2,938 research outputs found

    Feminist Perspective of Cross-gender Power Relation in Caryl Churchill's Top Girls

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    Top Girls, one of Caryl Churchill's most popular plays, describes the lives of six female characters coming from different centuries. Each of them has their own story to tell, as they have all been victimized by the patriarchal system in the century when they live and have resisted the system with different strategies. They either employ roles that are traditionally reserved for men or they adopt the archetypically feminine qualities. Despite their resistance and success, they find themselves unhappy and unsatisfied over their achievements. Thus this raises the question of the effectiveness of the feminist movement

    The Oxford Knee Score: Compared performance before and after knee replacement

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    SummaryBackgroundSelf-administered quality-of-life questionnaires are now crucial to the evaluation of orthopaedic surgical patient-reported outcomes, as they reflect patient satisfaction. The Oxford Knee Score (OKS) is a validated instrument that is widely used to assess outcomes of knee osteoarthritis surgery.HypothesisThe relevance of the OKS (comprehension and relevance of the items and responses, and internal and external validity) and its discriminating performance measured based on the ceiling and floor threshold effects are better before than after knee replacement surgery.Materials and methodsWe included 200 patients (100 scheduled for knee replacement and 100 having had knee replacement more than 1 year earlier). The OKS questionnaire was handed to each patient during the first surgeon visit or during a follow-up visit. The American Knee Society (AKS) score was determined simultaneously.ResultsThe mean OKS was 43.7 (range, 21–56; SD, 6.9) before surgery and 20.5 (range, 12–45; SD, 5.6) after surgery. The floor effect was absent (0%) before surgery and substantial (33%) after surgery; a weak ceiling effect (7%) was noted before surgery and no ceiling effect after surgery. Internal consistency of the OKS was excellent. The OKS correlated negatively with the AKS knee and functional scores, both before and after surgery.DiscussionThe OKS is well-suited to the evaluation of knee function both before and after knee replacement surgery. Before surgery, the absence of substantial floor and ceiling effects lead to excellent discrimination. After surgery, the substantial floor effect limits the ability to discriminate among the best results. Efforts should be made to develop more demanding scoring systems.Level of evidenceLevel 2. Exploratory cohort study with universally applied reference standards

    Postoperative pain control by intra-articular local anesthesia versus femoral nerve block following total knee arthroplasty: Impact on discharge

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    AbstractIntroductionThe goal of this retrospective study was to compare pain control following total knee arthroplasty (TKA) on a perioperative protocol of local anesthesia (LA) versus the more classical femoral nerve block (FNB) technique.HypothesisFitness for discharge would be achieved earlier using the LA protocol.MaterialsNinety-eight consecutive TKA patients operated on by a single surgeon were included with no selection criteria. In the study group (49 patients), 200mL ropivacaine 5% was injected into the surgical wound and an intra-articular catheter was fitted to provide continuous infusion of 20mL/h ropivacaine for 24h. The control group (49 patients) received ropivacaine FNB. Discharge fitness (independent walking, knee flexion>90°, quadricipital control, pain on VAS≤3) and hospital stay were assessed.ResultsDischarge fitness was achieved significantly earlier in the study group (4.2±2.6 versus 6.7±3.2days; P=0.0003), with significantly shorter mean hospital stay (6.1±3.4 versus 8.8±3.5days; P=0.0002). The complications rate did not differ between study and control groups.DiscussionAlthough retrospective, this study indicates that the LA protocol improves management of post-TKA pain and accelerates rehabilitation, thereby, reducing hospital stay. The acceleration effect may be due to the absence of quadriceps inhibition.Level of evidenceLevel III – Case control study

    Analisis Sistem Akuntansi Instansi Pada Kantor Perwakilan Badan Kependudukan Dan Keluarga Berencana Nasional Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    The central government is a party that is given the responsibility and rights to run the government systems, and social services to the society. In order to fulfill these duties, central government needs a system that can assist the government in carrying out its functions. Accounting Institution System is one embodiment of the systems of government that regulate the flow of goods, services and funds into supporting the implementation of the government\u27s job. The purpose of this study is to analyze the suitability of the SAI management system procedures and regulations, analyze the course of the reconciliation process, and analyze the use of information systems related to Accounting Institution System on BKKBN SULUT. The analytical method used is descriptive comparative method which is a method for finding answers fundamentally about causation by analyzing factors of occurrence or the appearance of certain phenomena. The results showed that the organizational structure has described the separation of responsibilities and authority, especially the things related to the SAI that consist of SAK and SIMAK-BMN, the implementation of the SAI in BKKBN SULUT has not been fully implemented in accordance with applicable regulations, both internal and external reconciliation generally been accomplished by the procedure and only experienced by technical errors, while the information relating to the SAI system has been implemented properly and structured

