176 research outputs found

    The role of secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor and elafin (elastase-specific inhibitor/skin-derived antileukoprotease) as alarm antiproteinases in inflammatory lung disease

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    Secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor and elafin are two low-molecular-mass elastase inhibitors that are mainly synthesized locally at mucosal sites. It is thought that their physicochemical properties allow them to efficiently inhibit target enzymes, such as neutrophil elastase, released into the interstitium. Historically, in the lung, these inhibitors were first purified from secretions of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis. This suggested that they might be important in controlling excessive neutrophil elastase release in these pathologies. They are upregulated by 'alarm signals' such as bacterial lipopolysaccharides, and cytokines such as interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor and have been shown to be active against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, so that they have joined the growing list of antimicrobial 'defensin-like' peptides produced by the lung. Their site of synthesis and presumed functions make them very attractive candidates as potential therapeutic agents under conditions in which the excessive release of elastase by neutrophils might be detrimental. Because of its natural tropism for the lung, the use of adenovirus-mediated gene transfer is extremely promising in such applications

    Identification of novel functional sequence variants in the gene for peptidase inhibitor 3

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    BACKGROUND: Peptidase inhibitor 3 (PI3) inhibits neutrophil elastase and proteinase-3, and has a potential role in skin and lung diseases as well as in cancer. Genome-wide expression profiling of chorioamniotic membranes revealed decreased expression of PI3 in women with preterm premature rupture of membranes. To elucidate the molecular mechanisms contributing to the decreased expression in amniotic membranes, the PI3 gene was searched for sequence variations and the functional significance of the identified promoter variants was studied. METHODS: Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified by direct sequencing of PCR products spanning a region from 1,173 bp upstream to 1,266 bp downstream of the translation start site. Fourteen SNPs were genotyped from 112 and nine SNPs from 24 unrelated individuals. Putative transcription factor binding sites as detected by in silico search were verified by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) using nuclear extract from Hela and amnion cell nuclear extract. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) was tested by Ο‡(2 )goodness-of-fit test. Haplotypes were estimated using expectation maximization (EM) algorithm. RESULTS: Twenty-three sequence variations were identified by direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) products covering 2,439 nt of the PI3 gene (-1,173 nt of promoter sequences and all three exons). Analysis of 112 unrelated individuals showed that 20 variants had minor allele frequencies (MAF) ranging from 0.02 to 0.46 representing "true polymorphisms", while three had MAF ≀ 0.01. Eleven variants were in the promoter region; several putative transcription factor binding sites were found at these sites by database searches. Differential binding of transcription factors was demonstrated at two polymorphic sites by electrophoretic mobility shift assays, both in amniotic and HeLa cell nuclear extracts. Differential binding of the transcription factor GATA1 at -689C>G site was confirmed by a supershift. CONCLUSION: The promoter sequences of PI3 have a high degree of variability. Functional promoter variants provide a possible mechanism for explaining the differences in PI3 mRNA expression levels in the chorioamniotic membranes, and are also likely to be useful in elucidating the role of PI3 in other diseases

    Atividade antagΓ΄nica in vitro de Trichoderma spp. ao fungo Lasiodiplodia theobromae.

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    Lasiodiplodia spp., sΓ£o fungos de ampla distribuição geogrΓ‘fica, tΓ­picos de regiΓ΅es tropicais e temperadas, conhecidos pelo seu polifagismo, sendo patΓ³genos de uma extensa lista de plantas hospedeiras, a maioria frutΓ­feras de clima tropical. Fungos deste gΓͺnero sΓ£o capazes de causar diferentes sintomas nas plantas infectadas, incluindo a seca- descendente (die-back), cancro e lesΓ΅es em diferentes partes da planta, alΓ©m de incitar a morte de mudas e enxertos. Em relação a fungos do gΓͺneroPDF. 155_11

    Atividade antagΓ΄nica de Trichoderma spp. ao fungo Lasiodiplodia theobromae.

