11 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Alternative Rations for Feeding Guinea Pigs in the Growth-fattening Stages

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    The objective of the research was to evaluate the use of alternative rations for feeding guinea pigs in the growth-fattening stages. The experimental units were made up of a total of 80 guinea pigs, 40 males and 40 females. A completely random design was applied in a combinatorial arrangement of factors, where factor A: alternative rations had 4 levels and factor B: sex had 2 levels (males and females), and carrying out the evaluation of different variables such as initial weight, final weight, weight gain, total feed intake, feed conversion, carcass weight, carcass yield, all this in addition to the mortality variable, these measurements had an evaluation period of 75 days, the same as the investigation lasted. For the statistical analysis, the experimental results were subjected to an analysis of Variance (ADEVA) and separation of means according to Tukey’s methodology at a significance level (P ≤ 0.05), resulting in significant differences in the feed conversion variable. While for the rest of the variables we found highly significant differences. It was concluded that the best treatment is that of the male guinea pigs that were fed with T2 since they contribute to improving the feed conversion rates without affecting the productive behavior of the livestock. As per the results obtained from this investigation, it is recommended to disseminate to small and medium producers of guinea pigs. Keywords: alternative rations, corn, broccoli leaf, guinea pig, fattening growth stage Resumen El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la utilización de raciones alternativas para la alimentación de cuyes en las etapas crecimiento-engorde. Las unidades experimentales estuvieron conformadas por un total de 80 cuyes de los cuales 40 fueron machos y 40 hembras. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar, en arreglo combinatorio de factores, donde el factor A: raciones alternativas teniendo 4 niveles y el factor B: sexo con 2 niveles (machos y hembras), y llevándose a cabo la evaluación de diferentes variables como son: peso inicial, peso final ganancia de peso, consumo total de alimento, conversión alimenticia, peso a la canal, rendimiento a la canal todo esto en y la variable mortalidad, estas mediciones tuvieron un periodo de evaluación de 75 días mismos que duro la investigación. Para el análisis estadístico los resultados experimentales fueron sometidos a un análisis de Varianza (ADEVA) y separación de medias de acuerdo a la metodología de Tukey a un nivel de significancia (P≤0,05) dando como resultado diferencias significativas en la variable conversión alimenticia mientras que para el resto de variables encontramos diferencias altamente significativas. Se concluye que el mejor tratamiento es el de los cuyes machos que fueron alimentados con T2 ya que contribuyen a mejorar los índices de conversión alimenticia sin afectar el comportamiento productivo de los semovientes. Se recomienda difundir a pequeños y medianos productores de cuyes, los resultados obtenidos de la presente investigación. Palabras Clave: Raciones alternativas, Maíz, Hoja de brócoli, Cuyes, Etapa crecimiento-engord

    Lactobacillus and Its Probiotic Role in the Digestive and Nutritional Processes of Pigs: A Review

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    The activity of a probiotic is dependent on the strain’s ability to confer health benefits to the host through oral consumption of viable cells. The main objective of this study was to carry out a review about the importance of Lactobacillus and its probiotic role in the digestive and nutritional processes of pigs. The study focused on seven strains of Lactobacillus and their varied uses in feeding different categories of pigs. We obtained a clear conceptualization of Lactobacillus’ effect on the immune system, its genome and how it is used in probiotic drinks. Based on the results, we can conclude that the use of Lactobacillus improves swine health and nutrition, making it a viable alternative to replace the indiscriminate use of antibiotics as growth promoters. Keywords: probiotics, antibiotics, digestive process, endogenous species, pig categories. RESUMEN La habilidad de un probiótico está en dependencia de la capacidad de la cepa de conferir beneficios de salud al hospedador mediante el consuno oral de células viables. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo principal realizar una aproximación conceptual de varios autores acerca de la importancia de los Lactobacillus y su papel probiótico en el proceso digestivo y nutricional en cerdos. Para ello, se hizo necesario realizar una profusa búsqueda, selección y procesamiento de las más prominentes fuentes bibliográficas, que tratan sobre este tema. El estudio se llevó a cabo sobre 7 cepas de Lactobacillus y sus diferentes formas de uso en la alimentación de las diferentes categorías porcinas; obteniéndose entre los principales resultados una clara conceptualización de la acción de los Lactobacillus en el sistema inmunológico, genoma y el modo de utilización en bebidas probióticas. A modo de conclusión, se puede mencionar que la totalidad de los autores citados concuerdan que la utilización de Lactobacillus mejora fundamentalmente la sanidad y nutrición porcina, convirtiéndose en la alternativa más viable para remplazar el uso indiscriminado de los antibióticos como promotores de crecimiento. Palabras claves: probióticos, antibióticos, proceso digestivo, especies endógenas, categorías porcinas

