47 research outputs found

    Equatorial Shelf of the Palaeozoic Supercontinent ā€“ Cradle of the Adriatic Carbonate Platform

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    During the Carboniferous and Permian, several carbonate platforms existed along the eastern coast of the supercontinent Pangaea. Croatian Palaeozoic carbonate sediments were produced in this ā€œcarbonate factoryā€. The dominant skeletal carbonate producers were calcareous algae, with assistance from foraminifera, molluscs, brachiopods and crinoids. Sporadically, reef structures were built by calcisponges, bryozoans, algal and cyanobacterial encrusters. Variscan and post-Variscan tectonic events strongly influenced the platform existence through uplift and deposition of molasse sediments, while a global catastrophe at the Permian/Triassic boundary only changed the biotic carbonate producers. A significant input of terrestrial material during the Lower Triassic, due to uplift and/or global regression, altered the mode of sedimentation along the shallow Palaeotethyan shelves. Platforms were partly restored during the Middle and Upper Triassic, and existed with short interruptions till the Middle Eocene

    New Congerian Species and Their Similarity with Congeria banatica from the Pannonian Sediments in Northern Croatia

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    Congeria baschi n.sp. and Congeria susedana n.sp. are two new species from the Pannonian sediments of the Medvednica Mts. (NW Croatia). C. baschi n.sp. was found in the Lower Pannonian limestones, and C. susedana n.sp. was collected from the Upper Pannonian marls. Relationships with the affiliated taxa enable reconstruction of a phyletic lineage beginning with Congeria soceni JEKELIUS, through C. baschi n.sp. to Congeria banatica HƖRNES. C. banatica is the ancestor of two branches, leading to C. susedana n.sp. and C. vugroveci SREMAC, respectively. Dreissenomya digitifera (ANDRUSOV) is the probable descendant of C. vugroveci. The accompanying assemblages of fossil molluscs and ostracods from the same horizons facilitate the precise stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental positioning of the new taxa

    New Congerian Species and Their Similarity with Congeria banatica from the Pannonian Sediments in Northern Croatia

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    Congeria baschi n.sp. and Congeria susedana n.sp. are two new species from the Pannonian sediments of the Medvednica Mts. (NW Croatia). C. baschi n.sp. was found in the Lower Pannonian limestones, and C. susedana n.sp. was collected from the Upper Pannonian marls. Relationships with the affiliated taxa enable reconstruction of a phyletic lineage beginning with Congeria soceni JEKELIUS, through C. baschi n.sp. to Congeria banatica HƖRNES. C. banatica is the ancestor of two branches, leading to C. susedana n.sp. and C. vugroveci SREMAC, respectively. Dreissenomya digitifera (ANDRUSOV) is the probable descendant of C. vugroveci. The accompanying assemblages of fossil molluscs and ostracods from the same horizons facilitate the precise stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental positioning of the new taxa

    The Benkovac Stone Member of the Promina Formation: A Late Eocene Succession of Storm-Dominated Shelf Deposits

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    The Late Eocene Benkovac Stone Member of the Promina Formation of northern Dalmatia, Croatia, is a thinly bedded succession of alternating carbonate sandstones and calcareous mudstones, ca. 40 m thick, exposed as a narrow, SE-trending outcrop belt near the town of Benkovac. This unit occurs in the middle part of the Promina Formation, which is a spectacular calciclastic succession of deposits of late Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene age, about 2000 m thick, showing an upward trasition from deep-marine turbidites to shallow-marine and alluvial deposits. The sheet-like sandstone beds of the Benkovac Stone Member are mainly 1ā€“25 cm thick and have been classified into 6 facies and 3 subfacies, differing in stratification or showing various internal sequences of stratification types. The thicker and most common beds show plane-parallel stratification passing upward into hummocky cross-lamination and undulatory to flat parallel lamination (Facies S1), or consist of only the latter two divisions (Facies S2). Subordinate beds show convolute stratification (Facies S3), are amalgamated (Facies S4), or are homogenized and merely graded (Facies S6). The thinner beds have more uneven boundaries and show translatory ripple cross-lamination (Subfacies S5a), climbing ripple cross-lamination (Subfacies S5b) or pinch-and-swell lamination attributed to starved and rolling-grain ripples (Subfacies S5c). The intervening mudstone beds (Facies M) are silt-streaked and bioturbated. Trace fossils indicate a combination of Zoophycos and Cruziana ichnofacies. The sedimentary succession was deposited in a microtidal offshore transition zone characterized by muddy ā€œbackgroundā€ sedimentation punctuated by discrete storm events. The observed spectrum of tempestite sandstone beds represents a wide range of storm events, varying in magnitude and in the mode of sand dispersal ā€“ from the pure action of oscillatory waves to pure geostrophic currents. The majority of tempestites are attributed to a combination of these two end-member factors, with the geostrophic currents often enhanced by a high load of sediment suspension (density-modified currents). The Benkovac Stone Member is underlain by muddy offshore deposits (Debelo Brdo Member) and covered by sandy to gravelly shoreface deposits (Otavac Member), which in turn pass upwards into braidplain deltaic and alluvial deposits. This regressive succession is considered to be a parasequence deposited as a highstand systems tract during a gradual, stepwise rise of relative sea level. The thick parasequence consists of progradational and retrogradational sets of much smaller parasequences, the record of which differs markedly in the shoreface and offshore transitional part. The difference is attributed to the underlying contrast in the physical factors controlling the supply of sand to these shallow shelf zones

    The Benkovac Stone Member of the Promina Formation: A Late Eocene Succession of Storm-Dominated Shelf Deposits

