295 research outputs found

    Stopping and Baryon Transport in Heavy Ion Reactions

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    In this report I will give an experimental overview on nuclear stopping in hadron collisions, and relate observations to understanding of baryon transport. Baryon number transport is not only evidenced via net-proton distributions but also by the enhancement of strange baryons near mid-rapidity. Although the focus is on high-energy data obtained from pp and heavy ions from RHIC, relevant data from SPS and ISR will be considered. A discussion how the available data at higher energy relates and gives information on baryon junction, quark-diquark breaking will be made.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures. Invited plenary talk for the 5'th international conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma, February 8-12, 2005, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, Indi

    In-beam Tests of a Ring Imaging Cerenkov Detector With a Multianode Photomultiplier Readout

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    A ring-imaging \v{C}erenkov counter read out by a 100-channel PMT of active area 10×\times10 cm2^2 was operated successfully in a test beam at the BNL AGS with several radiator gases, including the heavy fluorocarbon C4_4F10_{10}. Ring radii were measured for electrons, muons, pions and kaons over the particle momentum range from 2 to 12 GeV/cc, and a best resolution of σr/r=2.3%\sigma_r/r = 2.3\% was obtained.Comment: 11 pages (LaTeX) plus 7 figures in Postscript (gz-compressed and uuencoded

    Rapidity and centrality dependence of particle production for identified hadrons in Cu+Cu collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    The BRAHMS collaboration has measured transverse momentum spectra of pions, kaons, protons and antiprotons at rapidities 0 and 3 for Cu+Cu collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV. As the collisions become more central the collective radial flow increases while the temperature of kinetic freeze-out decreases. The temperature is lower and the radial flow weaker at forward rapidity. Pion and kaon yields with transverse momenta between 1.5 and 2.5 GeV/c are suppressed for central collisions relative to scaled p+pp+p collisions. This suppression, which increases as the collisions become more central is consistent with jet quenching models and is also present with comparable magnitude at forward rapidity. At such rapidities initial state effects may also be present and persistence of the meson suppression to high rapidity may reflect a combination of jet quenching and nuclear shadowing. The ratio of protons to mesons increases as the collisions become more central and is largest at forward rapidities.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures and 6 table

    Rapidity dependence of deuteron production in Au+Au collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    We have measured the distributions of protons and deuterons produced in high energy heavy ion Au+Au collisions at RHIC over a very wide range of transverse and longitudinal momentum. Near mid-rapidity we have also measured the distribution of anti-protons and anti-deuterons. We present our results in the context of coalescence models. In particular we extract the "volume of homogeneity" and the average phase-space density for protons and anti-protons. Near central rapidity the coalescence parameter B2(pT)B_2(p_T) and the space averaged phase-space density (pT) (p_T) are very similar for both protons and anti-protons. For protons we see little variation of either B2(pT)B_2(p_T) or the space averaged phase-space density as the rapidity increases from 0 to 3. However both these quantities depend strongly on pTp_T at all rapidities. These results are in contrast to lower energy data where the proton and anti-proton phase-space densities are different at yy=0 and both B2B_2 and ff depend strongly on rapidity.Comment: Document updated after proofs received from PR

    Nuclear Stopping in Au+Au Collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV

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    Transverse momentum spectra and rapidity densities, dN/dy, of protons, anti-protons, and net--protons (p-pbar) from central (0-5%) Au+Au collisions at sqrt(sNN) = 200 GeV were measured with the BRAHMS experiment within the rapidity range 0 < y < 3. The proton and anti-proton dN/dy decrease from mid-rapidity to y=3. The net-proton yield is roughly constant for y<1 at dN/dy~7, and increases to dN/dy~12 at y~3. The data show that collisions at this energy exhibit a high degree of transparency and that the linear scaling of rapidity loss with rapidity observed at lower energies is broken. The energy loss per participant nucleon is estimated to be 73 +- 6 GeV.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Evolution of the nuclear modification factors with rapidity and centrality in d+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    We report on a study of the transverse momentum dependence of nuclear modification factors RdAuR_{dAu} for charged hadrons produced in deuteron + gold collisions at sNN=200\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200GeV, as a function of collision centrality and of the pseudorapidity (η=0,1,2.2,3.2\eta = 0,1,2.2,3.2) of the produced hadrons. We find significant and systematic decrease of RdAuR_{dAu} with increasing rapidity. The midrapidity enhancement and the forward rapidity suppression are more pronounced in central collisions relative to peripheral collisions. These results are relevant to the study of the possible onset of gluon saturation at RHIC energies.Comment: Four pages, four figures. Published in PRL. Figures 1 and 2 have been updated, and several changes made to the tex

