6 research outputs found

    High Energy Nuclear Collisions

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    This presentation covers three broad topics: a brief introduction to the field of nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies; a discussion of several topics illustrating what`s been learned after more than a decade of fixed target experiments; and an indication of what the future may bring at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) under construction at the Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) and at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) planned at CERN

    Prefrontal Cortex Corticotropin-Releasing Factor Receptor 1 Conveys Acute Stress-Induced Executive Dysfunction

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    BACKGROUND: The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) subserves complex cognition and is impaired by stress. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), through CRF receptor 1 (CRFR1), constitutes a key element of the stress response. However, its contribution to the effects of stress in the mPFC remains unclear. METHODS: Mice were exposed to acute social defeat stress and subsequently to either the temporal order memory (n = 11-12) or reversal learning (n = 9-11) behavioral test. Changes in mPFC Crhr1 messenger RNA levels were measured in acutely stressed mice (n = 12). Crhr1(loxP/loxP) mice received either intra-mPFC adeno-associated virus-Cre or empty microinjections (n = 17-20) and then were submitted to acute stress and later to the behavioral tests. Co-immunoprecipitation was used to detect activation of the protein kinase A (PKA) signaling pathway in the mPFC of acutely stressed mice (n = 8) or intra-mPFC CRF injected mice (n = 7). Finally, mice received intra-mPFC CRF (n = 11) and/or Rp-isomer cyclic adenosine 3',5' monophosphorothioate (Rp-cAMPS) (n = 12) microinjections and underwent behavioral testing. RESULTS: We report acute stress-induced effects on mPFC-mediated cognition, identify CRF-CRFR1-containing microcircuits within the mPFC, and demonstrate stress-induced changes in Crhr1 messenger RNA expression. Importantly, intra-mPFC CRFR1 deletion abolishes acute stress-induced executive dysfunction, whereas intra-mPFC CRF mimics acute stress-induced mPFC dysfunction. Acute stress and intra-mPFC CRF activate the PKA signaling pathway in the mPFC, leading to cyclic AMP response element binding protein phosphorylation in intra-mPFC CRFR1-expressing neurons. Finally, PKA blockade reverses the intra-mPFC CRF-induced executive dysfunction. CONCLUSIONS: Taken together, these results unravel a molecular mechanism linking acute stress to executive dysfunction via CRFR1. This will aid in the development of novel therapeutic targets for stress-induced cognitive dysfunction