9,341 research outputs found

    High-Efficient Parallel CAVLC Encoders on Heterogeneous Multicore Architectures

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    This article presents two high-efficient parallel realizations of the context-based adaptive variable length coding (CAVLC) based on heterogeneous multicore processors. By optimizing the architecture of the CAVLC encoder, three kinds of dependences are eliminated or weaken, including the context-based data dependence, the memory accessing dependence and the control dependence. The CAVLC pipeline is divided into three stages: two scans, coding, and lag packing, and be implemented on two typical heterogeneous multicore architectures. One is a block-based SIMD parallel CAVLC encoder on multicore stream processor STORM. The other is a component-oriented SIMT parallel encoder on massively parallel architecture GPU. Both of them exploited rich data-level parallelism. Experiments results show that compared with the CPU version, more than 70 times of speedup can be obtained for STORM and over 50 times for GPU. The implementation of encoder on STORM can make a real-time processing for 1080p @30fps and GPU-based version can satisfy the requirements for 720p real-time encoding. The throughput of the presented CAVLC encoders is more than 10 times higher than that of published software encoders on DSP and multicore platforms

    Delayed implantation of a peripheral nerve graft reduces motoneuron survival but does not affect regeneration following spinal root avulsion in adult rats

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    Adult spinal motoneurons can regenerate their axons into a peripheral nerve (PN) graft following root avulsion injury if the graft is implanted immediately after the lesion is induced. The present study was designed to determine how avulsed motoneurons respond to a PN graft if implantation takes place a few days to a few weeks later. Survival, regeneration, and gene expression changes of injured motoneurons after delayed PN graft implantation were studied. The survival rates of spinal motoneurons were 78%, 65%, 57%, or 53% if a PN graft was implanted immediately, 1, 2, or 3 weeks after root avulsion, respectively. Interestingly, most of the surviving motoneurons were able to regenerate their axons into the graft regardless of the delay. All regenerating motoneurons expressed p75, but not nNOS, while all motoneurons that failed to regenerate expressed nNOS, but not p75. p75 and nNOS may, therefore, be used as markers for success or failure to regenerate axons. In the group with immediate graft implantation, 85% of the surviving motoneurons extended axons into the PN graft, while in the groups in which implantation was delayed 1, 2, or 3 weeks, 84%, 82%, and 83% of the surviving motoneurons, respectively, were found to have regenerated into the grafts. These findings indicate that avulsed spinal motoneurons retain the ability to regenerate for at least 3 weeks, and perhaps for as long as they survive. Therefore, the delayed implantation of a PN graft after root avulsion may provide a continued conducive environment to support regeneration.published_or_final_versio

    Magnetic field calculation for a 13 MeV PET cyclotron

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    A design study of the main magnet for a 13 MeV cyclotron has been carried out in a joint collaboration between the Korea Cancer Center Hospital (KCCH) and POSTECH. A maximum energy of 13 MeV has been chosen to produce radioisotopes such as /sup 18/F. There are four magnet sectors, each with radial-ridged shape. Maximum magnetic fields are 1.85 T and 0.48 T at hill and valley centers, respectively. The total size of the cyclotron is less than 2 m in diameter. The program TOSCA has been utilized for the field calculation and optimization. In this paper, we describe design parameters of the 13 MeV PET cyclotron, with emphasis on the magnetic field shape and the beam optics calculation. (3 refs)

    Assessing the UK policies for broadband adoption

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    Broadband technology has been introduced to the business community and the public as a rapid way of exploiting the Internet. The benefits of its use (fast reliable connections, and always on) have been widely realised and broadband diffusion is one of the items at the top of the agenda for technology related polices of governments worldwide. In this paper an examination of the impact of the UK government’s polices upon broadband adoption is undertaken. Based on institutional theory a consideration of the manipulation of supply push and demand pull forces in the diffusion of broadband is offered. Using primary and secondary data sources, an analysis of the specific institutional actions related to IT diffusion as pursued by the UK government in the case of broadband is provided. Bringing the time dimension into consideration it is revealed that the UK government has shifted its attention from supply push-only strategies to more interventional ones where the demand pull forces are also mobilised. It is believed that this research will assist in the extraction of the “success factors” in government intervention that support the diffusion of technology with a view to render favourable results if applied to other national settings

    Ethnic Inequality and Growth in Indonesia Under the New Order

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    This paper analyses the extent and sources of inter-ethnic inequality under the Soeharto’s New Order government and explores what needs to be done in order to defuse the ethnic tension in future. The widespread view that ethnic Chinese dominate the Indonesian economy is exaggerated. Their real share of Indonesian national income is about one-third instead of the much quoted 70 per cent. There are strong indications that inter-ethnic income gaps during the last few years of the New Order government have widened. Ethnic Chinese due to their extensive overseas business network benefited more than their indigenous counterparts from the export-oriented industrialisation strategy practised during the last ten years of the New Order government. To rectify ethnic inequality, negative discrimination policies including racial occupational and capital market segregation as well as a pure income and wealth transfer policy should be avoided as they are largely counterproductive. Positive discrimination policies such as redistribution based on growth and investment are much more effective
