44,731 research outputs found

    Researchers who lead the trends

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    Xuan-Hung Doan, Phuong-Tram T. Nguyen, Viet-Phuong La, Hong-Kong T. Nguyen (2019). Chapter 5. Researchers who lead the trends. In Quan-Hoang Vuong, Trung Tran (Eds.), The Vietnamese Social Sciences at a Fork in the Road (pp. 98–120). Warsaw, Poland: De Gruyter. DOI:10.2478/9783110686081-010 Online ISBN: 9783110686081 © 2019 Sciend

    Internal Rotation Of The Acetyl Methyl Group In Methyl Alkyl Ketones: The Microwave Spectrum Of Octan-2-one

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    Methyl \textit{n}-alkyl ketones form a class of molecules with interesting internal dynamics in the gas-phase. They contain two methyl groups undergoing internal rotations. To explore the link between structure and barrier heights in ketones, investigations on a series of saturated methyl \textit{n}-alkyl ketones were performed, i.e. pentan-2-one\footnote{M. Andresen, I. Kleiner, M. Schwell, W. Stahl, H. V. L. Nguyen, J. Phys. Chem. A 2018, 122, 7071-7078} hexan-2-one\footnote{M. Andresen, I. Kleiner, M. Schwell, W. Stahl, H. V. L. Nguyen, ChemPhysChem 2019, 20, 2063-2073}, heptan-2-one\footnote{M. Andresen, I. Kleiner, M. Schwell, W. Stahl, H. V. L. Nguyen, J. Phys. Chem. A 2020, 124, 1353-1361.} and octan-2-one\footnote{M. Andresen, D. Schöngen, I. Kleiner, M. Schwell, W. Stahl, H. V. L. Nguyen, ChemPhysChem 2020, 21, 2206-2216}. The molecular jet Fourier-transform microwave spectrum of octan-2-one was recorded between 2.0 and 40.0 GHz, revealing two conformers, one with C1_{1} and one with Cs_{s} symmetry. The barriers to internal rotation of the acetyl methyl group were determined to be 233.340(28) cm1^{-1} and 185.3490(81) cm1^{-1}, respectively, confirming the link between conformation and barrier height already established for other methyl alkyl ketones. The study combined high level \textit{ab initio} calculations with experimentally dervived rotational and torsional parameters using the XIAM\footnote{H. Hartwig, H. Dreizler, Z. Naturforsch. 1996, 51a, 923-932} and BELGI-C1_{1} (or BELGI-Cs_{s})\footnote{I. Kleiner, J. T. Hougen, J. Chem. Phys. 2003, 119, 5505-5509.} codes. Results from the various fits will be presented. Finally comparisons to molecules in the literature and structural aspects of the conformers generally observed in methyl \textit{n}-alkyl ketones will be reviewed

    Patricia Nguyen Interview

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    BIO: Patricia Nguyen is an artist, educator, and scholar born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. She is a Ph.D. candidate in Performance Studies at Northwestern University and a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow for New Americans. Her research and performance work examines critical refugee studies, political economy, forced migration, oral histories, inherited trauma, torture, and nation building in the United States and Vietnam. She has published work in Women Studies Quarterly, Harvard Kennedy School\u27s Asian American Policy Review, and The Methuen Drama Anthology of Modern Asian Plays edited by Siyuan Liu and Kevin J. Wetmore, Jr. Patricia is currently the Anne Frank Visiting Scholar at the Southeast Asian Archive at the University of California, Irvine. As a performance artist, she has performed at the Nha San Collective in Vietnam, Mission Cultural Center in San Francisco, Jane Addams Hull House, Oberlin College, Northwestern University, University of Massachusetts Boston, Links Hall, Prague Quadrennial, Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, and the Museum of Memory and Human Rights in Chile. Patricia has over 15 years experience working in arts education, community development, and human rights in the United States and Vietnam. She has facilitated trainings and workshops with The Fulbright Program, American Center at the U.S. Embassy in Vietnam, Jane Addams Hull House, Christina Noble Foundation, Social Workers Association in Vietnam, Vietnamese American Young Leadership Association in New Orleans (VAYLA‐NO), Asian Human Services, and 96 Acres on issues ranging from forced migration, mental health, youth empowerment, and language access. She is co-founder and executive director of Axis Lab, a community centered art, food, and design studio based in Uptown, Chicago that focuses on equitable development for the Southeast Asian community. http://www.patricianguyen.info

