13,094 research outputs found

    Nonequilibrium Stationary States and Phase Transitions in Directed Ising Models

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    We study the nonequilibrium properties of directed Ising models with non conserved dynamics, in which each spin is influenced by only a subset of its nearest neighbours. We treat the following models: (i) the one-dimensional chain; (ii) the two-dimensional square lattice; (iii) the two-dimensional triangular lattice; (iv) the three-dimensional cubic lattice. We raise and answer the question: (a) Under what conditions is the stationary state described by the equilibrium Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution? We show that for models (i), (ii), and (iii), in which each spin "sees" only half of its neighbours, there is a unique set of transition rates, namely with exponential dependence in the local field, for which this is the case. For model (iv), we find that any rates satisfying the constraints required for the stationary measure to be Gibbsian should satisfy detailed balance, ruling out the possibility of directed dynamics. We finally show that directed models on lattices of coordination number z≥8z\ge8 with exponential rates cannot accommodate a Gibbsian stationary state. We conjecture that this property extends to any form of the rates. We are thus led to the conclusion that directed models with Gibbsian stationary states only exist in dimension one and two. We then raise the question: (b) Do directed Ising models, augmented by Glauber dynamics, exhibit a phase transition to a ferromagnetic state? For the models considered above, the answers are open problems, to the exception of the simple cases (i) and (ii). For Cayley trees, where each spin sees only the spins further from the root, we show that there is a phase transition provided the branching ratio, qq, satisfies q≥3q \ge 3

    The Micro Slit Gas Detector

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    We describe the first tests with a new proportional gas detector. Its geometry consists in slits opened in a copper metallized kapton foil with 30 micron anode strips suspended in these openings. In this way the multiplication process is similar to a standard MSGC. The fundamental difference is the absence of an insulating substrate around the anode. Also the material budget is significantly reduced, and the problems related to charging-up or polarization are removed. Ageing properties of this detector are under study.Comment: 13 pages tex file, 10 figures ep

    Tracking quasi-classical chaos in ultracold boson gases

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    We study the dynamics of a ultra-cold boson gas in a lattice submitted to a constant force. We track the route of the system towards chaos created by the many-body-induced nonlinearity and show that relevant information can be extracted from an experimentally accessible quantity, the gas mean position. The threshold nonlinearity for the appearance of chaotic behavior is deduced from KAM arguments and agrees with the value obtained by calculating the associated Lyapunov exponent.Comment: 4 pages, revtex4, submitted to PR

    On the backreaction of frame dragging

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    The backreaction on black holes due to dragging heavy, rather than test, objects is discussed. As a case study, a regular black Saturn system where the central black hole has vanishing intrinsic angular momentum, J^{BH}=0, is considered. It is shown that there is a correlation between the sign of two response functions. One is interpreted as a moment of inertia of the black ring in the black Saturn system. The other measures the variation of the black ring horizon angular velocity with the central black hole mass, for fixed ring mass and angular momentum. The two different phases defined by these response functions collapse, for small central black hole mass, to the thin and fat ring phases. In the fat phase, the zero area limit of the black Saturn ring has reduced spin j^2>1, which is related to the behaviour of the ring angular velocity. Using the `gravitomagnetic clock effect', for which a universality property is exhibited, it is shown that frame dragging measured by an asymptotic observer decreases, in both phases, when the central black hole mass increases, for fixed ring mass and angular momentum. A close parallelism between the results for the fat phase and those obtained recently for the double Kerr solution is drawn, considering also a regular black Saturn system with J^{BH}\neq 0.Comment: 18 pages, 8 figure

    Characterizing Quantum Properties of a Measurement Apparatus: Insights from the Retrodictive Approach

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    Using the retrodictive approach of quantum physics, we show that the state retrodicted from the response of a measurement apparatus is a convenient tool to fully characterize its quantum properties. We translate in terms of this state some interesting aspects of the quantum behavior of a detector, such as the non-classicality or the non-gaussian character of its measurements. We also introduce estimators - the projectivity, the ideality, the fidelity or the detectivity of measurements perfomed by the apparatus - which directly follow from the retrodictive approach. Beyond their fundamental significance for describing general quantum measurements, these properties are crucial in several protocols, in particular in the conditional preparation of non-classical states of light or in measurement-driven quantum information processing

    Observer with a constant proper acceleration

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    Relying on the equivalence principle, a first approach of the general theory of relativity is presented using the spacetime metric of an observer with a constant proper acceleration. Within this non inertial frame, the equation of motion of a freely moving object is studied and the equation of motion of a second accelerated observer with the same proper acceleration is examined. A comparison of the metric of the accelerated observer with the metric due to a gravitational field is also performed.Comment: 5 figure

    Evaluating the effectiveness of the Emergency Neurological Life Support educational framework in low-income countries.

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    BackgroundThe Emergency Neurological Life Support (ENLS) is an educational initiative designed to improve the acute management of neurological injuries. However, the applicability of the course in low-income countries in unknown. We evaluated the impact of the course on knowledge, decision-making skills and preparedness to manage neurological emergencies in a resource-limited country.MethodsA prospective cohort study design was implemented for the first ENLS course held in Asia. Knowledge and decision-making skills for neurological emergencies were assessed at baseline, post-course and at 6 months following course completion. To determine perceived knowledge and preparedness, data were collected using surveys administered immediately post-course and 6 months later.ResultsA total of 34 acute care physicians from across Nepal attended the course. Knowledge and decision-making skills significantly improved following the course (p=0.0008). Knowledge and decision-making skills remained significantly improved after 6 months, compared with before the course (p=0.02), with no significant loss of skills immediately following the course to the 6-month follow-up (p=0.16). At 6 months, the willingness to participate in continuing medical education activities remained evident, with 77% (10/13) of participants reporting a change in their clinical practice and decision-making, with the repeated use of ENLS protocols as the main driver of change.ConclusionsUsing the ENLS framework, neurocritical care education can be delivered in low-income countries to improve knowledge uptake, with evidence of knowledge retention up to 6 months

    High-Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of SNR 1987A: Chandra LETG and HETG Observations in 2007

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    We present an extended analysis of the deep Chandra LETG and HETG observations of the supernova remnant 1987A (SNR 1987A) carried out in 2007. The global fits to the grating spectra show that the temperature of the X-ray emitting plasma in the slower shocks in this system has remained stable for the last three years, while that in the faster shocks has decreased. This temperature evolution is confirmed by the first light curves of strong X-ray emission lines and their ratios. On the other hand, bulk gas velocities inferred from the X-ray line profiles are too low to account for the post-shock plasma temperatures inferred from spectral fits. This suggests that the X-ray emission comes from gas that has been shocked twice, first by the blast wave and again by shocks reflected from the inner ring of SNR 1987A. A new model that takes these considerations into account gives support to this physical picture.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap
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