    Productive Behavior of Pigs Fed with Pelled Feed Plus the Addition of a Microbial Preparation

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    Abstract This study aimed to assess the performance of pigs in terms of productivity when they were given pelleted feed along with microbial preparations at Paty Pig Farm in Yaruquies parish, Riobamba Canton, Chimborazo province. The duration of the study was 90 days and included 48 piglets of Yorkshire x Landrace crossbreed. These piglets were weaned at 21 days of age and weighed an average of 6.5 kg, with 24 males and 24 females. The study used three different levels (2%, 4%, and 6%) of microbial preparation in comparison to a control group. A completely randomized design (DCA) was used in combination with two factors: prebiotic addition (factor A) and animal gender (factor B). The productive behavior of pigs showed no significant differences in the parameters such as feed intake, total feed intake, and feed conversión, among the groups. However, the final weight and weight gain showed better results in the groups that received microbial preparation. The study suggested that microbial preparation levels of 2%, 4%, and 6% can be used as it improved the final weight and weight gain by 37.57 kg and 30.70 kg, respectively, compared to the control group. No mortality was reported due to the use of microbial preparation. The study recommends the use of microbial preparation in other stages of pig production to verify its benefits. Keywords: pig fattening, microbial preparation, pelletized feed, productive parameters. Resumen El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar el comportamiento productivo de los cerdos alimentados con alimento peletizado más la adición de preparado microbianos en la Granja Porcina Paty en la parroquia de Yaruquies del Cantón Riobamba, de la provincia de Chimborazo. El tiempo de duración de la investigación fue de 90 días, para el desarrollo se utilizaron 48 lechones que son un cruce de Yorkshire x Landrace estos fueron destetados de 21 días de edad y de un peso promedio de 6,5 kg, de los cuales 24 fueron machos y 24 hembras. Para el desarrollo de la presenta investigación se utilizaron tres niveles (2, 4 y 6 %) de adición de preparado microbiano, para ser comparados con un tratamiento control. Se aplicó un diseño completamente al azar (DCA), en arreglo combinatorio de dos factores; donde el factor A corresponde a la adición de probióticos y el factor B al sexo de los animales. El comportamiento productivo de los cerdos durante el crecimiento y engorde no reportó diferencias significativas en los parámetros consumo de balanceado, consumo total de alimento y conversión alimenticia; mientras que para las variables peso final y ganancia de peso se reporta resultados favorables para los tratamientos que se utilizó un preparado microbiano. Se concluyó que se puede utilizar los niveles de preparado microbianos (2, 4 y 6 %) debido a que mejoró el peso final 37,57 kg y ganancia de peso 30,70 kg, en comparación con el tratamiento testigo, además con su utilización no se reporta mortalidad alguna. Se recomienda utilizar el preparado microbiano en otras etapas de producción de cerdos para comprobar sus beneficios. Palabras Clave <ENGORDE DE CERDOS>, <PREPARADO MICROBIANOS>, <ALIMENTO PELETIZADO>, <PARÁMETROS PRODUCTIVOS>

    Efectos de la suplementación con microminerales en indicadores de producción y su residualidad en sangre, heces y orina de alpacas (Lama lama) en pastoreo.

