374 research outputs found

    On Newman-Penrose constants of stationary electrovacuum spacetimes

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    A theorem related to the Newman-Penrose constants is proven. The theorem states that all the Newman-Penrose constants of asymptotically flat, stationary, asymptotically algebraically special electrovacuum spacetimes are zero. Straightforward application of this theorem shows that all the Newman-Penrose constants of the Kerr-Newman spacetime must vanish.Comment: 11pages, no figures accepted by PR

    Fluid-Induced Propulsion of Rigid Particles in Wormlike Micellar Solutions

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    In the absence of inertia, a reciprocal swimmer achieves no net motion in a viscous Newtonian fluid. Here, we investigate the ability of a reciprocally actuated particle to translate through a complex fluid that possesses a network using tracking methods and birefringence imaging. A geometrically polar particle, a rod with a bead on one end, is reciprocally rotated using magnetic fields. The particle is immersed in a wormlike micellar (WLM) solution that is known to be susceptible to the formation of shear bands and other localized structures due to shear-induced remodeling of its microstructure. Results show that the nonlinearities present in this WLM solution break time-reversal symmetry under certain conditions, and enable propulsion of an artificial "swimmer." We find three regimes dependent on the Deborah number (De): net motion towards the bead-end of the particle at low De, net motion towards the rod-end of the particle at intermediate De, and no appreciable propulsion at high De. At low De, where the particle time-scale is longer then the fluid relaxation time, we believe that propulsion is caused by an imbalance in the fluid first normal stress differences between the two ends of the particle (bead and rod). At De~1, however, we observe the emergence of a region of network anisotropy near the rod using birefringence imaging. This anisotropy suggests alignment of the micellar network, which is "locked in" due to the shorter time-scale of the particle relative to the fluid

    Transformation Ray Method: Controlling High Frequency Elastic Waves

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    A transformation method based on elastic ray theory is proposed to control high frequency elastic waves. We show that ray path can be controlled in an exact manner, however energy distribution along the ray is only approximately controlled. A numerical example of an elastic rotator is provided to illustrate the method and to access the approximation. The proposed theory may be found potential applications in seismic wave protection and structure health monitoring.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Quasi-local energy-momentum and energy flux at null infinity

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    The null infinity limit of the gravitational energy-momentum and energy flux determined by the covariant Hamiltonian quasi-local expressions is evaluated using the NP spin coefficients. The reference contribution is considered by three different embedding approaches. All of them give the expected Bondi energy and energy flux.Comment: 14 pages, accepted by Phys.Rev.

    Multistage Force Amplification of Piezoelectric Stacks

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    Embodiments of the disclosure include an apparatus and methods for using a piezoelectric device, that includes an outer flextensional casing, a first cell and a last cell serially coupled to each other and coupled to the outer flextensional casing such that each cell having a flextensional cell structure and each cell receives an input force and provides an output force that is amplified based on the input force. The apparatus further includes a piezoelectric stack coupled to each cell such that the piezoelectric stack of each cell provides piezoelectric energy based on the output force for each cell. Further, the last cell receives an input force that is the output force from the first cell and the last cell provides an output apparatus force In addition, the piezoelectric energy harvested is based on the output apparatus force. Moreover, the apparatus provides displacement based on the output apparatus force

    Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of a Bifrequency Colinear Array

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    Ultrasound imaging with high resolution and large penetration depth has been increasingly adopted in medical diagnosis, surgery guidance, and treatment assessment. Conventional ultrasound works at a particular frequency, with a −6 dB fractional bandwidth of ~70 %, limiting the imaging resolution or depth of field. In this paper, a bi-frequency co-linear array with resonant frequencies of 8 MHz and 20 MHz was investigated to meet the requirements of resolution and penetration depth for a broad range of ultrasound imaging applications. Specifically, a 32-element bi-frequency co-linear array was designed and fabricated, followed by element characterization and real-time sectorial scan (S-scan) phantom imaging using a Verasonics system. The bi-frequency co-linear array was tested in four different modes by switching between low and high frequencies on transmit and receive. The four modes included the following: (1) transmit low, receive low, (2) transmit low, receive high, (3) transmit high, receive low, (4) transmit high, receive high. After testing, the axial and lateral resolutions of all modes were calculated and compared. The results of this study suggest that bi-frequency co-linear arrays are potential aids for wideband fundamental imaging and harmonic/sub-harmonic imaging

