791 research outputs found

    Special Topic Commentary

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    Determination of abundances of proteins involved in uptake, distribution, metabolism and excretion of xenobiotics is a prerequisite to understand and predict elimination mechanisms in tissue. Mass spectrometry promises simple and accurate measurements of individual proteins in complex mixtures using isotopically labeled peptide standards. However, comparisons of measurements performed in different laboratories have shown considerable discrepancies in the data generated. Even when very similar approaches are compared, the results differ significantly. An alternative method of measuring protein titers is global proteomics. Depending on sample type, this allows quantification of hundreds to thousands of proteins in a single analysis. It enables system-wide insights by providing protein copy numbers and cell sizes. Regardless of differences, the workflows of both the labeled standard-based and the proteomic approach share several steps. Each can be critical. Selection of optimal techniques is the prerequisite for accurate and reproducible protein quantification. (C) 2020 American Pharmacists Association (R). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    The cone of curves of Fano varieties of coindex four

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    We classify the cones of curves of Fano varieties of dimension greater or equal than five and (pseudo)index dim X -3, describing the number and type of their extremal rays.Comment: 27 pages; changed the numbering of Theorems, Definitions, Propositions, etc. in accordance with the published version to avoid incorrect reference

    Challenges for Social Responsibility in Activities for Economic Development.

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    Статья посвящена проблемам, стоящим перед государством и хозяйствующими субъектами микроуровня, в аспекте их роли и ответственности за благополучие нынешнего и будущих поколений. В статье приведены ошибки, преднамеренные злоупотребления и даже преступления, с которыми сталкиваются экономические субъекты. Авторы также раскрывают и положительные практики экономических организаций, которые обсуждались, в частности, на Всемирном Бизнес Совете по устойчивому развитию. Одной из фундаментальных проблем на макроуровне, связанными с ответственностью государства, является ответственное использование государственного долга. Его нерациональное и чрезмерное использование может привести к негативным экономическим и социальным последствиям, которые также рассматриваются в статье. Ключевые слова: корпоративная социальная ответственность, корпоративное управление, этика бизнеса. = This article treats of the challenges facing the state and the micro-entities of economic life in the category of their role and responsibility for the well-being of present and future generations. This idealistic formulation is a point of reference for the presented discourse. A number of mistakes, and deliberate abuses, and even crimes encountered by the listed entities are enumerated. However, the legitimacy and the essence of competitiveness is not challenged, but only the responsibility of entities for the ethical side of its regulations are indicated, thereby its functioning per se. The article also shows good practices of economic organizations (companies) in this regard, which are promoted, among others, by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development and which favour ethical economic growth. Real actions, not their marking often referred to as the Greenwash activity, are considered appropriate. At the macro level, one of the fundamental problems concerning the liability of the state is emphasized, the responsible use of public debt. Its irrational use and excessive levels lead to negative economic and social consequences, which is also considered in the paper. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, corporate governance, business ethics

    Métodos de avaliação da segurança de pontes existentes

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    O presente trabalho pretende descrever, de uma forma acessível, os métodos de análise de fiabilidade e a metodologia de verificação da segurança por etapas, que podem ser úteis na avaliação da segurança de pontes existentes. A metodologia apresentada sugere o recurso a uma análise mais avançada sempre que a ponte não cumpra os requisitos estabelecidos no nível de avaliação anterior, culminando no método de avaliação que combina a análise não-linear com a análise probabilística.The present work aims to describe, in an accessible way, the methods of reliability analysis and the step-level assessment methodology, which might be useful in the safety evaluation of existent bridges. The presented methodology suggest to use a more advanced analysis when the bridge doesn’t fulfill the requirements established in the previous safety evaluation level, culminating in the method of evaluation that combines the non-linear and probabilistic analysis.Comissão Europeia - VI Programa Quadro "Sustainable Bridges” FP6-PLT-0165

    CO 2 - reinforced nanoporous carbon potential energy field during CO 2 /CH 4 mixture adsorption. A comprehensive volumetric, in-situ IR, and thermodynamic insight

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    CO2/CH4 mixture adsorption is very important in different fields like, for example, a biogas purification. Using a comprehensive experimental approach based on volumetric and in-situ FTIR measurements the new results of CO2/CH4 mixture separation on a carbon film are reported. The application of this experimental approach makes it possible to elaborate the effect of enhanced CH4 adsorption at low CO2 concentrations in the adsorbed phase. The presence of this effect is proved experimentally for the first time. This effect is responsible for the deviation of Ideal Adsorption Solution model from the experimental data. To discuss separation mechanism the activity coefficients at constant spreading pressure values are calculated. At low spreading pressure, CO2 activity coefficient is strongly disturbed by the presence of CH4 molecules in the surface mixture. In contrast, the CH4 activity coefficients are remarkably influenced by adsorbed CO2 only at higher CO2 surface concentrations. The obtained activity coefficients are successfully described by a new modification of the Redlich-Kister equation. This modification takes into account the interaction between binary mixture components and an adsorbent. Finally we show that the studied carbon possesses very good CO2/CH4 mixture separation properties, comparable to those reported for other adsorbents

    Depth concentrations of deuterium ions implanted into some pure metals and alloys

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    Pure metals (Cu, Ti, Zr, V, Pd) and diluted Pd-alloys (Pd-Ag, Pd-Pt, Pd-Ru, Pd-Rh) were implanted by 25 keV deuterium ions at fluences in the range (1.2{\div}2.3)x1022 D+/m2. The post-treatment depth distributions of deuterium ions were measured 10 days and three months after the implantation using Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA) and Rutherford Backscattering (RBS). Comparison of the obtained results allowed to make conclusions about relative stability of deuterium and hydrogen gases in pure metals and diluted Pd alloys. Very high diffusion rates of implanted deuterium ions from V and Pd pure metals and Pd alloys were observed. Small-angle X-ray scattering revealed formation of nanosized defects in implanted corundum and titanium.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Isoprostanes as potential cerebral vasospasm biomarkers

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    Despite enormous progress in medicine, symptomatic cerebral vasospasm (CVS), remains an unexplained clinical problem, which leaves both physicians and patients helpless and relying on chance, due to the lack of specific marker indicative of imminent danger as well as the lack of specific treatment. In our opinion CVS occurrence depends on dynamic disbalance between free radicals' formation (oxidative stress) and antioxidant activity. Isoprostanes are products of free-radical peroxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and seem to mark a promising path for the research aiming to unravel its possible mechanism. Not only are they the biomarkers of oxidative stress in vivo and in vitro, but also have manifold biological effects (including vasoactive, inflammatory and mitogenic) via activation of the thromboxane A2 receptor (TBXA2R), both in physiological and pathophysiological processes. This review addresses the importance of isoprostanes in CVS in quest of appropriate biomarkers