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    Lasiodiplodia spp., sΓ£o fungos de ampla distribuição geogrΓ‘fica, tΓ­picos de regiΓ΅es tropicais e temperadas, conhecidos pelo seu polifagismo, sendo patΓ³genos de uma extensa lista de plantas hospedeiras, a maioria frutΓ­feras de clima tropical. Fungos deste gΓͺnero sΓ£o capazes de causar diferentes sintomas nas plantas infectadas, incluindo a secadescendente (die-back), cancro e lesΓ΅es em diferentes partes da planta, alΓ©m de incitar a morte de mudas e enxertos.Em paralelo aconteceram tambΓ©m os seguintes eventos: V SeminΓ‘rio de Pesquisa do RecΓ΄ncavo da Bahia; V SeminΓ‘rio Estudantil de Pesquisa da UFRB; V SeminΓ‘rio da PΓ³s-Graduação da UFRB; II SeminΓ‘rio Regional de Pesquisa da EBDA; 5Βͺ Jornada CientΓ­fica da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura; VIII SeminΓ‘rio Estudantil de Pesquisa e ExtensΓ£o da FAMAM; Semana de CiΓͺncia, Tecnologia e Inovação no AgronegΓ³cio; FΓ³rum de Gestores de Iniciação CientΓ­fica e TecnolΓ³gica da Bahia; II SimpΓ³sio Baiano de Defesa AgropecuΓ‘ria; I Semana de Educação Tutorial da UFRB

    Patógenos associados a doenças de plantas ornamentais na região metropolitana de Salvador, Bahia.

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    O mercado de flores e plantas ornamentais estÑ se expandido na Bahia, sendo grande a diversidade de espécies cultivadas. Pode-se considerar que, atualmente, a produção de flores e plantas ornamentais é uma importante alternativa de trabalho e renda para as mais diversas classes da população baiana.PDF. 157_11

    Clínica fitopatológica da EBDA ? identificação de agentes etiológicos de doenças em diversos hospedeiros.

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    As plantas cultivadas sΓ£o acometidas por diversas doenΓ§as principalmente em agroecossistemas simplificados, podendo causar grandes perdas na produção e prejuΓ­zos aos agricultores. Neste sentido, Γ© recomendada a resolução dos problemas relacionados Γ  ocorrΓͺncia de doenΓ§as de plantas, com base, frequentemente, na conservação dos recursos naturais e no aumento da diversidade biolΓ³gica, de modo a atender a demanda crescente de prΓ‘ticas mais sustentΓ‘veis para a agricultura, sem riscos Γ  saΓΊde humana.PDF. 156_11

    Patógenos associados a doenças de plantas ornamentais na região metropolitana de Salvador.

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    O mercado de flores e plantas ornamentais estΓ‘ se expandido na Bahia, sendo grande a diversidade de espΓ©cies cultivadas. Pode-se considerar que, atualmente, a produção de flores e plantas ornamentais Γ© uma importante alternativa de trabalho e renda para as mais diversas classes da população baiana.Em paralelo aconteceram tambΓ©m os seguintes eventos: V SeminΓ‘rio de Pesquisa do RecΓ΄ncavo da Bahia; V SeminΓ‘rio Estudantil de Pesquisa da UFRB; V SeminΓ‘rio da PΓ³s-Graduação da UFRB; II SeminΓ‘rio Regional de Pesquisa da EBDA; 5Βͺ Jornada CientΓ­fica da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura; VIII SeminΓ‘rio Estudantil de Pesquisa e ExtensΓ£o da FAMAM; Semana de CiΓͺncia, Tecnologia e Inovação no AgronegΓ³cio; FΓ³rum de Gestores de Iniciação CientΓ­fica e TecnolΓ³gica da Bahia; II SimpΓ³sio Baiano de Defesa AgropecuΓ‘ria; I Semana de Educação Tutorial da UFRB

    Silver nanoparticles impair retinoic acid-inducible gene I mediated mitochondrial anti-viral immunity by blocking the autophagic flux in lung epithelial cells

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    Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are microbicidal agents which could be potentially used as alternative to antivirals to treat human infectious diseases, especially Influenza virus infection where antivirals have generally proven unsuccessful. However, concerns about the use of AgNPs on humans arise from their potential toxicity, although mechanisms are not well-understood. We show here, in the context of Influenza virus infection of lung epithelial cells, that AgNPs down-regulated Influenza induced-CCL-5 and -IFN-Ξ² release (two cytokines important in anti-viral immunity) through RIG-I inhibition, while enhancing IL-8 production, a cytokine important for mobilizing host antibacterial responses. AgNPs activity was independent of coating and was not observed with gold nanoparticles. Down-stream analysis indicated that AgNPs disorganized the mitochondrial network and prevented the anti-viral IRF-7 transcription factor influx into the nucleus. Importantly, we showed that the modulation of RIG-I-IRF-7 pathway was concomitant with inhibition of either classical or alternative autophagy (ATG-5- and Rab-9 dependent, respectively), depending on the epithelial cell type used. Altogether, this demonstration of a AgNPs-mediated functional dichotomy (down-regulation of IFN-dependent anti-viral responses and up-regulation of IL-8 -dependent antibacterial responses) may have practical implications for their use in the clinic

