6,630 research outputs found

    Three-way electrical gating characteristics of metallic Y-junction carbon nanotubes

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    Y-junction based carbon nanotube (CNT) transistors exhibit interesting switching behaviors, and have the structural advantage that the electrical gate for current modulation can be formed by any of the three constituent branches. In this letter, we report on the gating characteristics of metallic Y-CNT morphologies. By measuring the output conductance and transconductance we conclude that the efficiency and gain depend on the branch diameter and is electric field controlled. Based on these principles, we propose a design for a Y-junction based CNT switching device, with tunable electrical properties

    Assessing senescence patterns in populations of large mammals

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    Theoretical models such as those of Gompertz and Weibull are commonly used to study senescence in survival for humans and laboratory or captive animals. For wild populations of vertebrates, senescence in survival has more commonly been assessed by fitting simple linear or quadratic relationships between survival and age. By using appropriate constraints on survival parameters in Capture-Mark-Recapture (CMR) models, we propose a first analysis of the suitability of the Gompertz and the two-parameter Weibull models for describing aging-related mortality in free-ranging populations of ungulates. We first show how to handle the Gompertz and the two-parameter Weibull models in the context of CMR analyses. Then we perform a comparative analysis of senescence patterns in both sexes of two ungulate species highly contrasted according to the intensity of sexual selection. Our analyses provide support to the Gompertz model for describing senescence patterns in ungulates. Evolutionary implications of our results are discusse

    One-Loop Pauli-Villars Regularization of Supergravity I: Canonical Gauge Kinetic Energy

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    It is shown that the one-loop coefficients of on-shell operators of standard supergravity with canonical gauge kinetic energy can be regulated by the introduction of Pauli-Villars chiral and abelian gauge multiplets, subject to a condition on the matter representations of the gauge group. Aspects of the anomaly structure of these theories under global nonlinear symmetries and an anomalous gauge symmetry are discussed.Comment: 46 pages, full postscript also available from http://phyweb.lbl.gov/theorygroup/papers/preprints.html/41981.ps . Misprints and errors in equations present in the original version have been correcte

    One-loop Regularization of Supergravity II: The Dilaton and the Superfield Formulation

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    The on-shell regularization of the one-loop divergences of supergravity theories is generalized to include a dilaton of the type occurring in effective field theories derived from superstring theory, and the superfield structure of the one-loop corrections is given. Field theory anomalies and quantum contributions to soft supersymmetry breaking are discussed. The latter are sensitive to the precise choice of couplings that generate Pauli-Villars masses, which in turn reflect the details of the underlying theory above the scale of the effective cut-off. With a view to the implementation the Green-Schwarz and other mechanisms for canceling field theory anomalies under a U(1) gauge transformation and under the T-duality group of modular transformations, we show that the K\"ahler potential renormalization for the untwisted sector of orbifold compactification can be made invariant under these groups.Comment: 46 pages, full postscript also available from http://phyweb.lbl.gov/theorygroup/papers/43259.p

    1/N_c Corrections to the Hadronic Matrix Elements of Q_6 and Q_8 in K --> pi pi Decays

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    We calculate long-distance contributions to the amplitudes A(K^0 --> pi pi, I) induced by the gluon and the electroweak penguin operators Q_6 and Q_8, respectively. We use the 1/N_c expansion within the effective chiral lagrangian for pseudoscalar mesons. In addition, we adopt a modified prescription for the identification of meson momenta in the chiral loop corrections in order to achieve a consistent matching to the short-distance part. Our approach leads to an explicit classification of the loop diagrams into non-factorizable and factorizable, the scale dependence of the latter being absorbed in the low-energy coefficients of the effective theory. Along these lines we calculate the one-loop corrections to the O(p^0) term in the chiral expansion of both operators. In the numerical results, we obtain moderate corrections to B_6^(1/2) and a substantial reduction of B_8^(3/2).Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, 8 eps figures. One reference added, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    The Holographic Dual of 2+1 Dimensional QFTs with N=1 SUSY and Massive Fundamental Flavours

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    The Maldacena Nastase solution is generalised to include massive fundamental matter through the addition of a flavour profile. This gives a holographic dual to N=1 SYM-CS with massive fundamental matter with a singularity free IR. We study this solution in some detail confirming confinement and asymptotic freedom. A recently proposed solution generating technique is then applied which results in a new type-IIA supergravity solution. In a certain limit the geometry of this solution is asymptotically AdS_4X Y, where Y is the metric at the base of the Bryant-Salamon G_2 cone, which has topology S^3XS^3.Comment: 31 pages plus appendices, 6 figures. v3: Typos corrected, version to appear in JHE

    Factorization Contributions and the Breaking of the ΔI=1/2\Delta I=1/2 Rule in Weak ΛNρ\Lambda N\rho and ΣNρ\Sigma N\rho Couplings

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    We compute the modified factorization contributions to the ΛNρ\Lambda\rightarrow N\rho and ΣNρ\Sigma\rightarrow N\rho couplings and demonstrate that these contributions naturally include ΔI=3/2\Delta I=3/2 terms which are comparable (0.4\simeq 0.4 to 0.8-0.8 times) in magnitude to the corresponding ΔI=1/2\Delta I=1/2 terms. As a consequence, we conclude that models which treat vector meson exchange contributions to the weak conversion process ΛNNN\Lambda N\rightarrow NN assuming such weak couplings to satisfy the ΔI=1/2\Delta I=1/2 rule are unlikely to be reliable.Comment: 13 pages, uses REVTEX Entire manuscript available as a ps file at http://www.physics.adelaide.edu.au/theory/home.html . Also available via anonymous ftp at ftp://adelphi.adelaide.edu.au/pub/theory/ADP-95-5.T172.ps To appear in Physical Review

    Gaugino Condensation with S-Duality and Field-Theoretical Threshold Corrections

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    We study gaugino condensation in the presence of an intermediate mass scale in the hidden sector. S-duality is imposed as an approximate symmetry of the effective supergravity theory. Furthermore, we include in the K\"ahler potential the renormalization of the gauge coupling and the one-loop threshold corrections at the intermediate scale. It is shown that confinement is indeed achieved. Furthermore, a new running behaviour of the dilaton arises which we attribute to S-duality. We also discuss the effects of the intermediate scale, and possible phenomenological implications of this model.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, 3 postscript figures include

    Supergravity Radiative Effects on Soft Terms and the μ\mu Term

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    We compute quadratically divergent supergravity one-loop effects on soft supersymmetry-breaking parameters and the μ\mu term in generic hidden sector supergravity models. These effects can significantly modify the matching condition for soft parameters at the Planck scale and also provide several new sources of the μ\mu term which are naturally of order the weak scale. We also discuss some phenomenological implications of these effects, particularly the violation of the scalar mass universality which may lead to dangerous FCNC phenomena, and apply the results to superstring effective supergravity models.Comment: 12 pages, REVTEX. One reference is adde