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    The Late Eocene Benkovac Stone Member of the Promina Formation of northern Dalmatia, Croatia, is a thinly bedded succession of alternating carbonate sandstones and calcareous mudstones, ca. 40 m thick, exposed as a narrow, SE-trending outcrop belt near the town of Benkovac. This unit occurs in the middle part of the Promina Formation, which is a spectacular calciclastic succession of deposits of late Middle Eocene to Early Oligocene age, about 2000 m thick, showing an upward trasition from deep-marine turbidites to shallow-marine and alluvial deposits. The sheet-like sandstone beds of the Benkovac Stone Member are mainly 1ā€“25 cm thick and have been classified into 6 facies and 3 subfacies, differing in stratification or showing various internal sequences of stratification types. The thicker and most common beds show plane-parallel stratification passing upward into hummocky cross-lamination and undulatory to flat parallel lamination (Facies S1), or consist of only the latter two divisions (Facies S2). Subordinate beds show convolute stratification (Facies S3), are amalgamated (Facies S4), or are homogenized and merely graded (Facies S6). The thinner beds have more uneven boundaries and show translatory ripple cross-lamination (Subfacies S5a), climbing ripple cross-lamination (Subfacies S5b) or pinch-and-swell lamination attributed to starved and rolling-grain ripples (Subfacies S5c). The intervening mudstone beds (Facies M) are silt-streaked and bioturbated. Trace fossils indicate a combination of Zoophycos and Cruziana ichnofacies. The sedimentary succession was deposited in a microtidal offshore transition zone characterized by muddy ā€œbackgroundā€ sedimentation punctuated by discrete storm events. The observed spectrum of tempestite sandstone beds represents a wide range of storm events, varying in magnitude and in the mode of sand dispersal ā€“ from the pure action of oscillatory waves to pure geostrophic currents. The majority of tempestites are attributed to a combination of these two end-member factors, with the geostrophic currents often enhanced by a high load of sediment suspension (density-modified currents). The Benkovac Stone Member is underlain by muddy offshore deposits (Debelo Brdo Member) and covered by sandy to gravelly shoreface deposits (Otavac Member), which in turn pass upwards into braidplain deltaic and alluvial deposits. This regressive succession is considered to be a parasequence deposited as a highstand systems tract during a gradual, stepwise rise of relative sea level. The thick parasequence consists of progradational and retrogradational sets of much smaller parasequences, the record of which differs markedly in the shoreface and offshore transitional part. The difference is attributed to the underlying contrast in the physical factors controlling the supply of sand to these shallow shelf zones

    Upper Palaeozoic Fossils from Clastic Sedimentary Rocks in the Gorski Kotar Region

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    Clastic sedimentary rocks in the vicinity of Mrzle Vodice in the Gorski kotar region contain numerous Upper Palaeozoic fossils, preserved as skeletal detritus in calclithites, or within lithoclasts in coarse-grained sediments. Seventy-two taxa have been determined (most of them for the first time) in this region. The most abundant groups are foraminifers and calcareous algae. Calcisponges, echinoderms and bryozoans occur frequently, while remnants of molluscs, brachiopods and ostracods are scarce. The determined taxa range from the Lower Carboniferous (VisƩan), through the Upper Carboniferous (Moscovian, Kasimovian, Gzhelian), up to the Lower Permian (Asselian) in age. Some of the clastic sediments show traces of the multiple redeposition

    Razvoj i ocjena modela za predikciju temperature povrŔine kolničke konstrukcije

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    This paper examines the existing models for predicting pavement temperatures and formulates a new one using a regression equation to predict the minimum and maximum pavement surface temperatures depending on the air temperature. Also, the paper presents a model for pavement temperature prediction according to the Superpave methodology and conducts the validation of the model for measured temperatures.U članku su predstavljeni postojeći modeli za predikciju temperature kolnika i formuliran je novi model pomoću regresione jednadžbe kojom se predviđaju minimalne i maksimalne temperature povrÅ”ine kolnika u ovisnosti od temperature zraka. Također je predstavljen i model za predikciju temperature prema Superpave metodologiji i izvedeno je vrednovanje modela za izmjerene temperature

    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products

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    Procurement model for copper and polymer electrical products. Electrical cable structure (wire, insulation, filling and mantle) is in accordance with the technical specifications of individual cable components in terms of the incorporated materials. Materials used in cable manufacture are copper, aluminum, rubber and polyvinyl chloride. One of the key issues in managing the flow of goods pertains to the timing of procurement. The combination of the two concepts can take advantage of individual strengths of fuzzy logic and neural networks in hybrid systems of homogeneous structure. The model has high practical significance, as, with minor modifications, it can be applied in any enterprise responsible for managing the goods flows

    Dizajn modularnog sutava plastičnih euro paleta

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    Although pallet, as a tool, yields significant and widely recognized economic effects in production and distribution systems, it is still not fully utilized, indicating that it needs to be defined and developed as a specific product. Euro pallet product was designed using PRO/ENGINEER software system CAD module, as one of the most popular Cax systems, yielding a pallet of novel modular design that meets all the operational requirements of the existing range. The chosen material ensures high pallet longevity and durability, in line with the concept of sustainable development.Paleta kao sredstvo za rad ima izuzetan značaj i poznate ekonomske efekte u proizvodnim i distributivnim sustavima. Međutim, odnos prema paleti kao proizvodu, nije proporcionalan njenom ukupnom značaju. Obrazloženi aspekti neizostavno ukazuju na potrebe definiranja i razvoja palete kao specifičnog proizvoda. Dizajn proizvoda plastične euro palete je izveden u CAD modulu programskog sustava PRO/ENGINEER kao jednog od najpoznatijih CAx sustava. Dobijena je paleta novog modularnog koncepta koja ispunjava sve radne zahtjeve postojećih paleta. Izborom materijala je dobijena dugotrajnija paleta koncepta održivog razvoja