    Recent Results from the BRAHMS Experiment

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    We present recent results obtained by the BRAHMS experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) for the systems of Au + Au and Cu + Cu at \rootsnn{200} and at 62.4 GeV, and p + p at \rootsnn{200}. Nuclear modification factors for Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions are presented. Analysis of anti-particle to particle ratios as a function of rapidity and collision energy reveal that particle populations at the chemical freeze-out stage for heavy-ion reactions at and above SPS energies are controlled by the baryon chemical potential. From the particle spectra we deduce significant radial expansion (β\beta \approx 0.75), as expected for systems created with a large initial energy density. We also measure the elliptic flow parameter v2v_2 versus rapidity and \ptn. We present rapidity dependent p/πp/\pi ratios within 0<y<30 < y < 3 for Au + Au and Cu + Cu at \rootsnn{200}. \Raa is found to increase with decreasing collision energy, decreasing system size, and when going towards more peripheral collisions. However, \Raa shows only a very weak dependence on rapidity (for 0<y<3.20 < y < 3.2), both for pions and protons.Comment: 16 pages and 14 figures, proceedings for plenary talk at Quark Matter 2005, Budapest, Hungar

    Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles from Au+Au collisions at the maximum RHIC energy, Sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV

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    We present charged particle densities as a function of pseudorapidity and collision centrality for the 197Au+197Au reaction at Sqrt{s_NN}=200 GeV. For the 5% most central events we obtain dN_ch/deta(eta=0) = 625 +/- 55 and N_ch(-4.7<= eta <= 4.7) = 4630+-370, i.e. 14% and 21% increases, respectively, relative to Sqrt{s_NN}=130 GeV collisions. Charged-particle production per pair of participant nucleons is found to increase from peripheral to central collisions around mid-rapidity. These results constrain current models of particle production at the highest RHIC energy.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; fixed fig. 5 caption; revised text and figures to show corrected calculation of and ; final version accepted for publicatio

    Quark Gluon Plasma an Color Glass Condensate at RHIC? The perspective from the BRAHMS experiment

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    We review the main results obtained by the BRAHMS collaboration on the properties of hot and dense hadronic and partonic matter produced in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions at RHIC. A particular focus of this paper is to discuss to what extent the results collected so far by BRAHMS, and by the other three experiments at RHIC, can be taken as evidence for the formation of a state of deconfined partonic matter, the so called quark-gluon-plasma (QGP). We also discuss evidence for a possible precursor state to the QGP, i.e. the proposed Color Glass Condensate.Comment: 32 pages, 18 figure

    Coexistence of 'alpha+ 208Pb' cluster structures and single-particle excitations in 212Po

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    Excited states in 212Po have been populated by alpha transfer using the 208Pb(18O,14C) reaction at 85MeV beam energy and studied with the EUROBALL IV gamma multidetector array. The level scheme has been extended up to ~ 3.2 MeV excitation energy from the triple gamma coincidence data. Spin and parity values of most of the observed states have been assigned from the gamma angular distributions and gamma -gamma angular correlations. Several gamma lines with E(gamma) < 1 MeV have been found to be shifted by the Doppler effect, allowing for the measurements of the associated lifetimes by the DSAM method. The values, found in the range [0.1-0.6] ps, lead to very enhanced E1 transitions. All the emitting states, which have non-natural parity values, are discussed in terms of alpha-208Pb structure. They are in the same excitation-energy range as the states issued from shell-model configurations.Comment: 21 pages, 19 figures, corrected typos, revised arguments in Sect. III