10,778 research outputs found

    A comparison of the local spiral structure from Gaia DR2 and VLBI maser parallaxes

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    Context. The Gaia mission has released the second data set (Gaia DR2), which contains parallaxes and proper motions for a large number of massive, young stars. Aims. We investigate the spiral structure in the solar neighborhood revealed by Gaia DR2 and compare it with that depicted by VLBI maser parallaxes. Methods. We examined three samples with different constraints on parallax uncertainty and distance errors and stellar spectral types: (1) all OB stars with parallax errors of less than 10%; (2) only O-type stars with 0.1 mas errors imposed and with parallax distance errors of less than 0.2 kpc; and (3) only O-type stars with 0.05 mas errors imposed and with parallax distance errors of less than 0.3 kpc. Results. In spite of the significant distance uncertainties for stars in DR2 beyond 1.4 kpc, the spiral structure in the solar neighborhood demonstrated by Gaia agrees well with that illustrated by VLBI maser results. The O-type stars available from DR2 extend the spiral arm models determined from VLBI maser parallaxes into the fourth Galactic quadrant, and suggest the existence of a new spur between the Local and Sagittarius arms.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in A&

    On the dilaton and the axion potentials

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    We extend the Vecchia-Veneziano-Witten (VVW) model of QCD in the chiral limit and for large colour number NcN_c, by introducing an effective dilaton-gluon coupling from which we derive both the axion and dilaton potentials. Furthermore, using a string inspired model, we determine a new interquark potential as a perturbative series in terms of the interquark distance rr. Our potential goes beyond Dick one obtained in [8] and shares the same features as the Bian-Huang-Shen potential VBHSV_{BHS} which depends only on odd powers of rr [22].Comment: 15 pages, Late

    Understanding AGN-Host Connection in Partially Obscured Active Galactic Nuclei. Part I: The Nature of AGN+HII Composites

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    The goal of our serial papers is to examine the evolutionary connection between AGN and star formation in its host galaxy in the partially obscured AGNs (i.e., Seyfert 1.8 and 1.9 galaxies). Taking advantage of these galaxies, the properties of both components can be studied together by direct measurements. In this paper, we focus on the broad-line composite galaxies (composite AGNs) which are located between the theoretical and empirical separation lines in the [NII]/Ha vs. [OIII]/Hb diagram. These galaxies are searched for from the composite galaxies provided by the SDSS DR4 MPA/JHU catalogs. After re-analyze the spectra, we perform a fine classification for the 85 composite AGNs in terms of the BPT diagrams. All the objects located below the three theoretical separation lines are associated with a young stellar population (<1Gyrs), while either a young or old stellar population is identified in the individual multiply-classified object. The multiply-classified objects with a very old stellar population are located in the LINER region in the [OI]/Ha vs. [OIII]/Hb diagram. We then consider the connection between AGN and star formation to derive the key results. The Eddington ratio inferred from the broad Ha emission, the age of the stellar population of AGN's host as assessed by D_n(4000), and the line ratio [OI]/Ha are found to be related with each other. These relations strongly support the evolutionary scenario in which AGNs evolve from high L/L_Edd state with soft spectrum to low L/L_Edd state with hard spectrum as young stellar population ages and fades. The significant correlation between the line ratio [OI]/Ha and D_n(4000) leads us to suggest that the line ratio could be used to trace the age of stellar population in type I AGNs.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, accepted by Ap

    Oscillatory surface dichroism of an insulating topological insulator Bi2Te2Se

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    Using circular dichroism-angle resolved photoemission spectroscopy (CD-ARPES), we report a study of the effect of angular momentum transfer between polarized photons and topological surface states on the surface of highly bulk insulating topological insulator Bi2Te2Se. The photoelectron dichroism is found to be strongly modulated by the frequency of the helical photons including a dramatic sign-flip. Our results suggest that the observed dichroism and its sign-flip are consequences of strong coupling between the photon field and the spin-orbit nature of the Dirac modes on the surface. Our studies reveal the intrinsic dichroic behavior of topological surface states and point toward the potential utility of bulk insulating topological insulators in device applications.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
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