    Sikap Kelompok Tani terhadap Gerakan Nasional Kakao di Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Utara

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    This study aims to examine the attitude of farmer groups to Gernas Kakao in Bolaang Mongondow Utara District. The study lasted for three months from April to June 2017 in Bolaang Mongondow Utara District. The data used are primary data collected through interviews with 5 farmer groups taken by purposive sampling ie 3 groups of advanced farmers and 2 groups of farmers beginners class. Each farmer group was taken by 6 people consisting of farmer group members such as chairman, secretary, treasurer and 3 members so that the total of 30 respondents. Secondary data were obtained from the Office of Agriculture and District Office in Bolaang Mongondow Utara. The method of analysis used is descriptive. The results showed that farmers' attitudes in cocoa farmer groups at both beginner and advanced level of Cocoa Gernas Program in intensification, rejuvenation and rehabilitation activities were categorized as high in the sense strongly agreed that this program increased cocoa production. However. there are still farmers who disagree with this program because they rarely follow the counseling and guidance of the companion so that their knowledge, attitudes and behavior are different from other farmers who actively participate in the Cocoa Gernas Program. Farmers are still afraid of the risk of failure in production so that they can not accept the new technologies given and prefer to cultivate the plants in their own way, this happens to the beginner farmer groups so that the necessary extension workers and companions to change the mindset of farmers

    Pola Aktivitas pada Ruang Publik Taman Trunojoyo Malang

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    Ruang publik kota merupakan salah satu fenomena unik pada suatu kawasan kota.Sebagi ruang publik di Kota Malang, Taman Trunojoyo dituntut mampu mewadahiberbagai macam aktivitas bermain dan belajar. Dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif,penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi pola aktifitas pada pemanfaatan ruangpublik Taman Trunojoyo Malang. Pola aktivitas tersebut dipengaruhi oleh systemsetting yang ada. Metode observasi yang digunakan adalah teknik placed-centeredmapping untuk mengetahui pola aktivitas yang terjadi. Observasi dilakukan padasiang dan sore hari pada hari kerja dan hari libur. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkanbahwa tata lingkungan fisik pada Taman Trunojoyo mempengaruhi terjadinya polaaktivitas pada pemanfaatan ruang Taman Trunojoyo

    Sekolah Luar Biasa Tunagrahita di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Perilaku

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    Intellectual dissabilities school is an institution of formal education that caters for children with mental retardation. To solve the problem of designing a room needed by the children with intellectual dissabilities, is with architectural behavior approach for the children with intellectual dissabilities. This research uses the theory of behavioral architecture, the theory of children with intellectual dissabilities behavior in children withintellectual dissabilities learning books and theory of optimal quality room. The design method is using concept of optimal quality room. The optimal quality room includes the activity of the children with intellectual dissabilities, magnitude characteristics of children with intellectual dissabilities, accessibility, site zone, colour, temperature and lighting, sizeand shape, furniture and its arrangement. Designing intellectual dissabilities school has met and accommodate the needs of the children with intellectual dissabilities according to their mindset and character

    Analisis Penerapan PSAK No. 23 Tentang Pendapatan pada PT. Bintang Sayap Utama Cabang Indonesia Timur di Kota Manado

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    Revenue increases the value of assets of a company's operational activities in accordance with applicable accounting principles. This guideline is a Statement of Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 23 about income. In PSAK 23 there is a discussion on the recognition, measurement and disclosure of income that must be applied in accordance with the type and condition of the company. This study discusses the recognition and measurement of income from PT. Bintang Sayap Utama. This study uses descriptive qualitative by comparing the principles of recognition and measurement of income in PSAK 23 with the application by the company. The results of interviews and reviews of the company's financial statements indicate that the company has applied the concept of PSAK 23 on sales and income as well as on the price difference but not on the interest of income and other income. Based on this analysis, the application of recognition is revealed and the measurement of income at PT. Bintang Sayap Utama is not in accordance with PSAK 23 and it has been suggested to make corrections to the recording in which have found to not be appropriate
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