2,299,234 research outputs found

    Entangled-state cycles from conditional quantum evolution

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    A system of cascaded qubits interacting via the oneway exchange of photons is studied. While for general operating conditions the system evolves to a superposition of Bell states (a dark state) in the long-time limit, under a particular resonance condition no steady state is reached within a finite time. We analyze the conditional quantum evolution (quantum trajectories) to characterize the asymptotic behavior under this resonance condition. A distinct bimodality is observed: for perfect qubit coupling, the system either evolves to a maximally entangled Bell state without emitting photons (the dark state), or executes a sustained entangled-state cycle - random switching between a pair of Bell states while emitting a continuous photon stream; for imperfect coupling, two entangled-state cycles coexist, between which a random selection is made from one quantum trajectory to another.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    G\"{o}del-type universes in f(R) gravity

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    The f(R)f(R) gravity theories provide an alternative way to explain the current cosmic acceleration without a dark energy matter component. If gravity is governed by a f(R)f(R) theory a number of issues should be reexamined in this framework, including the violation of causality problem on nonlocal scale. We examine the question as to whether the f(R)f(R) gravity theories permit space-times in which the causality is violated. We show that the field equations of these f(R)f(R) gravity theories do not exclude solutions with breakdown of causality for a physically well-motivated perfect-fluid matter content. We demonstrate that every perfect-fluid G\"{o}del-type solution of a generic f(R)f(R) gravity satisfying the condition df/dR>0df/dR > 0 is necessarily isometric to the G\"odel geometry, and therefore presents violation of causality. This result extends a theorem on G\"{o}del-type models, which has been established in the context of general relativity. We also derive an expression for the critical radius rcr_c (beyond which the causality is violated) for an arbitrary f(R)f(R) theory, making apparent that the violation of causality depends on both the f(R)f(R) gravity theory and the matter content. As an illustration, we concretely take a recent f(R)f(R) gravity theory that is free from singularities of the Ricci scalar and is cosmologically viable, and show that this theory accommodates noncausal as well as causal G\"odel-type solutions.Comment: 7 pages, V3: Version to appear in Phys. Rev. D (2009), typos corrected, the generality of our main results is emphasized. The illustrative character of a particular theory is also made explici

    Spacecraft attitude determination by fanscan technique

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    To determine orientation, or attitude, of spacecraft in flight relative to data-receiving antenna on earth use fanbeam antenna which is offset in angle from spin axis of spacecraft and provides fan-like radiation pattern

    Chromato-fluorographic drug detector

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    A drug detecting apparatus which includes a chromatographic system for separating particular substances from a sample solution passed through it is described. A source of radiation causes the substance to emit fluorescent radiation as it moves through the chromatographic system. An optical system spectrally separates the fluorescent radiation according to wavelength and for focusing particular portions of the separated spectrum through an exit aperture. A photodetector which is responsive to the radiation passing through the exit aperture develops an electrical signal commensurate with the intensity of the radiation. The electrical signal is recorded to provide an indication of certain characteristics of the substance

    New Monte Carlo method for planar Poisson-Voronoi cells

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    By a new Monte Carlo algorithm we evaluate the sidedness probability p_n of a planar Poisson-Voronoi cell in the range 3 \leq n \leq 1600. The algorithm is developed on the basis of earlier theoretical work; it exploits, in particular, the known asymptotic behavior of p_n as n\to\infty. Our p_n values all have between four and six significant digits. Accurate n dependent averages, second moments, and variances are obtained for the cell area and the cell perimeter. The numerical large n behavior of these quantities is analyzed in terms of asymptotic power series in 1/n. Snapshots are shown of typical occurrences of extremely rare events implicating cells of up to n=1600 sides embedded in an ordinary Poisson-Voronoi diagram. We reveal and discuss the characteristic features of such many-sided cells and their immediate environment. Their relevance for observable properties is stressed.Comment: 35 pages including 10 figures and 4 table