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    Con el objetivo de analizar el efecto del nivel de suplemento de microminerales adicionales a la dieta sobre las variables alzada peso y diámetro de la fibra de alpacas, se evaluó la aplicación de tres dosis de selenio y zinc (0,0; 1,0 y 1,5 cc), bajo un (DCA) en arreglo factorial (3 x 2) + (3 x 2). Los resultados mostraron diferencias estadísticas para tratamientos: dosis de selenio, edades, dosis de zinc, edades y para la interacción zinc por edades (Se1E2 con 74,33 kg a los 90 días para alzada a la cruz, Zn1E2 con un promedio de 91,33 cm). La longitud de la fibra los tratamientos Se1E1 y Se1E2 con promedio de 3 cm. Para el diámetro de la fibra los tratamientos 1 (Se0E1) y tratamiento Se1E1 del grupo 1 y los tratamientos Zn0E2 y Zn1E1 del grupo 2 mostraron mejor calidad de la fibra (P < 0,05), con promedios de 28 micras. Se confirmó un efecto beneficioso en el peso vivo, calidad de la fibra en animales maduros de la suplementación con los microelementos Se y Zn, que mejoró las características fenotípicas de producción como el peso vivo, aunque manifestó residualidad en la orina de los animales de 3 a 5 años de edad.Effects of Supplementation with Microminerals on Production Indicators and Blood, Feces, and Urine Traces of Grazing alpaca (Lama lama) ABSTRACTIn this area was applied three doses of selenium and zinc (0.0; 1.0 and 1.5 cc), under a (DCA) in factorial arrangement (3 x 2) + (3 x 2) in order to analyze the effect of the level of additional mineral supplement micro (Selenium, Zinc) to the diet on the raised variables, weight and fiber diameter of alpacas. Results revealed statistical differences for treatment: selenium doses, age, Zinc doses, Zinc interaction for ages. For this, the treatment 4 (Se1E2) with 74.33 kg to 90 days to cross height (Zn1E2) with 91.33 cm average. The length fiber into treatments 3 (Se1E1) and 4 (Se1E2) with 3 cm average. For fiber diameter on treatments 1 (Se0E1) Treatment 3 (Se1E1) of group 1, treatments 8 (Zn0E2) and 9 (Zn1E1) which group 2 charged better fiber quality with 28 microns average. It was confirmed an beneficial effect on live weight and fiber quality in mature animals for mineral supply with Se and Zn con los microelements, that improved the production phenotypical characteristics like weight, but it was manifested minerals urine residuality in 3-5 years old animals

    Evaluation of Alternative Rations for Feeding Guinea Pigs in the Growth-fattening Stages

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    Abstract The objective of the research was to evaluate the use of alternative rations for feeding guinea pigs in the growth-fattening stages. The experimental units were made up of a total of 80 guinea pigs, 40 males and 40 females. A completely random design was applied in a combinatorial arrangement of factors, where factor A: alternative rations had 4 levels and factor B: sex had 2 levels (males and females), and carrying out the evaluation of different variables such as initial weight, final weight, weight gain, total feed intake, feed conversion, carcass weight, carcass yield, all this in addition to the mortality variable, these measurements had an evaluation period of 75 days, the same as the investigation lasted. For the statistical analysis, the experimental results were subjected to an analysis of Variance (ADEVA) and separation of means according to Tukey's methodology at a significance level (P ≤ 0.05), resulting in significant differences in the feed conversion variable. While for the rest of the variables we found highly significant differences. It was concluded that the best treatment is that of the male guinea pigs that were fed with T2 since they contribute to improving the feed conversion rates without affecting the productive behavior of the livestock. As per the results obtained from this investigation, it is recommended to disseminate to small and medium producers of guinea pigs

    Productive Behavior of Pigs Fed with Pelled Feed Plus the Addition of a Microbial Preparation

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    Abstract This study aimed to assess the performance of pigs in terms of productivity when they were given pelleted feed along with microbial preparations at Paty Pig Farm in Yaruquies parish, Riobamba Canton, Chimborazo province. The duration of the study was 90 days and included 48 piglets of Yorkshire x Landrace crossbreed. These piglets were weaned at 21 days of age and weighed an average of 6.5 kg, with 24 males and 24 females. The study used three different levels (2%, 4%, and 6%) of microbial preparation in comparison to a control group. A completely randomized design (DCA) was used in combination with two factors: prebiotic addition (factor A) and animal gender (factor B). The productive behavior of pigs showed no significant differences in the parameters such as feed intake, total feed intake, and feed conversión, among the groups. However, the final weight and weight gain showed better results in the groups that received microbial preparation. The study suggested that microbial preparation levels of 2%, 4%, and 6% can be used as it improved the final weight and weight gain by 37.57 kg and 30.70 kg, respectively, compared to the control group. No mortality was reported due to the use of microbial preparation. The study recommends the use of microbial preparation in other stages of pig production to verify its benefits