48,498 research outputs found

    Institutional conceptualisations of teacher education as academic work in England

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Teaching and Teacher Education. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2012 Elsevier B.V.Through an analysis of job recruitment texts, and interviews with academic leaders, this article shows how the university-based teacher educator is produced as a category of academic worker in England. Focussing on the discursive processes of categorisation provides insights into how English universities conceptualise teacher education. Variations in conceptualisations are noted within and between institutions, with the teacher educator produced as a hybrid or exceptional category. Often, variations are produced around a practitioner/researcher contradiction. The article concludes by asking whether such variations and potential lack of coherence matter, in the context of national policy and funding constraints, and internationally

    A Note on Infinities in Eternal Inflation

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    In some well-known scenarios of open-universe eternal inflation, developed by Vilenkin and co-workers, a large number of universes nucleate and thermalize within the eternally inflating mega-universe. According to the proposal, each universe nucleates at a point, and therefore the boundary of the nucleated universe is a space-like surface nearly coincident with the future light cone emanating from the point of nucleation, all points of which have the same proper-time. This leads the authors to conclude that at the proper-time t = t_{nuc} at which any such nucleation occurs, an infinite open universe comes into existence. We point out that this is due entirely to the supposition of the nucleation occurring at a single point, which in light of quantum cosmology seems difficult to support. Even an infinitesimal space-like length at the moment of nucleation gives a rather different result -- the boundary of the nucleating universe evolves in proper-time and becomes infinite only in an infinite time. The alleged infinity is never attained at any finite time.Comment: 13 pages and 6 figure

    Neutrino Oscillations Induced by Gravitational Recoil Effects

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    Quantum gravitational fluctuations of the space-time background, described by virtual D branes, may induce neutrino oscillations if a tiny violation of the Lorentz invariance (or a violation of the equivalence principle) is imposed. In this framework, the oscillation length of massless neutrinos turns out to be proportional to M/E^2, where E is the neutrino energy and M is the mass scale characterizing the topological fluctuations in the vacuum. Such a functional dependence on the energy is the same obtained in the framework of loop quantum gravity.Comment: 5 pages, LaTex fil

    Do Three Dimensions tell us Anything about a Theory of Everything?

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    It has been conjectured that four-dimensional N=8 supergravity may provide a suitable framework for a `Theory of Everything', if its composite SU(8) gauge fields become dynamical. We point out that supersymmetric three-dimensional coset field theories motivated by lattice models provide toy laboratories for aspects of this conjecture. They feature dynamical composite supermultiplets made of constituent holons and spinons. We show how these models may be extended to include N=1 and N=2 supersymmetry, enabling dynamical conjectures to be verified more rigorously. We point out some special features of these three-dimensional models, and mention open questions about their relevance to the dynamics of N=8 supergravity.Comment: 20 pages Latex, 2 eps figure

    Dark Matter in SuperGUT Unification Models

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    After a brief update on the prospects for dark matter in the constrained version of the MSSM (CMSSM) and its differences with models based on minimal supergravity (mSUGRA), I will consider the effects of unifying the supersymmetry-breaking parameters at a scale above M_{GUT}. One of the consequences of superGUT unification, is the ability to take vanishing scalar masses at the unification scale with a neutralino LSP dark matter candidate. This allows one to resurrect no-scale supergravity as a viable phenomenological model.Comment: 12 pages, 16 figures, To be published in the Proceedings of the 6th DSU Conference, Leon, Mexico, ed. D. Delepin

    Supersymmetric Dark Matter and the Reheating Temperature of the Universe

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    Since the thermal history of the Universe is unknown before the epoch of primordial nucleosynthesis, the largest temperature of the radiation dominated phase (the reheating temperature) might have been as low as 1 MeV. We perform a quantitative study of supersymmetric dark matter relic abundance in cosmological scenarios with low reheating temperature. We show that, for values of the reheating temperature smaller than about 30 GeV, the domains of the supergravity parameter space which are compatible with the hypothesis that dark matter is composed by neutralinos are largely enhanced. We also find a lower bound on the reheating temperature: if the latter is smaller than about 1 GeV neutralinos cannot be efficiently produced in the early Universe and then they are not able to explain the present amount of dark matter.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, typeset with ReVTeX4. The paper may also be found at http://www.to.infn.it/~fornengo/papers/reheating.ps.g

    Supernova Constraints and Systematic Uncertainties from the First Three Years of the Supernova Legacy Survey

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    We combine high-redshift Type Ia supernovae from the first three years of the Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS) with other supernova (SN) samples, primarily at lower redshifts, to form a high-quality joint sample of 472 SNe (123 low-z, 93 SDSS, 242 SNLS, and 14 Hubble Space Telescope). SN data alone require cosmic acceleration at >99.999% confidence, including systematic effects. For the dark energy equation of state parameter (assumed constant out to at least z = 1.4) in a flat universe, we find w = –0.91^(+0.16)_(–0.20)(stat)^(+0.07)_(–0.14)(sys) from SNe only, consistent with a cosmological constant. Our fits include a correction for the recently discovered relationship between host-galaxy mass and SN absolute brightness. We pay particular attention to systematic uncertainties, characterizing them using a systematic covariance matrix that incorporates the redshift dependence of these effects, as well as the shape-luminosity and color-luminosity relationships. Unlike previous work, we include the effects of systematic terms on the empirical light-curve models. The total systematic uncertainty is dominated by calibration terms. We describe how the systematic uncertainties can be reduced with soon to be available improved nearby and intermediate-redshift samples, particularly those calibrated onto USNO/SDSS-like systems

    Time-Dependent Vacuum Energy Induced by D-Particle Recoil

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    We consider cosmology in the framework of a `material reference system' of D particles, including the effects of quantum recoil induced by closed-string probe particles. We find a time-dependent contribution to the cosmological vacuum energy, which relaxes to zero as ∌1/t2\sim 1/ t^2 for large times tt. If this energy density is dominant, the Universe expands with a scale factor R(t)∌t2R(t) \sim t^2. We show that this possibility is compatible with recent observational constraints from high-redshift supernovae, and may also respect other phenomenological bounds on time variation in the vacuum energy imposed by early cosmology.Comment: 14 pages LATEX, no figure

    Dynamical Formation of Horizons in Recoiling D Branes

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    A toy calculation of string/D-particle interactions within a world-sheet approach indicates that quantum recoil effects - reflecting the gravitational back-reaction on space-time foam due to the propagation of energetic particles - induces the appearance of a microscopic event horizon, or `bubble', inside which stable matter can exist. The scattering event causes this horizon to expand, but we expect quantum effects to cause it to contract again, in a `bounce' solution. Within such `bubbles', massless matter propagates with an effective velocity that is less than the velocity of light in vacuo, which may lead to observable violations of Lorentz symmetry that may be tested experimentally. The conformal invariance conditions in the interior geometry of the bubbles select preferentially three for the number of the spatial dimensions, corresponding to a consistent formulation of the interaction of D3 branes with recoiling D particles, which are allowed to fluctuate independently only on the D3-brane hypersurface.Comment: 25 pages LaTeX, 4 eps figures include
