947 research outputs found

    Polarization of the Microwave Background in Defect Models

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    We compute the polarization power spectra for global strings, monopoles, textures and nontopological textures, and compare them to inflationary models. We find that topological defect models predict a significant (1 microK) contribution to magnetic type polarization on degree angular scales, which is produced by the large vector component of the defect source. We also investigate the effect of decoherence on polarization. It leads to a smoothing of acoustic oscillations both in temperature and polarization power spectra and strongly suppresses the cross-correlation between temperature and polarization relative to inflationary models. Presence or absence of magnetic polarization or cross-correlation would be a strong discriminator between the two theories of structure formation and will be testable with the next generation of CMB satellites.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX fil

    CMBFAST for spatially closed universes

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    We extend the cosmological linear perturbation theory code CMBFAST to closed geometries. This completes the implementation of CMBFAST to all types of geometries and allows the user to perform an unlimited search in the parameter space of models. This will be specially useful for placing confidence limits on cosmological parameters from existing and future data. We discuss some of the technical issues regarding the implementation.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, new version of CMBFAST can be found http://www.sns.ias.edu/~matiasz/CMBFAST/cmbfast.htm

    Lensing effect on polarization in microwave background: extracting convergence power spectrum

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    Matter inhomogeneities along the line of sight deflect the cosmic microwave background (CMB) photons originating at the last scattering surface at redshift z1100z \sim 1100. These distortions modify the pattern of CMB polarization. We identify specific combinations of Stokes QQ and UU parameters that correspond to spin 0,±2\pm 2 variables and can be used to reconstruct the projected matter density. We compute the expected signal to noise as a function of detector sensitivity and angular resolution. With Planck satellite the detection would be at a few σ\sigma level. Several times better detector sensitivity would be needed to measure the projected dark matter power spectrum over a wider range of scales, which could provide an independent confirmation of the projected matter power spectrum as measured from other methods.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PR

    A galaxy-halo model of large-scale structure

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    We present a new, galaxy-halo model of large-scale structure, in which the galaxies entering a given sample are the fundamental objects. Haloes attach to galaxies, in contrast to the standard halo model, in which galaxies attach to haloes. The galaxy-halo model pertains mainly to the relationships between the power spectra of galaxies and mass, and their cross-power spectrum. With surprisingly little input, an intuition-aiding approximation to the galaxy-matter cross-correlation coefficient R(k) emerges, in terms of the halo mass dispersion. This approximation seems valid to mildly non-linear scales (k < ~3 h/Mpc), allowing measurement of the bias and the matter power spectrum from measurements of the galaxy and galaxy-matter power spectra (or correlation functions). This is especially relevant given the recent advances in precision in measurements of the galaxy-matter correlation function from weak gravitational lensing. The galaxy-halo model also addresses the issue of interpreting the galaxy-matter correlation function as an average halo density profile, and provides a simple description of galaxy bias as a function of scale.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, submitted to MNRAS. Minor changes, suggested by refere

    Lensing of the CMB: Non Gaussian aspects

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    We study the generation of CMB anisotropies by gravitational lensing on small angular scales. We show these fluctuations are not Gaussian. We prove that the power spectrum of the tail of the CMB anisotropies on small angular scales directly gives the power spectrum of the deflection angle. We show that the generated power on small scales is correlated with the large scale gradient. The cross correlation between large scale gradient and small scale power can be used to test the hypothesis that the extra power is indeed generated by lensing. We compute the three and four point function of the temperature in the small angle limit. We relate the non-Gaussian aspects presented in this paper as well as those in our previous studies of the lensing effects on large scales to the three and four point functions. We interpret the statistics proposed in terms of different configurations of the four point function and show how they relate to the statistic that maximizes the S/N.Comment: Changes to match accepted version in PRD, 20 pages 10 figures. Better resolution images of the figures can be found at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~matiasz/RESEARCH/cmblensing.htm

    Detection of large scale intrinsic ellipticity-density correlation from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and implications for weak lensing surveys

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    The power spectrum of weak lensing shear caused by large-scale structure is an emerging tool for precision cosmology, in particular for measuring the effects of dark energy on the growth of structure at low redshift. One potential source of systematic error is intrinsic alignments of ellipticities of neighbouring galaxies (II correlation) that could mimic the correlations due to lensing. A related possibility pointed out by Hirata and Seljak (2004) is correlation between the intrinsic ellipticities of galaxies and the density field responsible for gravitational lensing shear (GI correlation). We present constraints on both the II and GI correlations using 265 908 spectroscopic galaxies from the SDSS, and using galaxies as tracers of the mass in the case of the GI analysis. The availability of redshifts in the SDSS allows us to select galaxies at small radial separations, which both reduces noise in the intrinsic alignment measurement and suppresses galaxy- galaxy lensing (which otherwise swamps the GI correlation). While we find no detection of the II correlation, our results are nonetheless statistically consistent with recent detections found using the SuperCOSMOS survey. In contrast, we have a clear detection of GI correlation in galaxies brighter than L* that persists to the largest scales probed (60 Mpc/h) and with a sign predicted by theoretical models. This correlation could cause the existing lensing surveys at z~1 to underestimate the linear amplitude of fluctuations by as much as 20% depending on the source sample used, while for surveys at z~0.5 the underestimation may reach 30%. (Abridged.)Comment: 16 pages, matches version published in MNRAS (only minor changes in presentation from original version

    Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect in WMAP and its effect on cosmological parameters

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    We use multi-frequency information in first year WMAP data to search for the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect. WMAP has sufficiently broad frequency coverage to constrain SZ without the addition of higher frequency data: the SZ power spectrum amplitude is expected to increase 50% from W to Q frequency band. This, in combination with the low noise in WMAP, allows us to strongly constrain the SZ contribution. We derive an optimal frequency combination of WMAP cross-spectra to extract SZ in the presence of noise, CMB, and radio point sources, which are marginalized over. We find that the SZ contribution is less than 2% (95% c.l.) at the first acoustic peak in W band. Under the assumption that the removed radio point sources are not correlated with SZ this limit implies sigma_8<1.07 at 95% c.l. We investigate the effect on the cosmological parameters of allowing an SZ component. We run Monte Carlo Markov Chains with and without an SZ component and find that the addition of SZ does not affect any of the cosmological conclusions. We conclude that SZ does not contaminate the WMAP CMB or change cosmological parameters, refuting the recent claims that they may be corrupted.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Power Spectra in Global Defect Theories of Cosmic Structure Formation

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    An efficient technique for computing perturbation power spectra in field ordering theories of cosmic structure formation is introduced, enabling computations to be carried out with unprecedented precision. Large scale simulations are used to measure unequal time correlators of the source stress energy, taking advantage of scaling during matter and radiation domination, and causality, to make optimal use of the available dynamic range. The correlators are then re-expressed in terms of a sum of eigenvector products, a representation which we argue is optimal, enabling the computation of the final power spectra to be performed at high accuracy. Microwave anisotropy and matter perturbation power spectra for global strings, monopoles, textures and non-topological textures are presented and compared with recent observations.Comment: 4 pages, compressed and uuencoded RevTex file and postscript figure