7 research outputs found

    Effects of natural plant tenderizers on proteolysis and texture of dry sausages produced with wild boar meat addition

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    This study was conducted to develop a method for improving tenderness and overall qualities of tough wild boar meat used to dry sausage  production with direct addition of raw pineapple (Ananas comosus), mango (Mangifera indica), kiwifruit - fuzzy kiwi (Actinidia deliciosa), or ginger (Zingiber officinale roscoe - ginger rhizome) juices contained a plant proteolytic enzyme. Dry-sausages were subjected to various chemical, mechanical and sensory evaluations. An increase in proteolysis was observed in all enzyme-treated samples compared to the control and as a consequence an improvement in juiciness, tenderness and overall acceptability scores were observed. Ginger or kiwifruit juice-treated sausages received better scores for texture, flavor, and overall acceptability. From these results, it is shown that those enzymes as a raw plant juices could be used as tenderizers in dry sausage production.Keywords: Dry sausages, wild boar meat, plant enzymes, proteolysis, texture, sensory properties.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(38), pp. 5670-567

    Digestive tract morphometry and breast muscle microstructure in spent breeder ducks maintainedin a conservation programme of genetic resources

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    The objective of this study was to compare three genetic groups of ducks: P9 (French Pekin), K2 (bred from wild mallards – Anas platyrhynchos L. and Pekin duck), and KhO1 (hybrid of Khaki Campbell drake and Orpington Fauve duck) after two breeding seasons for body weight and length, length of intestine and its segments, percentage of other internal organs, and breast muscle microstructure. The study used 60 ducks, 20 birds (10 males and 10 females) from each genetic group. At 110 weeks of age, P9 ducks exhibited significantly (p&lt;0.05) greater body weight and length, and length of intestine and its segments (except for colon length) compared to K2 and KhO1 ducks. KhO1 ducks had significantly shorter jejunum and ileum compared to K2 birds. The lighter K2 and KhO1 ducks had significantly greater relative length of intestine and its segments. In P9 ducks, liver, heart, and gizzard were heavier and spleen percentage in body weight significantly lower than in K2 and KhO1 birds. KhO1 ducks had a significantly higher percentage of proventriculus compared to the other duck groups. The different genetic origins of the ducks had no effect on microstructural characteristics of m. pectoralis superficialis except for perimysium and endomysium thickness. Our study provided information about differences in the digestive tract morphometry and breast muscle microstructure of ducks from three genetic groups after two reproductive seasons, which are maintained in a conservation programme of genetic resources in Poland.</p

    Carcass, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of meat from genetic reserve ducks after two reproductive seasons

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    The aim of the study was to compare carcass composition and meat quality of i) Pekin ducks of French origin (P9), ii) crosses of wild mallard and Pekin duck (K2), and iii) crosses of Khaki Campbell drakes and Orpington Fauve ducks (KhO1). Twenty carcasses from 110-week-old ducks of each genetic group were used. Carcass weight of P9 was significantly higher than that of K2 and KhO1. Carcasses of K2 ducks had a significantly lower percentage of neck and leg muscles and giblet weight compared with P9 and KhO1 ducks, while carcasses of KhO1 ducks had a significantly higher percentage of wing meat compared with K2 and P9, and a significantly lower percentage of breast muscles compared with P9 ducks. Breast and leg muscles of P9 contained significantly more water than those of K2 and KhO1, and the breast muscles of P9 ducks had more protein and less fat than those of KhO1 birds. The leg muscles of KhO1 contained significantly more protein, and those of K2 had significantly more fat than the other duck groups. Breast muscles of P9 and KhO1 ducks had significantly more collagen but had less in leg muscles compared with K2. Breast fillets from P9 ducks showed higher L*, a*, and b* colour values and shear force than K2 and KhO1 ducks. Keywords: carcass composition, conservation flocks, meat quality, spent duc

    Carcass Characteristics and Meat Quality of Deer

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