    A local proof of the dimensional Pr\'ekopa's theorem

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    The aim of this paper is to find an expression for second derivative of the function ϕ(t)\phi(t) defined by \phi(t) = \lt(\int_V \vphi(t,x)^{-\beta} dx\rt)^{-\frac1{\be -n}},\qquad \beta\not= n, where URU\subset \R and VRnV\subset \R^n are open bounded subsets, and \vphi: U\times V\to \R_+ is a C2C^2-smooth function. As a consequence, this result gives us a direct proof of the dimensional Pr\'ekopa's theorem based on a local approach.Comment: 9 pages, to appear in J. Math. Anal. App

    For Student Investment Fund Managers, National Champions Times Two

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    With a 36.17 percent return during 2013, finance students at Mario J. Gabelli School of Business capture top honors at GAME, RISE competitions

    Smectic Order in Double-Twist Cylinders

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    I propose a double-twist texture with local smectic order, which may have been seen in recent experiments. As in the Renn-Lubensky TGB phase, the smectic order is broken only through a lattice of screw dislocations. A melted lattice of screw dislocations can produce a double-twist texture as can an unmelted lattice. In the latter case I show that geometry only allows for certain angles between smectic regions. I discuss the possibility of connecting these double-twist tubes together to form a smectic blue phase.Comment: 12 pages, plain TeX (macros included), 5 postscript figures (included). Revised version has some more text and a new figure. To appear in J. Phys. II France (1997

    Human exposure to radon radiation geohazard in Rong Cave, Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark, Vietnam