    Geometries for Possible Kinematics

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    The algebras for all possible Lorentzian and Euclidean kinematics with so(3)\frak{so}(3) isotropy except static ones are re-classified. The geometries for algebras are presented by contraction approach. The relations among the geometries are revealed. Almost all geometries fall into pairs. There exists t↔1/(ν2t)t \leftrightarrow 1/(\nu^2t) correspondence in each pair. In the viewpoint of differential geometry, there are only 9 geometries, which have right signature and geometrical spatial isotropy. They are 3 relativistic geometries, 3 absolute-time geometries, and 3 absolute-space geometries.Comment: 40 pages, 7 figure

    Piezoelectric Floating Element Shear Stress Sensor for the Wind Tunnel Flow Measurement

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    A piezoelectric sensor with a floating element was developed for direct measurement of flow induced shear stress. The piezoelectric sensor was designed to detect the pure shear stress while suppressing the effect of normal stress generated from the vortex lift-up by applying opposite poling vectors to the piezoelectric elements. During the calibration stage, the prototyped sensor showed a high sensitivity to shear stress (91.3 2.1 pC/Pa) due to the high piezoelectric coefficients (d31=1330 pC/N) of the constituent 0.67Pb(Mg13Nb23)O3-0.33PbTiO3 (PMN- 33%PT) single crystal. By contrast, the sensor showed almost no sensitivity to normal stress (less than 1.2 pC/Pa) because of the electromechanical symmetry of the sensing structure. The usable frequency range of the sensor is up to 800 Hz. In subsonic wind tunnel tests, an analytical model was proposed based on cantilever beam theory with an end-tip-mass for verifying the resonance frequency shift in static stress measurements. For dynamic stress measurements, the signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) and ambient vibration-filtered pure shear stress sensitivity were obtained through signal processing. The developed piezoelectric shear stress sensor was found to have an SNR of 15.8 2.2 dB and a sensitivity of 56.5 4.6 pC/Pa in the turbulent flow

    Measurement of Elastic Microfence Deflection for Aerodynamic Flow Sensing

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    Bio-inspired artificial hair sensors have the potential to detect aerodynamic flow features such as stagnation point, flow separation, and flow reattachment that could be beneficial for ight control and performance enhancement of aircraft. In this work, elastic microfence structures were tested on a at-plate setup. The microfences were fabricated from a two-part silicone molded against a template patterned by laser ablation. The response of the microfences to different freestream velocities and to flow reversal at the sensor were recorded via an optical microscope

    Inorganic carbon is overlooked in global soil carbon research: A bibliometric analysis

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    Soils are a major player in the global carbon (C) cycle and climate change by functioning as a sink or a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). The largest terrestrial C reservoir in soils comprises two main pools: organic (SOC) and inorganic C (SIC), each having distinct fates and functions but with a large disparity in global research attention. This study quantified global soil C research trends and the proportional focus on SOC and SIC pools based on a bibliometric analysis and raise the importance of SIC pools fully underrepresented in research, applications, and modeling. Studies on soil C pools started in 1905 and has produced over 47,000 publications (>1.7 million citations). Although the global C stocks down to 2 m depth are nearly the same for SOC and SIC, the research has dominantly examined SOC (>96 % of publications and citations) with a minimal share on SIC (<4%). Approximately 40 % of the soil C research was related to climate change. Despite poor coverage and publications, the climate change-related research impact (citations per document) of SIC studies was higher than that of SOC. Mineral associated organic carbon, machine learning, soil health, and biochar were the recent top trend topics for SOC research (2020–2023), whereas digital soil mapping, soil properties, soil acidification, and calcite were recent top trend topics for SIC. SOC research was contributed by 151 countries compared to 88 for SIC. As assessed by publications, soil C research was mainly concentrated in a few countries, with only 9 countries accounting for 70 % of the research. China and the USA were the major producers (45 %), collaborators (37 %), and funders of soil C research. SIC is a long-lived soil C pool with a turnover rate (leaching and recrystallization) of more than 1000 years in natural ecosystems, but intensive agricultural practices have accelerated SIC losses, making SIC an important player in global C cycle and climate change. The lack of attention and investment towards SIC research could jeopardize the ongoing efforts to mitigate climate change impacts to meet the 1.5–2.0 °C targets under the Paris Climate Agreement of 2015. This bibliographic study calls to expand the research focus on SIC and including SIC fluxes in C budgets and models, without which the representation of the global C cycle is incomplete
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