25 research outputs found

    Polymerized bovine hemoglobin solution as a replacement for allogeneic red blood cell transfusion after cardiac surgery: Results of a randomized, double-blind trial

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    AbstractBackground: Blood loss leading to reduced oxygen-carrying capacity is usually treated with red blood cell transfusions. This study examined the hypothesis that a hemoglobin-based oxygen-carrying solution can serve as an initial alternative to red blood cell transfusion. Methods: In a randomized, double-blind efficacy trial of HBOC-201, a total of 98 patients undergoing cardiac surgery and requiring transfusion were randomly assigned to receive either red blood cell units or HBOC-201 (Hemopure; Biopure Corporation, Cambridge, Mass) for the first three postoperative transfusions. Patients were monitored before and after transfusion, at discharge, and at 3 to 4 weeks after the operation for subsequent red blood cell use, hemodynamics, and clinical laboratory parameters. Results: The use of HBOC-201 eliminated the need for red blood cell transfusions in 34% of cases (95% confidence interval 21%-49%). Patients in the HBOC group received a mean of 1.72 subsequent units of red blood cells; those who received red blood cells only received a mean of 2.19 subsequent units (P =.05). Hematocrit values were transiently lower in the HBOC group but were similar in the two groups at discharge and follow-up. Oxygen extraction was greater in the HBOC group (P =.05). Mean increases in blood pressure were greater in the HBOC group, but not significantly so. Conclusion: HBOC-201 may be an initial alternative to red blood cell transfusions for patients with moderate anemia after cardiac surgery. In a third of cases, HBOC-201 eliminated the need for red blood cell transfusion, although substantial doses were needed to produce this modest degree of blood conservation.J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2002;124:35-4

    Анестезиологическое обеспечение пациентов с диссекцией аорты типа А

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    «It is type of surgery that is not for the lone operator… Team is of course essential in the operating theater, where in addition to the surgical and nursing assistants, the anesthesiologist plays a part of fundamental importance which deserves a special tribute.»  Russel C. Brock, 1949 Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) for the adult aortic arch repair is still associated with significant mortality and morbidity. Furthermore, there is significant variation in the conduct of this complex perioperative technique. The variation in the practice of DHCA has not been adequately characterized and may offer multiple therapeutic opportunities for outcome enhancement and reduction of procedural risk. The International Aortic Arch Study Group (IAASSG) was recently organized to investigate an optimal neuroprotection during the thoracic aortic reconstruction.«Этот тип хирургического вмешательства не предназначен для одного хирурга … В операционной важна, несомненно, команда, в которой, помимо ассистентов-хирургов и хирургических сестер, анестезиолог играет основополагающую роль, что заслуживает особой награды.»  Рассел К. Брок, 1949Глубокая гипотермическая остановка кровообращения (ГГОК) для хирургической коррекции дуги аорты у взрослых все еще ассоциируется с высоким уровнем летальности и осложнений. Кроме того, имеются существенные расхождения в выполнении этой сложной периоперативной техники. Вариации в практике ГГОК не были адекватно охарактеризованы и могут предоставить множество терапевтических возможностей для улучшения исхода и снижения риска процедуры. Недавно была создана Международная группа по исследованию дуги аорты, задачей которой является изучение оптимальной нейропротекции во время реконструкции грудного отдела аорты

    Anesthetic Management of Patients with a Type A Aortic Dissection

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    «It is type of surgery that is not for the lone operator… Team is of course essential in the operating theater, where in addition to the surgical and nursing assistants, the anesthesiologist plays a part of fundamental importance which deserves a special tribute.»  Russel C. Brock, 1949 Deep hypothermic circulatory arrest (DHCA) for the adult aortic arch repair is still associated with significant mortality and morbidity. Furthermore, there is significant variation in the conduct of this complex perioperative technique. The variation in the practice of DHCA has not been adequately characterized and may offer multiple therapeutic opportunities for outcome enhancement and reduction of procedural risk. The International Aortic Arch Study Group (IAASSG) was recently organized to investigate an optimal neuroprotection during the thoracic aortic reconstruction

    Marfan Syndrome

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