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    Rong Cave is one of the more important caves in northern Vietnam’s Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark (part of the Global Geoparks Network), because its subterranean lake provides agricultural and domestic water for neighboring communities. Maintenance and utilization of Rong Cave’s water reservoir, as well as touristic cave use, require frequent human access to Rong Cave. Depending on the availability of seasonal drip water and the water level of the lake, the abundant clay-rich sediment in the back portion of Rong Cave and possible seepage of gas from deeper strata along geologic faults provide seasonally elevated concentrations of radon in cave air. Based on repeated measurements over 10 months in 2015 and 2016 of the concentrations of radon isotopes (222Rn and 220Rn, also called thoron) with a portable SARAD® RTM 2200 instrument (SARAD® GmbH, Germany), the human total annual inhalation dose was estimated according to the UNSCEAR (2000) algorithm. The result indicates that the radon-related radiation exposure is insignificant for short-term visitors but may reach ~1.8 mSv a-1 for tour guides and ~25 mSv a-1 for cave utility workers. The latter values exceed the IAEA-recommended safety threshold of 1 mSv a-1 (IAEA, 1996). We recommend radiation monitoring for cave utility workers and tour guides.  Prolonged human presence in Rong Cave should be avoided during periods of seasonally elevated radon concentrations.References Cigna A.A., 2005. Radon in caves. Interna-tional Journal of Speleology 34(1-2), 1-18. Ha Giang Statistics Office (GSO), 2016. Statistical Yearbook of Ha Giang 2015, 404 pages, Ha Giang (in Vietnamese). Dumitru O.A., Onac B.P., Fornós J.J., Cosma C., Ginés A., Ginés J., Merino A., 2015. Radon survey in caves from Mallorca Island, Spain. Science of The Total Environment, 526, 196-203. Etiope G., Martinelli G., 2002. Migration of carrier and trace gases in the geosphere: An overview. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 129(3-4), 185-204. Global Geoparks Network (GGN), 2010. Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark. http://www.globalgeopark.org/aboutggn/list/vietnam/6509.htm Gregorič A., Vaupotič J., Šebela S., 2013. The role of cave ventilation in governing cave air temperature and radon levels (Postojna Cave, Slovenia). International Journal of Climatology 34, 1488-1500. Gunn J., 2003. Radon in caves. In Gunn J (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Caves and Karst Science. Fitzroy Dearborn (Taylor Francis Books, Inc.), London, UK, 617-619. International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 1996. Quality assurance for safety in nuclear power plants and other nuclear installations. Safety standards and guides, In: Safety series Q1-Q14. A publication within the Nuss programme. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), 2003. Database of Dose Coefficients: Workers and Members of the Public, Version 2.0.1 (CD- ROM), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP), 2010. Lung cancer risk from radon and progeny and Statement of radon. ICPR Pub. 115. Ann. ICPR 40(1). Markkanen M., Arvela H., 1992. Radon emanation from soils. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 45(1-4), 269-272. Meisenberg O., Mishra R., Joshi M., Gierl S., Rout R., Guo L., Agaarwwal T., Kanse S., Irlinger J., Sapra B.K., Tschiersch J., 2017. Radon and thoron inhalation doses in dwellings with earthen architecture: Comparison of measurement methods. Science of The Total Environment, 579, 1855-1862. Morawska L., Phillips C.R., 1993. Depend-ence of the radon emanation coefficient on radium distribution and internal structure of the material, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 57(8), 1783-1797. Nguyen Thuy Duong, Nguyen Van Huong, Arndt Schimmelmann, Nguyen Thi Anh Nguyet, Dang Thi Phuong Thao, Ta Hoa Phuong, 2016. Radon concentrations in karst caves in Dong Van karst plat-eau. VNU Journal of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences, 32(2S), 187-197 (in Vietnamese). Nguyen Thuy Duong, Arndt Schimmelmann, Nguyen Van Huong, Agnieszka Drobniak, Jay T. Lennon, Ta Hoa Phuong, Nguyen Thi Anh Nguyet, 2017. Subterranean microbial oxidation of atmospheric methane in cavernous tropical karst. Chemical Ge-ology, 466, 229-238. Nguyen Van Huong, Nguyen Thuy Duong, Nguyen Thi Anh Nguyet, Pham Nu Quynh Nhi, Dang Thi Phuong Thao, Tran Van Phong, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, 2016. Cenozoic tectonics in Dong Van karst plateau recorded in karst cave system. VNU Journal of Science - Earth and Environmental Sciences, 32(2S), 45-58 (in Vietnamese). Nguyen Anh Nguyet, Nguyen Thuy Dương, Arndt Schimmelmann, Nguyen Van Hu-ong, Ta Hoa Phuong, Dang Phuong Thao, Ma Ngoc Giang, 2016. Radon concentration in Rong cave in Dong Van Karst Plateau Geopark. Proceeding of International Symposium Hanoi Geoengineering 2016, 248-253. The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), 1993. Report to the General Assembly, with scientific annexes. United Nations sales publication E.94.IX.2. United Nations, New York. The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), 2000. UNSCEAR 2000 Report. In: Sources, vol. I. United Nations, New York. The United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR), 2008. UNSCEAR 2000 Report. In: Sources, vol. I. United Nations, New York. Vietnamese Standards (TCVN 7889:2008), 2008. Natural Radon activity in buildings-Levels and general requirements of measuring methods, Ministry of Science and Technology and Ministry of Construction (Viet Nam) (in Vietnamese). Tong-Dzuy Thanh, Vu Khuc (Eds), 2011. Stratigraphic units of Vietnam. Vietnam National University Publisher, 553p. Walia V., Lin S.J., Fu C.C., Yang T.F., Hong W.L., Wen K.L., Chen C.H., 2010. Soil-gas monitoring: A tool for fault delineation studies along Hsinhua Fault (Tainan), Southern Taiwan. Applied Geochemistry, 25(4), 602-607. Wang J., Meisenberg O., Chen Y., Karg E., Tschiersch J., 2011. Mitigation of radon and thoron decay products by filtration. Science of The Total Environment, 409(19), 3613-3619. World Health Organization (WHO), 2000. Air Quality Guidelines for Europe, (2nd edition). WHO Regional Publications, European Series, 91, Chapter 8.3 - Radon

    Evaluating intervention strategies in controlling coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) spread in care homes : An agent-based model - Corrigendum

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    In the above article1, the author names should appear as follows: Le Khanh Ngan Nguyen, Susan Howick, Dennis McLafferty, Gillian H. Anderson, Sahaya J. Pravinkumar, Robert Van Der Meer and Itamar Megiddo