173 research outputs found

    r-matrices for relativistic deformations of integrable systems

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    We include the relativistic lattice KP hierarchy, introduced by Gibbons and Kupershmidt, into the rr-matrix framework. An rr-matrix account of the nonrelativistic lattice KP hierarchy is also provided for the reader's convenience. All relativistic constructions are regular one-parameter perturbations of the nonrelativistic ones. We derive in a simple way the linear Hamiltonian structure of the relativistic lattice KP, and find for the first time its quadratic Hamiltonian structure. Amasingly, the latter turns out to coincide with its nonrelativistic counterpart (a phenomenon, known previously only for the simplest case of the relativistic Toda lattice)

    La sexualité à l’ère numérique : les adolescents et le sexting

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    Bien que la recherche commence à s’intéresser au sexting par rapport aux taux de prévalence et que des campagnes de prévention aient été créées pour cette problématique, des recherches plus approfondies sont nécessaires afin de comprendre tous les enjeux entourant la pratique chez les jeunes, particulièrement lorsqu’elle entraine des conséquences négatives. Nos questions de recherche sont les suivantes : Quelles sont les différents éléments qui définissent le sexting du point de vue des jeunes, des parents et des enseignants ? Quelle est la définition du sexting ? Quelles sont les raisons qui peuvent motiver une personne à pratiquer le sexting (en termes d’envoi et de réception) mais aussi à transférer le contenu à d’autres personnes ? Quels sont les risques, conséquences et réactions possibles, notamment en termes de jugement ? Est-ce que la prévention relative au sexting est utile ? Que pourrait-on faire pour prévenir

    Rapport final de l'étude longitudinale [email protected]

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    En Suisse, à l'instar de ce que l'on constate dans d'autres pays d'Europe, le pourcentage des 14 à 19 ans utilisant régulièrement Internet a augmenté de manière spectaculaire entre 1997 (4%) et 2013 (97%) selon les chiffres de l'Office fédéral de la statistique. De par sa commodité d'accès en tout lieu et en tout temps, les jeunes ont su s'approprier les usages et les activités variées d'Internet et ils y passent une partie importante de leur temps pour se divertir, s'informer ou étudier. A ce jour, rares sont encore les études longitudinales qui permettent d'examiner l'évolution de leurs usages d'internet ou les implications à moyen et long terme de ce média sur la santé des adolescents. Pratiques en constante mutation, il est impératif de suivre l'évolution d'Internet des adolescents, car ces derniers constituent un groupe particulièrement vulnérable aux multiples attractions du web. Objectifs : Les objectifs principaux de cette étude étaient de: 1. Quantifier l'évolution sur les deux ans de l'utilisation d'Internet chez les adolescents vaudois en faisant la distinction entre le temps dédié à l'école/au travail et le temps dédié aux loisirs ; 2. Décrire les activités en ligne qui occupent les adolescents et investiguer si ces activités changent au fil du temps

    Screening for cardiovascular disease risk factors beginning in childhood

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Individual detection and intervention on CVD risk factors and behaviors throughout childhood and adolescence has been advocated as a strategy to reduce CVD risk in adulthood. The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has recently recommended universal screening of several risk factors in children and adolescents, at odds with several recommendations of the U.S. Services Task Force and of the U.K. National Screening committee. In the current review, we discuss the goals of screening for CVD risk factors (elevated blood pressure, abnormal blood lipids, diabetes) and behaviors (smoking) in children and appraise critically various screening recommendations. Our review suggests that there is no compelling evidence to recommend universal screening for elevated blood pressure, abnormal blood lipids, abnormal blood glucose, or smoking in children and adolescents. Targeted screening of these risk factors could be useful but specific screening strategies have to be evaluated. Research is needed to identify target populations, screening frequency, intervention, and follow-up. Meanwhile, efforts should rather focus on the primordial prevention of CVD risk factors and at maintaining a lifelong ideal cardiovascular health through environmental, policy, and educational approaches

    Screening for cardiovascular disease risk factors beginning in childhood

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    Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death worldwide. Individual detection and intervention on CVD risk factors and behaviors throughout childhood and adolescence has been advocated as a strategy to reduce CVD risk in adulthood. The U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) has recently recommended universal screening of several risk factors in children and adolescents, at odds with several recommendations of the U.S. Services Task Force and of the U.K. National Screening committee. In the current review, we discuss the goals of screening for CVD risk factors (elevated blood pressure, abnormal blood lipids, diabetes) and behaviors (smoking) in children and appraise critically various screening recommendations. Our review suggests that there is no compelling evidence to recommend universal screening for elevated blood pressure, abnormal blood lipids, abnormal blood glucose, or smoking in children and adolescents. Targeted screening of these risk factors could be useful but specific screening strategies have to be evaluated. Research is needed to identify target populations, screening frequency, intervention, and follow-up. Meanwhile, efforts should rather focus on the primordial prevention of CVD risk factors and at maintaining a lifelong ideal cardiovascular health through environmental, policy, and educational approaches

    Femtosecond study of the interplay between excitons, trions, and carriers in (Cd,Mn)Te quantum wells

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    We present an absorption study of the neutral and positively charged exciton (trion) under the influence of a femtosecond, circularly polarized, resonant pump pulse. Three populations are involved: free holes, excitons, and trions, all exhibiting transient spin polarization. In particular, a polarization of the hole gas is created by the formation of trions. The evolution of these populations is studied, including the spin flip and trion formation processes. The contributions of several mechanisms to intensity changes are evaluated, including phase space filling and spin-dependent screening. We propose a new explanation of the oscillator strength stealing phenomena observed in p-doped quantum wells, based on the screening of neutral excitons by charge carriers. We have also found that binding heavy holes into charged excitons excludes them from the interaction with the rest of the system, so that oscillator strength stealing is partially blockedComment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Additional Constants of Motion for a Discretization of the Calogero--Moser Model

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    The maximal super-integrability of a discretization of the Calogero--Moser model introduced by Nijhoff and Pang is presented. An explicit formula for the additional constants of motion is given.Comment: 7 pages, no figure