449 research outputs found

    Predicting Flows of Rarefied Gases

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    DSMC Analysis Code (DAC) is a flexible, highly automated, easy-to-use computer program for predicting flows of rarefied gases -- especially flows of upper-atmospheric, propulsion, and vented gases impinging on spacecraft surfaces. DAC implements the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method, which is widely recognized as standard for simulating flows at densities so low that the continuum-based equations of computational fluid dynamics are invalid. DAC enables users to model complex surface shapes and boundary conditions quickly and easily. The discretization of a flow field into computational grids is automated, thereby relieving the user of a traditionally time-consuming task while ensuring (1) appropriate refinement of grids throughout the computational domain, (2) determination of optimal settings for temporal discretization and other simulation parameters, and (3) satisfaction of the fundamental constraints of the method. In so doing, DAC ensures an accurate and efficient simulation. In addition, DAC can utilize parallel processing to reduce computation time. The domain decomposition needed for parallel processing is completely automated, and the software employs a dynamic load-balancing mechanism to ensure optimal parallel efficiency throughout the simulation

    School Effectiveness Function: A Model Developed from Historical Reports Supplemented with Subjective Vocational Teacher Perceptions

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    A school effectiveness function based on considerations and mathematical analyses associated with Multiattribute Utility Technology was developed. The function served to unify single indicators of school effectiveness in a manner understandable to local community groups and school personnel and was capable of computation on hand held calculators with memories. The methodology has validlty and reliability, intuitive efficacy, and a capacity for objectivity in providing both an empirical algorithm and a better understanding of school effectiveness. Data were collected from 98 new educators recently employed in business and industry (the Stakeholders) on 12 published school effectiveness attributes. Weighings were calculated from the stakeholder data and indices of relative school effectiveness were computed. The methodology is general and readily adapts to new situations

    What Do You Want to Accomplish in the Next 10 Years? The Goals of Emerging Adults

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    Emerging adulthood is a period characterized by transition. Individuals in this stage of development find themselves in between adolescence and young adulthood, faced with consequential decisions related to their educational attainment, career trajectory, and the overall direction of their life course. This study focused on the goal-setting behavior of emerging adults. Data were collected through interviews with individuals between the ages of 18 and 25 (N = 91). It was expected that the goals of this group would be oriented toward more individualistic pursuits, with less emphasis placed on more collectivistic goals. It also was anticipated that interviewees would have wide-ranging and multiple goals, which is reflective of the exploratory nature of emerging adulthood. Results show partial support for these hypotheses as interviewees listed more collectivistic goals than anticipated, but also were likely to list multiple and wideranging goals

    Indicators of Supportive Service Need Among Older Adults in Mississippi

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    Providing quality services is one of the challenges associated with the continued increase in the nation’s older adult population. Effective use of needs assessment data can be useful in assessing service need. This study measures the level of perceived need for supportive services among older adults in Mississippi. Using statewide needs assessment data, this study applies the Behavioral Model to measure the perceived need for supportive services among survey participants aged 60 and older (N = 838). Results indicate that age, race, physical health, and subjective well-being were consistent predictors of perceived need for supportive services. Results suggest the importance of understanding the factors associated with the perceived need for supportive services to more effectively plan service delivery

    Instructional Management: Assessment of Competencies of Secondary Health Occupations Teachers

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    Health occupations teachers are facing many challenges which necessitate development of new competencies in order to facilitate a viable Health Occupations Education program. An important teacher competency is instructional management which entails obtaining instructional resources; projecting resource needs; managing budgeting and reporting responsibilities; developing and maintaining a filing system; providing for student safety and first aid needs; assisting students in developing self-discipline; and planning, organizing, managing, and maintaining the physical facilities of the laboratory. To address these challenges, data were collected in Alabama concerning Health Occupations Education teachers’ perceptions of their educational needs relative to instructional management. Overall the majority of teachers rated their competence as above average in all areas of instructional management. The highest need was combatting problems of student chemical use. The highest competency rating was providing for student safety. Further research is recommended to monitor these competencies

    Direct Monte Carlo Simulations of Hypersonic Low-Density Flows about an ASTV Including Wake Structure

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    Results of a numerical study concerning flow past a 70-deg blunted cone in hypersonic low-density flow environments are presented using the direct simulation Monte-Carlo method. The flow conditions simulated are those that can be obtained in existing low-density hypersonic wind tunnels. Results indicate that a stable vortex forms in the near wake at and below a freestream Knudsen number (based on cone diameter) of 0.01 and the size of the vortex increases with decreasing Knudsen number. The base region of the flow remains in thermal nonequilibrium for all cases considered herein

    The Influence of Military Service Experiences on Current and Daily Drinking

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    Traumatic military service experience can lead to increased alcohol consumption among veterans, who may use alcohol as a form of self-medication. Veterans with a psychiatric disorder or traumatic brain injury are more likely than nonveterans to be daily drinkers. Non-combat and combat veterans without a PD or TBI are less likely than nonveterans to be daily drinkers

    Effects of Compressed Speech Theory Applied to Health Occupations Education Instruction

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate (a) normal, (b) 40% compressed, and (c) 80% compressed speech presentations of conceptual data for the “Burns” chapter from the Multimedia Standard First Aid book. The material was presented to randomly assigned intact groups of health occupations education 9th, 10th, llth, and 12th grade students from two country school systems in a southern state. There were overall differences among posttest scores attributed to presentation method adjusted, in an analysis of partial variance, for reading level and pretest score

    Personality Traits of High School HOSA Officers

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    The purposes of this study were, for “high school student officers of HOSA$ to (a) measure personality trait characteristics, (b) describe sample norms for trait characteristics, (c) determine the typical personality preference, (d) determine personality preferences associated with various leadership positions, (e) develop normative descriptions, and (f) compare :personality preferences associated with selected demographic variables. The samples included 115 HOSA in a southern state. The demographic questionnaire officers from 27 schools in two districts Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and a were used to collect t:he data. A typical student from the sample would be type indicated as Extroversion) Sensing/Feeling/Judging. Type indicators varied with officer position and level of service

    Factor Dimensions of the Leadership Opinion Questionnaire for Nursing Students

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    The purpose of this study was to develop factor dimensions and scale the Fleishman Leadership Opinion Questionnaire according to responses of nursing students enrolled in Associate Degree Nursing and Bachelor of Science Nursing Programs. Validity of the Fleishman scales, consideration and structure, for student nurses was tested using factor analytic techniques. Best results were based on clarity of factor pattern loadings for 2 factor VARIMAX rotated solutions from bounded raw data and covariance matrices. Both methods showed 13 of 20 items recommended by Fleishman loaded as Fleishman structure items and 12 of 20 loaded as Fleishman consideration items. Kaiser’s measure of overall sampling adequacy for these nursing student data varied between .72 and .97 at the item level. Reliability analysis produced satisfactory reliabilities for composite estimates based Factor Dimensions of LOQ on non-Fleishman algorithms. Generalized results suggest that nursing students exhibit specific patterns of leadership attributes somewhat different from the attributes suggested by Fleishman’s algorithms. Further research is recommended
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