    Trappin-2/Elafin Modulate Innate Immune Responses of Human Endometrial Epithelial Cells to PolyI∢C

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    BACKGROUND: Upon viral recognition, innate and adaptive antiviral immune responses are initiated by genital epithelial cells (ECs) to eradicate or contain viral infection. Such responses, however, are often accompanied by inflammation that contributes to acquisition and progression of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Hence, interventions/factors enhancing antiviral protection while reducing inflammation may prove beneficial in controlling the spread of STIs. Serine antiprotease trappin-2 (Tr) and its cleaved form, elafin (E), are alarm antimicrobials secreted by multiple cells, including genital epithelia. METHODOLOGY AND PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We investigated whether and how each Tr and E (Tr/E) contribute to antiviral defenses against a synthetic mimic of viral dsRNA, polyinosine-polycytidylic acid (polyI:C) and vesicular stomatitis virus. We show that delivery of a replication-deficient adenovector expressing Tr gene (Ad/Tr) to human endometrial epithelial cells, HEC-1A, resulted in secretion of functional Tr, whereas both Tr/E were detected in response to polyI:C. Moreover, Tr/E were found to significantly reduce viral replication by either acting directly on virus or through enhancing polyI:C-driven antiviral protection. The latter was associated with reduced levels of pro-inflammatory factors IL-8, IL-6, TNFΞ±, lowered expression of RIG-I, MDA5 and attenuated NF-ΞΊB activation. Interestingly, enhanced polyI:C-driven antiviral protection of HEC-Ad/Tr cells was partially mediated through IRF3 activation, but not associated with higher induction of IFNΞ², suggesting multiple antiviral mechanisms of Tr/E and the involvement of alternative factors or pathways. CONCLUSIONS AND SIGNIFICANCE: This is the first evidence of both Tr/E altering viral binding/entry, innate recognition and mounting of antiviral and inflammatory responses in genital ECs that could have significant implications for homeostasis of the female genital tract

    Plasma levels of alpha1-antichymotrypsin and secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor in healthy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) subjects with and without severe Ξ±1-antitrypsin deficiency

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    BACKGROUND: Individuals with severe Z Ξ±1-antitrypsin (AAT) deficiency have a considerably increased risk of developing chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD). It has been hypothesized that compensatory increases in levels of other protease inhibitors mitigate the effects of this AAT deficiency. We analysed plasma levels of AAT, Ξ±1-antichymotrypsin (ACT) and secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI) in healthy (asymptomatic) and COPD subjects with and without AAT deficiency. METHODS: Studied groups included: 71 asymptomatic AAT-deficient subjects (ZZ, n = 48 and SZ, n = 23, age 31 Β± 0.5) identified during Swedish neonatal screening for AAT deficiency between 1972 and 1974; age-matched controls (MM, n = 57, age 30.7 Β± 0.6); older asymptomatic ZZ (n = 10); healthy MM (n = 20, age 53 Β± 9.6); and COPD patients (ZZ, n = 10, age 47.4 Β± 11 and MM, n = 10, age 59.4 Β± 6.7). Plasma levels of SLPI, AAT and ACT were analysed using ELISA and immunoelectrophoresis. RESULTS: No significant difference was found in plasma ACT and SLPI levels between the healthy MM and the ZZ or SZ subjects in the studied groups. Independent of the genetic variant, subjects with COPD (n = 19) had elevated plasma levels of SLPI and ACT relative to controls (n = 153) (49.5 Β± 7.2 vs 40.7 Β± 9.1 ng/ml, p < 0.001 and 0.52 Β± 0.19 vs 0.40 Β± 0.1 mg/ml, p < 0.05, respectively). CONCLUSION: Our findings show that plasma levels of ACT and SLPI are not elevated in subjects with genetic AAT deficiency compared MM controls and do not appear to compensate for the deficiency of plasma AAT
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