806 research outputs found

    Turbulence in the shallow nearshore environment during SANDYDUCK '97

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    An array of five acoustic Doppler velocimeters (ADV), which produce high quality measurements of the three-dimensional velocity vector in a sample volume with a scale of one centimeter, was deployed from late August through late November of 1997 at a water depth of approximately 4.5 m off Duck, North Carolina. The sensors were deployed near the sea floor but above the centimeters-thick wave boundary layer, and the sampling scheme was designed to resolve turbulence statistics averaged over tens of minutes, much longer than typical wave periods but shorter than time scales associated with variablity of energetic wind-driven and wave-driven alongshore flows.Funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. OCE-9810609, the Mellon Foundation and Rinehart Coastal Research Center

    Analysis of Fluvial Suspended Sediment Load Contribution through Anthropocene History to the South Atlantic Bight Coastal Zone, U.S.A.

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    Discerning the effects of anthropogenic activities (i.e., reservoir construction, land use change), as opposed to those of natural processes (i.e., climate variability), on suspended sediment flux has become an increasingly difficult challenge. This contribution presents water and suspended sediment flux from five major watersheds that discharge into the southeastern U.S. Atlantic, a region that is currently considered sediment starved. Three periods of Anthropocenetime were defined and evaluated: (1) “pre-European conditions” (1680–1700), (2) “pre-dam conditions (1905-1925), and (3) post-dam conditions (1985-2005). Physical and hydrologic watershed data were used to run a climate-driven hydrological transport numerical model (HydroTrend) to estimate suspended sediment flux for each period. Results indicate that the suspended sediment contribution to the South Atlantic Bight coastal zone increased by up to 145% as a result of accelerated soil erosion conditions caused by the arrival of European settlers and has since declined by approximately 55%, primarily because of the construction of large resevoirs. This trend suggests a return to pre-European sediment yields, approximately 100 years after historic peak of soil erosion in the southeastern Piedmont. Our results indicate that variations in sediment yield between time periods are primarily caused by direct anthropogenic forcings, while climate changes over the periods considered have played an insignificant role

    Evaluation of the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) for Turbulence Measurements*

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    Accuracy of the acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV) is evaluated in this paper. Simultaneous measurements of open-channel flow were undertaken in a 17-m flume using an ADV and a laser Doppler velocimeter. Flow velocity records obtained by both instruments are used for estimating the true (‘‘ground truth’’) flow characteristics and the noise variances encountered during the experimental runs. The measured values are compared with estimates of the true flow characteristics and values of variance (^u92&, ^w92&) and covariance (^u9w9&) predicted by semiempirical models for open-channel flow. The analysis showed that the ADV sensor can measure mean velocity and Reynolds stress within 1% of the estimated true value. Mean velocities can be obtained at distances less than 1 cm from the boundary, whereas Reynolds stress values obtained at elevations greater than 3 cm above the bottom exhibit a variation that is in agreement with the predictions of the semiempirical models. Closer to the boundary, the measured Reynolds stresses deviate from those predicted by the model, probably due to the size of the ADV sample volume. Turbulence spectra computed using the ADV records agree with theoretical spectra after corrections are applied for the spatial averaging due to the size of the sample volume and a noise floor. The noise variance in ADV velocity records consists of two terms. One is related to the electronic circuitry of the sensor and its ability to resolve phase differences, whereas the second is flow related. The latter noise component dominates at rapid flows. The error in flow measurements due to the former noise term depends on sensor velocity range setting and ranges from 60.95 to 63.0 mm s21. Noise due to shear within the sample volume and to Doppler broadening is primarily a function of the turbulence dissipation parameter. Noise variances calculated using spectral analysis and the results of the ground truthing technique are compared with theoretical estimates of noise

    Wind Speed Dependence of Single-Site Wave-Height Retrievals from High-Frequency Radars

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    Wave-height observations derived from single-site high-frequency (HF) radar backscattered Doppler spectra are generally recognized to be less accurate than overlapping radar techniques but can provide significantly larger sampling regions. The larger available wave-sampling region may have important implications for observing system design. Comparison of HF radar–derived wave heights with acoustic Doppler profiler and buoy data revealed that the scale separation between the Bragg scattering waves and the peak energy-containing waves may contribute to errors in the single-site estimates in light-to-moderate winds. A wave-height correction factor was developed that explicitly considers this scale separation and eliminates the trend of increasing errors with increasing wind speed

    Dynamic Licensed Shared Access - a New Architecture and Spectrum Allocation Techniques

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    This paper proposes a new system architecture for Licensed Shared Access (LSA) wireless networks, as well as novel band management techniques for fair and ranking-based spectrum allocation. The proposed architecture builds upon recently standardized and regulatory-accepted LSA systems and stems from the work done in the EU-funded project ADEL. Two new resource allocation algorithms are introduced and their behaviour is validated via system-level simulations

    CLON: overlay networks and gossip protocols for cloud environments

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    Although epidemic or gossip-based multicast is a robust and scalable approach to reliable data dissemination, its inherent redundancy results in high resource consumption on both links and nodes. This problem is aggravated in settings that have costlier or resource constrained links as happens in Cloud Computing infrastructures composed by several interconnected data centers across the globe. The goal of this work is therefore to improve the efficiency of gossip-based reliable multicast by reducing the load imposed on those constrained links. In detail, the proposed clon protocol combines an overlay that gives preference to local links and a dissemination strategy that takes into account locality. Extensive experimental evaluation using a very large number of simulated nodes shows that this results in a reduction of traffic in constrained links by an order of magnitude, while at the same time preserving the resilience properties that make gossip-based protocols so attractive.HP Labs Innovation Research Award, project DC2MS (IRA/CW118736

    Aerodynamics of aero-engine installation

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    This paper describes current progress in the development of methods to assess aero-engine airframe installation effects. The aerodynamic characteristics of isolated intakes, a typical transonic transport aircraft as well as a combination of a through-flow nacelle and aircraft configuration have been evaluated. The validation task for an isolated engine nacelle is carried out with concern for the accuracy in the assessment of intake performance descriptors such as mass flow capture ratio and drag rise Mach number. The necessary mesh and modelling requirements to simulate the nacelle aerodynamics are determined. Furthermore, the validation of the numerical model for the aircraft is performed as an extension of work that has been carried out under previous drag prediction research programmes. The validation of the aircraft model has been extended to include the geometry with through flow nacelles. Finally, the assessment of the mutual impact of the through flow nacelle and aircraft aerodynamics was performed. The drag and lift coefficient breakdown has been presented in order to identify the component sources of the drag associated with the engine installation. The paper concludes with an assessment of installation drag for through-flow nacelles and the determination of aerodynamic interference between the nacelle and the aircraft