66 research outputs found

    Role of Relative Humidity in Processing and Storage of Seeds and Assessment of Variability in Storage Behaviour in Brassica

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    The role of relative humidity (RH) while processing and storing seeds of Brassica spp. and Eruca sativa was investigated by creating different levels of relative humidity, namely, 75%, 50%, 32%, and 11% using different saturated salt solutions and 1% RH using concentrated sulphuric acid. The variability in seed storage behaviour of different species of Brassica was also evaluated. The samples were stored at 40±2°C in sealed containers and various physiological parameters were assessed at different intervals up to three months. The seed viability and seedling vigour parameters were considerably reduced in all accessions at high relative humidity irrespective of the species. Storage at intermediate relative humidities caused minimal decline in viability. All the accessions performed better at relative humidity level of 32% maintaining seed moisture content of 3%. On analyzing the variability in storage behaviour, B. rapa and B. juncea were better performers than B. napus and Eruca sativa

    Tuberculosis prevalence survey in Kashmir valley

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    A tuberculosis prevalence survey was conducted in about 18,000 persons in Kashmir valley situated about 1650 m above the mean sea level. All persons were tested with 3 IU of PPD-S and 10 units of PPD-B. Persons aged 5 yr and above were X-rayed (70 mm X-ray), and from such persons whose photofluorograms were interpreted as abnormal two specimens of sputum were collected and bacteriologically examined. In addition, a large X-ray of the chest was taken for children aged 0-4 yr who had reactions of 10 mm or more to PPD-S. They were then clinically examined by a paediatrician, taking into account all available data, for evaluation for any evidence of tuberculosis. The results of the survey showed that the prevalence of non-specific sensitivity (59%) in the Kashmir valley is significant. The prevalence of tuberculous infection was 38 per cent. The prevalence of culture positive tuberculous patients (3 per 1000) and that of abacillary X-ray positive patients (14 per 1000) were found to be similar in the two sexes contrary to the usual experience of a higher prevalence among males. Results from studies of phage typing, susceptibility to thiophen-2-carbonic acid hydrazide (TCH) and virulence in the guineapig of strains obtained from patients diagnosed in the survey showed that most of these strains belonged to phage type A, were resistant to TCH and were not of low virulence. Regional variations in the prevalence rates were seen, the- problem of tuberculosis appeared to he more in the Baramulla district as compared to Srinagar and Anantnag districts. A comparison of results obtained from the present survey with those obtained from the BCG trial in Chingleput (Tamil Nadu) revealed that the tuberculosis situation in the two areas was quite different

    A Meta-analysis of Gene Expression Signatures of Blood Pressure and Hypertension

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have uncovered numerous genetic variants (SNPs) that are associated with blood pressure (BP). Genetic variants may lead to BP changes by acting on intermediate molecular phenotypes such as coded protein sequence or gene expression, which in turn affect BP variability. Therefore, characterizing genes whose expression is associated with BP may reveal cellular processes involved in BP regulation and uncover how transcripts mediate genetic and environmental effects on BP variability. A meta-analysis of results from six studies of global gene expression profiles of BP and hypertension in whole blood was performed in 7017 individuals who were not receiving antihypertensive drug treatment. We identified 34 genes that were differentially expressed in relation to BP (Bonferroni-corrected p<0.05). Among these genes, FOS and PTGS2 have been previously reported to be involved in BP-related processes; the others are novel. The top BP signature genes in aggregate explain 5%–9% of inter-individual variance in BP. Of note, rs3184504 in SH2B3, which was also reported in GWAS to be associated with BP, was found to be a trans regulator of the expression of 6 of the transcripts we found to be associated with BP (FOS, MYADM, PP1R15A, TAGAP, S100A10, and FGBP2). Gene set enrichment analysis suggested that the BP-related global gene expression changes include genes involved in inflammatory response and apoptosis pathways. Our study provides new insights into molecular mechanisms underlying BP regulation, and suggests novel transcriptomic markers for the treatment and prevention of hypertension

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    Not AvailableSeeds of wild and cultivated species of Luffa were studied to determine the variability in morphological (seed size, colour, seed-coat surface and 100-seed weight) and biochemical (oil and protein) characteristics. A total of 80 accessions of three cultivated species (71 accessions) and three wild species (9 accessions) of Luffa under the present investigation from diverse regions (12 states of five regions) of India showed variations in seed size, colour, seed-coat surface, 100-seed weight, and seed protein and oil contents both within the accessions of the same species and between different species. Significant variability in seed morphological traits was observed. Both seed oil and soluble seed protein contents were highest in some accessions of the cultivated species (25–27% oil and 8–10% protein, respectively, on a fresh seed weight basis). Using the 2D scatter plot diagram derived from the principal components analysis, the morphological and biochemical traits of the 80 Luffa accessions classified the wild species into one cluster (cluster I) and the cultivated species into a second major cluster (cluster II). The present investigation on the correlation between seed morphology and biochemical traits in the cultivated and wild species of Luffa can help in identifying the genotypes of Luffa species with valuable traits for further exploring the potential of this valuable crop as a source of edible oil, food and fodder in edible seed types or as a source of industrial oil/biodiesel in non-edible seed types. The protein-rich seed could be further explored to be utilized in the fortification of food products for value addition.Not Availabl
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