289 research outputs found

    The Early Formation, Evolution and Age of the Neutron-Capture Elements in the Early Galaxy

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    Abundance observations indicate the presence of rapid-neutron capture (i.e., r-process) elements in old Galactic halo and globular cluster stars. These observations demonstrate that the earliest generations of stars in the Galaxy, responsible for neutron-capture synthesis and the progenitors of the halo stars, were rapidly evolving. Abundance comparisons among several halo stars show that the heaviest neutron-capture elements (including Ba and heavier) are consistent with a scaled solar system r-process abundance distribution, while the lighter such elements do not conform to the solar pattern. These comparisons suggest two r-process sites or at least two different sets of astrophysical conditions. The large star-to-star scatter observed in the neutron-capture/iron ratios at low metallicities -- which disappears with increasing [Fe/H] -- suggests an early, chemically unmixed and inhomogeneous Galaxy. The stellar abundances indicate a change from the r-process to the slow neutron capture (i.e., s-) process at higher metallicities in the Galaxy. The detection of thorium in halo and globular cluster stars offers a promising, independent age-dating technique that can put lower limits on the age of the Galaxy.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures; To appear in the proceedings of the 20th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, J. C. Wheeler & H. Martel (eds.

    Neutron-Capture Element Trends in the Halo

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    In a brief review of abundances neutron-capture elements (Z > ~30) in metal-poor halo stars, attention is called to their star-to-star scatter, the dominance of r-process synthesis at lowest metallicities, the puzzle of the lighter members of this element group, and the possibility of a better r-/s-process discriminant.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of ``Cosmic Evolution'

    Nuclear Chronometers

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    Observations of metal-poor Galactic halo stars indicate that the abundance pattern of the (heaviest) neutron-capture elements is consistent with the scaled solar system r-process abundances. Utilizing the radioactive (r-process) element thorium, age determinations have been made for several of these same stars, placing constraints on both Galactic and cosmological age estimates.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures. To appear in the Proceedings of ``Cosmic Evolution'

    CNO abundances and hydrodynamic models of the Nova outbursts. 4: Comparison with observations

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    A variety of observations of novae are discussed in light of theoretical models. It is proposed that the nearly constant bolometric luminosity of FH Ser originates in the non-degenerate hydrogen-burning region at the bottom of the hydrogen-rich envelope which remains after the primary ejection. The shift of the wavelength of peak emission from the visual to shortward of the ultraviolet is caused by the decrease of the photospheric radius of the remnant envelope as the bolometric luminosity stays nearly constant. The oscillations in the light curve of GK Per during the transition stage can be explained by a pulsation of the remnant envelope when it is the size of the Roche lobe. The CNO over-abundances in novae reported by various observers are strongly suggestive of this nova mechanism. Finally, the implications of the upper limits of C-13 and N-15 in DQ Her are discussed

    Hydrodynamic models for novae with ejecta rich in oxygen, neon and magnesium

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    The characteristics of a new class of novae are identified and explained. This class consists of those objects that have been observed to eject material rich in oxygen, neon, magnesium, and aluminum at high velocities. We propose that for this class of novae the outburst is occurring not on a carbon-oxygen white dwarf but on an oxygen-neon-magnesium white dwarf which has evolved from a star which had a main sequence mass of approx. 8 solar masses to approx. 12 solar masses. An outburst was simulated by evolving 1.25 solar mass white dwarfs accreting hydrogen rich material at various rates. The effective enrichment of the envelope by ONeMg material from the core is simulated by enhancing oxygen in the accreted layers. The resulting evolutionary sequences can eject the entire accreted envelope plus core material at high velocities. They can also become super-Eddington at maximum bolometric luminosity. The expected frequency of such events (approx. 1/4) is in good agreement with the observed numbers of these novae

    A Simple Model for r-Process Scatter and Halo Evolution

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    Recent observations of heavy elements produced by rapid neutron capture (r-process) in the halo have shown a striking and unexpected behavior: within a single star, the relative abundances of r-process elements heavier than Eu are the same as the same as those of solar system matter, while across stars with similar metallicity Fe/H, the r/Fe ratio varies over two orders of magnitude. In this paper we present a simple analytic model which describes a star's abundances in terms of its ``ancestry,'' i.e., the number of nucleosynthesis events (e.g., supernova explosions) which contributed to the star's composition. This model leads to a very simple analytic expression for the abundance scatter versus Fe/H, which is in good agreement with the data and with more sophisticated numerical models. We investigate two classes of scenarios for r-process nucleosynthesis, one in which r-process synthesis events occur in only \sim 4% of supernovae but iron synthesis is ubiquitous, and one in which iron nucleosynthesis occurs in only about 9% of supernovae. (the Wasserburg- Qian model). We find that the predictions in these scenarios are similar for [Fe/H] \ga -2.5, but that these models can be readily distinguished observationally by measuring the dispersion in r/Fe at [Fe/H] \la -3.Comment: AASTeX, 21 pages, includes 4 figure

    A burst from a thermonuclear runaway on an ONeMg white dwarf

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    Studies which examine the consequences of accretion, at rates of 10(exp -9) solar mass/yr and 10(exp -10) solar mass/yr, onto an ONeMg white dwarf with a mass of 1.35 solar masses are performed. In these studies, a Lagrangian, hydrodynamic, one-dimensional computer code was used. The code now includes a network with 89 nuclei up to Ca-40, elemental diffusion, new opacities, and new equation of state. The initial abundance distribution corresponded to a mixture that was enriched to either 25, 50, or 75 percent in products of carbon burning. The remaining material in each case is assumed to have a solar composition. The evolution of the thermonuclear runaway in the 1.35 solar mass white dwarf, with M = 10(exp -9) solar mass, produced peak temperatures in the shell source exceeding 300 million degrees. The sequence produced significant amounts of Na-22 from proton captures onto Ne-20 and significant amounts of Al-26 from proton captures on Mg-24. This sequence ejected 5.2 x 10(exp -6) solar mass moving with speeds from approximately 100 km/s to 2300 km/s. When the mass accretion rate was decreased to 10(exp -10) solar mass, the resulting thermonuclear runaway produced a shock that moved through the outer envelope of the white dwarf and raised the surface luminosity to L greater than 10(exp 7) solar luminosity and the effective temperature to values exceeding 10(exp 7) K. The interaction of the material expanding from off of the white dwarf with the accretion disk should produce a burst of gamma-rays

    Numerical simulation of the magnetospheric gate model for X-ray bursters

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    A Lagrangian, fully implicit, one dimensional hydrodynamic computer code was used to investigate the evolution of a gas cloud impacting the surface of a 20 km, 1 Msub solar neutron star. This gas is initially at rest with respect to the surface of the neutron star, extends to 185 km above the surface, and is optically thick. The infall results in a burst which lasts about 0.1 seconds and reached a peak luminosity and effective temperature of 240,000 Lsub solar and 9 million; respectively. The burst was followed by a phase of oscillations with a period 0.2 seconds