is fed into the single program register, and the data state which is guaranteed to be prepared in either the program state or the known state, is fed into the data register. The device will then tell us, again optimally, whether the data state matches the template or is the known state. We determine two types of optimal devices. The first performs discrimination with minimum error, the second performs optimal unambiguous discrimination. In all cases we first treat the simpler problem of only one copy of the data state and then generalize the treatment to n copies. In comparison to other works we find that providing n > 1 copies of the data state yields higher success probabilities than providing n > 1 copies of the program states.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Powers of componentwise linear ideals

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    We give criteria for graded ideals to have the property that all their powers are componentwise linear. Typical examples to which our criteria can be applied include the vertex cover ideals of certain finite graphs

    A Program of Photometric Measurements of Solar Irradiance Fluctuations from Ground-based Observations

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    Photometric observations of the sun have been carried out at the San Fernando Observatory since early 1985. Since 1986, observations have been obtained at two wavelengths in order to separately measure the contributions of sunspots and bright facular to solar irradiance variations. Researchers believe that the contributions of sunspots can be measured to an accuracy of about plus or minus 30 ppm. The effect of faculae is much less certain, with uncertainties in the range of plus or minus 300 ppm. The larger uncertainty for faculae reflects both the greater difficulty in measuring the facular area, due to their lower contrast compared to sunspots, and the greater uncertainty in their contrast variation with viewing angle on the solar disk. Recent results from two separate photometric telescopes will be compared with bolometric observations from the active cavity radiometer irradiance monitor (ACRIM) that was on board the Solar Max satellite

    The method of global R* and its applications

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    The global R* operation is a powerful method for computing renormalisation group functions. This technique, based on the principle of infrared rearrangement, allows to express all the ultraviolet counterterms in terms of massless propagator integrals. In this talk we present the main features of global R* and its application to the renormalisation of QCD. By combining this approach with the use of the program Forcer for the evaluation of the relevant Feynman integrals, we renormalise for the first time QCD at five loops in covariant gauges.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, contribution to the proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Radiative Corrections (RADCOR 2017