5 research outputs found

    Growing wheat to maturity in reduced gas pressures

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    The main objective of this project was to determine assimilation of CO2 and efficiency of water use in wheat grown to maturity in a low pressure total gas pressure environment. A functional test of the low pressure plant growth chamber system was accomplished in February and March of 1993 wherein this objective was partially achieved. Plants were grown to maturity in the chambers. Data were actively collected during the first 29 days. The plants were allowed to maintain themselves at the CO2 compensation point until day 45 of the study at which point active atmospheric regulation was resumed. This provided data at the vegetative and reproductive stages of the life cycle of the plants. However, this information may not be representative of the performance of the plants due to the loss of low pressure on a number of days during the study, which affected the plants by changing the pressure potential of the tissues. The performance of the system will be discussed on a component by component basis. The maintenance of the plants at the CO2 compensation point was driven by the failure of the computer program operating the system. The software problems that arose during the functional test have since been corrected. Results from the functional test also indicated that the plants were not receiving adequate light and nutrients. The growth chambers have been relocated and the growth room modified to compensate for these deficiencies

    Mapping Oil and Gas Development Potential in the US Intermountain West and Estimating Impacts to Species

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    Many studies have quantified the indirect effect of hydrocarbon-based economies on climate change and biodiversity, concluding that a significant proportion of species will be threatened with extinction. However, few studies have measured the direct effect of new energy production infrastructure on species persistence. in the western US and translate the build-out scenarios into estimated impacts on sage-grouse. We project that future oil and gas development will cause a 7–19 percent decline from 2007 sage-grouse lek population counts and impact 3.7 million ha of sagebrush shrublands and 1.1 million ha of grasslands in the study area.Maps of where oil and gas development is anticipated in the US Intermountain West can be used by decision-makers intent on minimizing impacts to sage-grouse. This analysis also provides a general framework for using predictive models and build-out scenarios to anticipate impacts to species. These predictive models and build-out scenarios allow tradeoffs to be considered between species conservation and energy development prior to implementation